

  • I'm in the same boat as you my dear. I work 11pm - 7am, 5 days straight every 3 weeks. I also struggle eating properly during these shifts. I find I wake up around noon or 1 pm, eat a lunch type meal, then eat dinner with my husband at 6:30pm and then nothing but junk during the night shift. I've been taking on a lot more…
  • I really don't enjoy working out, but Zumba is so much fun that I keep going back. It doesn't seem like a "workout" to me as I am constantly smiling and laughing (mostly at myself cause I can't dance) and it's overall a great time. At the end of the class the sweat just pours off of me, so it must be doing something right!…
    in Zumba? Comment by BrittWake March 2012
  • Good luck, and good attitude! It's not just the dieting part it's the whole life changing part! =D