

  • I hovered around the 200s all Summer after losing 130lbs since last September. I recently recommitted to being more strict with myself and keeping myself accountable and am vowing to never be above 200lbs ever again. There's just no excuse for me to ever be that weight ever again!
  • I just transitioned from Medifast to Weight Watchers and I have continued to lose. I will say that I workout quite a bit (1-2 hours per day 5 days per week) BUT it can be done without dedicating that much time to the gym. If you stick to the Weight Watchers rules and regulations (and don't go crazy because you can FINALLY…
  • I can't say exactly why but I do find taller men attractive. BUT that's just taller than me, I'm 5'4 so if a guy was 5'10 I wouldn't be able to tell the 2inch difference from 6ft and wouldn't care. If a guy is under 5'4 then such is life, but no I probably wouldn't be as attracted to him initially.
  • They make reduced sugar ketchup and if you just can't give it up it's a really good alternative. I'm on a low carb plan currently and it is really a godsend lol.