

  • Agree! The group is keeping me going. Great job everyone! #motivated! #wegotthis! I plan on rotating levels once i complete the shred in origknal form for extra strength training. I think ill miss it sometimss
  • Loving all these posts on moving to level 2! I have two more level 1 days ahead of me and am getting nervous/excited for level 2! Someone mentioned I should peek ahead to mentally prepare myself but I think I will like the surprise, especially since I'm getting a bit bored with level 1. Keep up the good work :)
  • I seriously love how much motivation is in this post! Some days I consider it a win if I put the DVD in the player or even drive to the gym, I know that once I get there or start hearing Jillian's voice my tired mind will fall in line with the rest of me. Great job! Thanks for the extra push :)