completeplan Member


  • As long as the fat is not highly processed its on the healthy side. Margarine and other processed fats are not food. I use coconut oil, olive oil, butter from Finland or any grass fed organic butter, nut oils, hemp oil, safflower oil is great for high heat with high smoking point. Animal fats are not bad for you. Fatty…
  • Just start again. Nothing is lost. To master anything you need practice. Keep at it until you can do it without thinking, and it becomes a permanent lifestyle change. You'll get there, sooner or later, just keep at it!
  • Just a thought...I think it is very important to Focus on Positive things and not negative. I would include a photo that would be close to the goal weight and pleasing to see. The kind of photo that makes you smile and hope you would still be younger and looked like that. That's what you work towards to. I wouldn't even…
  • I have a rule for myself 'no food after 6pm. I simply can not sleep if there is anything in my stomach at 9-0.30 pm when I go to bed. I have had pretty bad GERD, and the pain when eating too late :frown: is pretty good motivator when it comes to sticking to the rule.
  • Interesting topic. At the end everyone has their own 'rules' how they live their lives. Obviously there is some room for 'fixing or changing' the rules if you end up overweight or when any other aspect of life is not satisfying. Funny thing to me is that some people insist having the only 'right ' rules and end up forcing…
  • You could go and buy pedometer. You should work towards walking 10 000 steps / day. It motivated me when I saw the steps add up, and at first I was just horrified how little I was walking. I managed to first stay on my feet and now I actually go for a walk to get more points for myself in the pedometer. I have the kind…
  • Too much of anything is bad for your health, but generally we don't get enough of vitamins from food. Take the vitamins in a right form and there is no harm done- whole food - and the body will take what it needs.. Wholefood supplements are something I think everyone should be taking.:drinker: Go explore Mercola's…
  • I am not sure if this is the same as what I am eating every day. Finnish Wasa näkkileipä is sourdough rye bread I ate at school every day. That's what you would be eating in army too. No hamburgers or pizza in Finnish schools.:laugh: Wasa is a small city on West coast in Finland, but the production is probably somewhere…