Blah! I'm in a slump :(

Not a plateau, but definitely a slump. Yes, my work switched to 4, 10 hour days which may be part of it, but this last week, I've just been exhausted and unmotivated! Not sure what's going on. Hopefully I can turn this around soon because I've been so excited about the progress I've made and don't want to undo it. I have lists of goals and motivations, but right now they just seem overwhelming, not encouraging. I started off so determined and fierce and now it's just fizzling away. Anyone else go through this? How do you cope?


  • kscarlett24
    kscarlett24 Posts: 54 Member
    I definitely can identify. I was doing good, started a running program, lost a few pounds, and then I went on vacation for 4 days. That killed it for me. When I got back I just couldn't get back into the swing of things. I have all these motivators too, but just couldn't get myself to keep with anything. Last night i just decided I had to get back into it. So I got up this morning, and did my 35 minutes of exercise, even in this heat, and had my healthy breakfast. I am hoping to stay motivated, but my head is pounding and I really want a bagel! I just try to look forward, and not dwell on the last few weeks. Its a new day, new week and you can't change the past so you might as well look to the future.
  • vjjoseph
    vjjoseph Posts: 13 Member
    I am sure we all go through this at one time or another. When I start to get into a slump, I start seeing myself at my goal weight and dress size. I think about all the cute clothes and shoes I will be able t wear. Just take one day at a time. Don't focus on the total weight and inches you want to lose Remember the promises you made to yourself. We can do this. You are not in this alone. So come on snap out of it. Get back on board. We are all going to do this. Think about the day you wake up and see your new self and how awesome that will be. You are only improving on your current beauty. Hope this helps.
  • hungreeteacher17
    hungreeteacher17 Posts: 135 Member
    I feel the same way. I am starting to backslide ie - I don't really feel like excercising or planning healthy meals. I just feel like winging it & I am giving in to too many "treats" again! Help!!
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    Lady, I had a ROUGH week last week, I'll tell you that. I was feeling really down on myself about not seeing ANY progress for me while everyone else seems to be doing so great. (So thrilled for everyone else though, that's not what I mean!) I was real close to just saying the heck with it, why bother for nothing. But I kept with it. I took it one day at a time. I didn't want to, but I made myself. I just kept thinking about getting through this ONE day while sticking to my calorie goals and fitting in just ONE small workout whenever I could.

    It didn't help that since I like to do my belly dance workouts in the bedroom so I can check my form in the full length mirror, that while the instructor is a beautiful, sensuous, curvy woman - what I try to picture myself being - my belly is too thick to see the muscle movement and my butt looks like two giant tomatoes. :embarassed: But I powered through it, just thinking about where I want to be and trying NOT to think about where I still am. Because even though I'm not where I want to be, where I AM isn't where I WAS. :smile:

    I'm now starting to come out of my slump - I'm feeling good about the future again.

    I probably didn't answer your question very well ... I guess I'm just saying that since I started thinking about it as a commitment to myself and not so much about being hinged on motivation - somehow that helps me. One day at a time. All I need to do is do it today, and worry about tomorrow, tomorrow.

  • blankcanvas
    blankcanvas Posts: 177
    Don't get discouraged! I've been doing this since Jan and am down only 24 lbs so you're doing great! I have found that I seem to lose for one or two weeks then settle for two or three weeks before I lose again it's so frustrating! But I've learned to have a new outlook, I'm still losing and not gaining. Plus I hope that by losing so slow it's not a shock to my system and my body will be used to the loss so maintaining may be easier. Kinda like the tortoise and the hare race:) hang in there, you're doing fine!
  • completeplan
    completeplan Posts: 8 Member
    Just start again. Nothing is lost. To master anything you need practice. Keep at it until you can do it without thinking, and it becomes a permanent lifestyle change. You'll get there, sooner or later, just keep at it!
  • knightwriter2
    Unfortunately, I believe that is part of the journey. I think most of us go through this, and as for me, I've gone through it quite a few times. I look to my support group to help me get motivated again. I get on here and start reading other people's stories/struggles and how they've overcome and it truly helps. I get a pick me up instantly. You've done the right thing by posting an S.O.S. Now USE this site and your family and friends to get back on track. Tell them you need a little help right now to get yourself back on track. You can do this! We are all on the same journey and we are here for you. Read through some posts and vow to get back on track again. Let's get it on, baby!
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    I'm in the same boat. May 13 I started a hard-core cardio/yoga routine (DVDs) which had me working out for an hour and a half a day. I did that for a full month straight and saw great progress with my sides slimming down and almost going down a cup size...


    A man at my church stopped me and told me I had a "noticable amount of weight gain" and that it was probably my new marriage "taking its toll" on me. Can you believe that???? I wanted to smack that old man. Here I was feeling great about myself and he seriously ruined it.

    That was June 13 (exactly a month into it) and I lost motivation and havent worked out since :( I do not know why it affected me that bad but it did.

    I came here looking for people in the same struggle as me because I think it helps to share stories with each other and motivate each other.

    Here's what we are going to do. We are starting TODAY. No more excuses. No matter what has happened and who knocked us down or what work has changed...we will fight through it and be better people for it.

    Do not "accept failure when success is an option"! -Jillian Michaels
  • vjjoseph
    vjjoseph Posts: 13 Member
    By the way, I will be going on vacation next week to New Orleans. Yes, of all the places. My hubby is from Louisiana and we lived there four years 1982-1986. There is where I gained all the weight. When we moved to Louisiana, I had just hit my target weight. I am going to enjoy my food, but I am going to be aware of what I am eating. I am going to try to log in my food every day and not go over my goal, to much. :o) I am learning how not to use vacation and holidays as an excuse to eat. I know I am going to relax a little more, but maybe if I can enter my food on the diary, it will keep me grounded al ittle better. Now that I have said all that, I just need to convince myself. LOL.....
  • velvetechos
    velvetechos Posts: 234
    Sometimes when the motivation is gone, we just have to give ourselves no option but to succeed. If you're worried about hitting drive-thrus don't take money or a debit card to work with you - you don't need it, fuel up your car and do your grocery shopping then put the card at home. If you can't get in the mood to go for a walk schedule a meeting time with someone to go for a walk with you - then you have to keep that appointment. Sometimes we have to force ourselves - until it becomes second nature :)
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    Oh my! I am totally where you are now! And it really is pants!

    I decided that today I was going to "start again" but then there was cake at work - so I ate it!! Day 1 = FAIL!

    Then this afternoon I've had some really good news about a really worrying health-scare that I've been waiting for results of and I really want to celebrate with a white wine spritzer or 2 in the garden....but that will be FAIL number 2 just in day 1!! :(

    I am going to add you as a friend and we can battle the slump together!