Wasa Cracker Ideas?

I recently tried Wasa crackers, which was Oprah's HG of snacks a few years ago when she dropped all that weight. Honestly, they aren't that great on their own, but are a nice "crunchy" alternative to chips for very few cals and lots of fiber.

I've made PBJ with them, spread Laughing Cow wedges on them, top them with tuna and a little mayo w/olive oil or grilled chicken and lite mayo.

I need more ideas!!!! Please help!



  • AmyLou9903
    I recently tried Wasa crackers, which was Oprah's HG of snacks a few years ago when she dropped all that weight. Honestly, they aren't that great on their own, but are a nice "crunchy" alternative to chips for very few cals and lots of fiber.

    I've made PBJ with them, spread Laughing Cow wedges on them, top them with tuna and a little mayo w/olive oil or grilled chicken and lite mayo.

    I need more ideas!!!! Please help!

  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Yeah, they're pretty dry without anything on them.

    Do you like hummus?? :smokin:
  • mischabvk
    That's too funny - I just got back from the store with my wasa and was on their site looking up recipes (www.wasa-usa.com). Some great ideas are on there.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    low fat smoked salmon spread
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    I've wanted to try these, where did you find them in the store? I asked someone that worked at walmart and they looked at me like I was speaking greek!
  • completeplan
    completeplan Posts: 8 Member
    I am not sure if this is the same as what I am eating every day. Finnish Wasa näkkileipä is sourdough rye bread I ate at school every day. That's what you would be eating in army too. No hamburgers or pizza in Finnish schools.:laugh: Wasa is a small city on West coast in Finland, but the production is probably somewhere else by now. I eat my rye with 1 tablespoon of cream cheese, slice of ham, and couple slices of cucumber.
  • Paeonia
    Paeonia Posts: 161
    I like to spread Laughing Cow light cheese, Turkey, and a little Avocado. It's such a yummy snack :smooched:
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
  • Dedicated
    Dedicated Posts: 104 Member
    I've wanted to try these, where did you find them in the store? I asked someone that worked at walmart and they looked at me like I was speaking greek!

    I get them at Walmart and find them either in the chip/beef jerky isle or the cracker isle.
  • Kelly11
    Kelly11 Posts: 75 Member
    I like to put a little corned beef on them with sauerkraut and low fat swiss. Then I throw them in the microwave for a few seconds, and Voila! Tiny Rueben :)
  • worldlywanderlust16
    In Bob Greene's Best Life cookbook he uses them in a tuna salad. It is actually a really interesting recipe. I haven't made it yet but going to attempt it this weekend.

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  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    I like them with hummus or with tuna. I also like crunching them up in tomato soup!
  • cattiemac
    cattiemac Posts: 251 Member
    I like them with hummus or almond butter ... very filling snack!!
  • WantToBeMoreActive
    I put on herbed cream cheese and tomatoes.

    Sometimes I'll use plain cream cheese, basil leaves from my windowsill plant & tomatoes.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I eat my rye with 1 tablespoon of cream cheese, slice of ham, and couple slices of cucumber.

    Sounds delish! :love:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I've wanted to try these, where did you find them in the store? I asked someone that worked at walmart and they looked at me like I was speaking greek!

    I get them at Walmart and find them either in the chip/beef jerky isle or the cracker isle.

    Thanks, I'd never have found them either!!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    From their website, top with...

    ... cottage cheese and strawberries
    ... scrambled eggs and peppers
    ... salsa
    ... turkey and avacado
    ... brie cheese, walnuts, brown sugar
    ... feta, cherry tomatos, onion

    That was just a couple that I thought sounded good. They have many more, fanciful little recipes.
  • breakingthepath
    Try putting a bit of honey on them. It doesn't really fix the dryness but it's really super good.
  • chellebelle315
    i love my wasa crackers!!! I buy the multigrain ones, and I use them to sub for bread a lot. I top them with tuna or chicken salad...a thin slice of cheddar cheese and apples....I crumble them up and put them in my salads....like croutons only I don't feel bad about them. They are great with peanut butter and bananas.

    I have even used them in place of corn chips when I'm craving nachos....they are super crunchy so they can stand a little time in the microwave or toaster oven.

    I might love my wasa crackers *almost* as much as Tam loves Hummus.

    (They're also really good with Hummus)

    :laugh: :tongue:

    as for finding them in the grocery store I usually find them on the cracker aisle, look where stuff like Water crackers and imported shortbread are....They seem to always be on the bottom shelf. I love the Light and Crisp ones too...they have 20 calories but they're light and crispy-- can get me past chip cravings, and are even decent with salsa instead of corn chips
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    have you tried them for exfoliating your skin? LOL, they are too cardboard like for me!