kmessinger14 Member


  • November goals: - Workout 3 days a week in first two weeks, 4 days a week last two weeks. - Continue to make healthier eating choices - LOG food daily (I've been eating healthier but still not logging and probably still going over my daily goal) - Weigh 127 by end of the month (even AFTER thanksgiving) - Make more…
  • Last October weigh in: 129.2 My halloween goal was 129 so I am extremely happy! Only ~4 more pounds to go to get to my Jan 1 weight of 125!
  • Didn't see one for this week so I'm just going to post here! Current Weight: 131.2 Starting Weight: 134 Jan 1 Goal Weight: 125 Ultimate Goal Weight: 120
  • I think I forgot to check in last week but this week I am at 132.... 7 more lbs to go!
  • CW: 133.0 Pretty good considering no workouts last week or actual logging in MFP! Trying to get back on track this week though!
  • 134.0 this morning. Same as starting weight last week. However I joined the challenge mid week and my Monday weight was higher so hopefully I will see results next Monday! It's always hard because I work out during the week so my best results are usually Thursday or friday
  • I'm in a Halloween challenge to get to a certain goal by Oct 31st but my next goal was aiming for new years so I guess I will post that here! CW: 134 GW: 125 Halloween Goal Weight is 129 (or at least to be under 130) Ultimate Goal Weight is under 120 ( I guess I will have that aimed for around St. Patrick's Day since that…
  • Obviously this is probably not a problem guys have but for us girls.... STOP GOING ON PINTEREST AT NIGHT. Seeing all of those yummy recipes, healthy or not, makes me SO hungry! Same with watching TV shows like Diners, Dives, and Drive-ins, Food Network, etc.... Those are my weaknesses.
  • For starters, this topic is in "Motivation and Support." For all of those unable to finish the marathon or were injured in the explosion, we are running with our thoughts and prayers to support them. It may not be dollars going towards those in need of financial support, and we may not physically be there to help, but by…
  • I love this idea! I have been struggling with motivation as well as trying to incorporate running into more of my cardio. This tragic event has touched me and my loved ones affected by it... So this "run for Boston" is a great way to show that they are in our thoughts and prayers! ...Since I've been so low on motivation…
  • I've only lost between 8-10 pounds and people at work or that I visit at my old work have both noticed! I wore shorts the other day to work and had multiple comments about how toned my legs are.... DEFINITELY helps with motivation since I have been slowing down on the calorie counting and motivation to do long workouts...
  • I agree with you that getting a salad at Arby's is in no way going to help your fast food craving. But you can definitely get something greasy without going over your daily limit in one meal. Instead of getting this entire 1700 calorie meal, why don't you just get the sandwich (or whatever main entree you get) and skip the…
  • I JUST realized that MFP changes your "daily goals" of protein, carbs, and fat when you add exercise to your daily log. I knew it changed my calorie goal but I didn't realize it changed all of the other numbers! Without exercise its set to 177 but when I do a lot of exercise it goes up into the mid 200s. I guess I will…
  • It says my goal is 219 carbs/day and right now I'm doing 1290 cal/day .... does this seem right or are those rather high for daily carbs?
  • Thanks! I looked at the past week or two of my food journal and I definitely need to work on getting more carbs in my diet. However its good news to hear about the benefit of cheat days with the "keeping your body guessing" on the cal. count especially since I know I will be "cheating" this weekend with lots of work for…