

  • I'm restarting Insanity this week. I have completed it up to month 1 about 2 yrs ago, but due to my work schedule, I couldn't keep up with it. I'm through with excuses so I'm gonna make it through the whole 2 months this time!!!! I didn't lose much in the first month I did it, but I went from doing 1 minute planks to 3…
  • Hey, I need accountability too, especially on the weekends. Help!!!
  • GG, I completely understand. I am a military woman is way out of shape. I still manage to pass my physical fitness test, but every time I look in the mirror, I long for the days when I didn't have to worry about what I ate and how often I exercised. Add me as a friend/motivator! Maribeth
  • LIke everyone else said. Eat sensibly and start again tomorrow. I usually go for a vigorous workout to burn some of that off. That's pretty much the only way I can manage to stay under my calorie count, hahahahaha! If not, I will have overeaten about 400-600cal every day. Drink a lot of water, as well. That should help…