oaker Member


  • Check out your local high school. If they have a football program, they should have a decent gym. You pay taxes, so they may let you use the faciltiy for free. I have been using "our" weight room for the past couple yrs. I get a key and can access it just about any time I want. Just an idea to save some money
  • "What that means is that the weight you're using should be so heavy that you can't manage a 6th without "cheating" and compromising form." If this is the definition of heavy lifting, then there is going to be problems. When you lift to the point where form is going to break down because you are pushing yourself to get the…
  • What ubermensch13 said. Doesn't get much more effecient than this.
  • First off, did you read the manual/book? If not, find it and read thru it carefully. There is a lot of good info in there. Have you ever lifted before? If not, then you should start with just the barbell for most of the lifts. Its very important that you get your form correct for the squat and deadlift. Once you start…
  • I think lifting something is better than doing nothing and can be a good starting point until you get access to a gym. I would start with pullups, pushups, lunges, practice squats, split squats, planks, side lying tricep raise. Try to do as many as you can 3 days a week and keep track of your progress. You can always add…
  • Just found this thread and would like to add something. DO NOT lift heavy to start with. You need to get your form correct for any of the lifts you are going to perform. That means starting light and very slowly adding weight to where your form breaks down. This may take several months to a yr or even longer. Better to…
  • My daughter had the surgery done on her right leg after a couple yrs of painful basketball. Had the surgery in Jan and couldn't play any bball unitl may. I realize that people are different, but 3-4 wks sounds like a best case senario. In some cases, it does not ever get better. My daughters leg seems a lot better, but she…
  • I will throw in on this. Since you get fatigued I would guess you are a beginner. I am sure there are many programs out there but I would recommend Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. Both are full body workouts but begin with very light weights. Its almost impossible to get fatigued when you first begin. Make sure you…
  • Same here. I have been lifting for more than a yr now. This is the most I have weighed still fitting into 32 jeans. I usually had to weigh 170 or less to fit but now I am a bit over 180 and they fit no problem. The wonders of lifting heavy. Who knew.
  • I think lifting heavy weights is the way to go. But start out light. You have plenty of time to get to your 6-8 max reps for each lift. Since you are new to lifting, get your form down for all lifts. By starting light, you can work on form and that will pay divedends when the weight gets heavy. Keep things simple and light…
  • Do a search on this forum and you will find a ton of people pointing you in the right direction. You can also download for free, Stronglifts 5x5. Read thru it and ask questions if you still have any. Otherwise, there is New Rules of Lifting and Starting Strength. Again, lots of info on this topic on this site and others.…
  • My suggestion is to lift heavy with lower reps. Maybe something on the order of 3-5 sets of 5 reps. Start with light weight and then keep adding each workout. Check out this site or the web for a beginners program. Most of these will include full body combination lifts like squats, deadlifts, press ,bench etc. Don't worry…
  • When it comes to lifting weights, gender doesn't matter. As long as you learn the correct form and start light, you should be ok. Do a bunch of research on the web and on this forum. There's a lot of smart people to help guide you to a beginner program. I like stronglifts 5x5 or starting strength by Mark Rippetoe. I…
  • It depends on what you mean by bulk. If you lift heavy (that being relative to your strength) and eat a calorie deficit, you should add strength and reduce body fat. This should reduce the fat on your arms and your whole body. Since its sounds like you have never strength trained with weights, you should have some gains…
  • When you begin stronglifts or whatever, you could stay in the calorie deficit. The program starts very light and you probably wouldn't add much if any at that stage. Cut back on the cardio and move to a calorie surplus when the wts become more challenging. I have been doing 5x5 since April and did not watch my diet at all…
  • I was sore almost every time after doing legs and back even after my 4th round. It all depends on how hard you bring it. It's been some time since those days, but if you squat low and work hard the DOMS will come on a day later.
  • A lot of good info on this topic. My only suggestion is to start light and get your form and movements correct. If you do squat, get to at least parallel or below. Have someone watch you if possible that has experience. They may be able to see things that you can't or aren't aware of. Once you get the lifts perfected, then…
  • I make up my own spreadsheet and write down what I do including how I feel and how things went. It's nice to look back and see why I might have missed a few reps or added something.
  • This routine should be a nice start for strength training. Make sure your form is correct for your squat. You will need to start adding weight rather than set/reps, if you want to become stronger and add muscle. If not, and you just add sets, you will be working more towards muscle endurance. Either way, it's better than…
  • At 1500 cal per day, you should have no problem losing weight. Just add in 20 minutes of HIT cardio and the fat will come off. Even if you did strength training, you would not bulk up at 1500 cal per day. There just isn't enough calories in your diet to do it.
  • Losing the bodyfat is mostly about diet. Clean up your diet and the fat will come off. Also try strength training 3 days per week. Do a seach on here and you will find a lot of info. You can also try Starting Strength, New Rules for lifting or Stronglifts. Just my opinion. I went thru the whole p90x/Insanity route and have…
  • I agree with the deadlift as long as there is not something wrong physically. Start out very light and make sure your form is correct. You could do more damage if you do things wrong. This exercise, along with squats will do wonders to strengthen your core. Again, performing these lifts correctly is the key to success if…
  • I pretty much do the same thing as Jesung. My workout goes as workout 1: Squat, Overhead Press, Deadlift, Pullups workout 2: Squat, Bench, Barbell Row, Dips I do 1 then 2 then 1 then 2 etc, 3 times per week. I do 5 sets of 5 reps (5x5). I started with an empty bar for most lifts and just added 5 lbs to each lift for the…
  • I am also not a trainer, but to shy away from free weights because you are not strong enough to handle them is questionable at best. I think you should start out with light wts to begin with and get your form correct. This in itself will build a strong core. As you slowly move up in weight, your body will become even…
  • And those last couple inches are the key. When I started 5x5 in April, I thought this is too easy. By the time I figured out that I wasn't squatting right, it was August. I started over, making sure I got to parallel or lower. I wasn't flexible enough and injured my hip flexors. Nothing big, but it put me back a couple…
  • I think you would be better of using compound movements 3 times per week rather than focus on certain bodyparts. Just my opinion, but check out Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting. These are simpler programs that focus on the entire body each workout.
  • I think you should practice your form without wts. How in the world do you squat? I had a much harder time with the squat than the deadlift. It requires a lot more flexibility than the deadlift. Have you watched any vids for the deadlift? Mark Rippetoe has some good vids along with others. I think you need to start over…
  • Check out stronglifts 5x5 for some free info. It's about the same as starting strength. I think it has a lot of good info on where to start for a beginner. I pretty much agree with chicklidell, and who can argue with those results. You will need a decent gym with olympic wts, bench and squat rack. Before you start, read as…
  • Check out New Rules for lifting, Starting Strength or Stronglifts 5x5. There is a lot of good info about why to lift heavy. I think you can download the stronglifts 5x5 for free on the net. Just read thru it and I believe it will answer a lot of questions you may have.