

  • thanks for all the replies. it started on the top of my right foot after about 2miles. Yes, I stupidly kept going. Then it moved into my right inside ankle and both knees. Under knee caps and inside of knees. Doctor did xrays for stress fractures but nothing showed. I have read that xrays will not show stress…
  • P.S. if you would rather keep it private my email is Misschickiechick@gmail.com
  • Although I do not live in Ontario, I am coming up on my one year anniversary of a breast reduction. I also was a 36h+. They were so HUGE! Now I am a C-D. I highly highly recommend it! Mine are beautiful to me and I no longer feel like a freak. The added benefit is they are so super perky! :) Any questions, no matter how…
  • Feel free to add me ladies, I need more pals here! Best to you both!
  • Me too! Need more friends that interact and post :)
  • Hi! I am looking to lose 25 total. Not for summer but for life :)
  • Add me too! Funny, I am not competitive but I believe this keeps us motivated!
  • Hi, numbers can be hell cant they! Ugh! I am so proud of you for what you are taking on! I wish you the absolute best!
  • No doubt about it! Looking good! I do agree that when you take future pics remove the outer shirt! You Go Girl!