frayedfotos Member


  • If you are lucky enough to live near a pepper palace than all you hot sauce lovers must go! they have hundreds of hot sauces and many to sample! I am not employed by them in any form I just love hot sauce and hot stuff in general and really liked trying all the different kinds. My favorite right now is a chocolate habanero…
  • You can add me! I have logged on every day for the last 10 months and it seems like many of the people I add dont stay with MFP. I have lost about 50 so far and really need to stay on track to get these last 15 or so gone!
  • Add me if you like. Almost everyone I add stops logging on and abandons MFP but I have lost 50 lbs so far since feb. It really works if you really work at it! and motivation helps.
  • I tried Labne and it is totally yummy. If you like to use greek yogurt as a spread or an ingredient Labne is its more delicous cousin. I bet it has more fat, it is 60 cal for two tbsp but I add it to muesli and some fresh berries and it is like a dessert. I have also discovered chard and it is great. I grew rainbow chard…
  • I am in the Chicago area and I kayak in the Chicago river right downtown. If you ever find yourself in Chi town, you can take sightseeing tours and nighttime fireworks paddles with chicago kayak. bring your own kayak and the dock fee is 10 bucks. if you want to do lake michagan there are public launches for free!…
  • I just realized that keeping a food journal is nowhere on that list. It should be number 1! It is a fact that people who keep accurate food journals lose weight and keep it off. [/quote] This is so true look at all the success we have had on MFP, all those tickers showing pounds lost!
  • Thats awesome! I kayak and have lost about the weight of my kayak too! (did you know kayaking burns like 400 cal an hour! I kayak against the river current for more of a workout)
  • lentils (red and\or brown), canned garbanzo beans, a can of diced tomatoes, carton of broth, fresh baby spinach, chopped carrots, celery and a sausage taken out of the casing and pre-sauteed with garlic make a yummy soup (I season with red pepper, cardamom, cumin and fresh ginger with some store bought garam masala)
  • Dont deprive yourself! Make it yourself! You will gain new respect for Indian and chinese cusine if you attempt to make it yourself, take out is so easy and full of fat and salt. The big thing to avoid is processed food with stuff you can't pronounce and unnecessary sugar. Of course moderation is key. Lite/Light foods are…
  • "Eat to live, don't live to eat" I keep this in mind when choosing healthy foods over garbage foods or when I feel like mindlessly snacking on unhealthy treats. after all "you are what you eat". as you can see food is also my weakness