

  • Get your iron (TIBC, Ferritin, Transferrin, RBC, etc), b12, & Thyroid (tsh, t3, t4) checked. Any of these being off will lead to fatigue and worse. As others said - water, sleep, enough calories & enough carbs (if you're not Keto) will help immensely. Source: I'm anemic and have to get a series of iron infusions 1-2x a…
  • I've tried most of the supplements on the market. The only over the counter one that didn't have terrible gastrointestinal effects was Bifera. However, after taking it for well over 3 mos, my Ferritin levels actually continued to drop. I decided to bite the bullet and buy Proferrin. It's more easily absorbed, plays nicely…
  • The way I see it? If you tell yourself a certain food (or group of foods) is off limits, you're setting yourself up for a binge later. You think dieticians don't eat a cookie or piece of cake now and then? Meh. There's nothing wrong with having a treat a few times a week. As long as you eat healthy/clean 90% of the time…
  • Try adding a bit of sweetener of your choice (I use truvia) and a tsp of good, dark cocoa powder to your oatmeal. It turns it into a delicious treat. Add a TBSP of nut butter or some fruit? Yeah. Ridiculously good.
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