

  • Completed LV2D5 last night. I screwed up my L ankle so tonight I'm going to do different cardio besides the double jump. Any suggestions? I don't want to take a break just modifying so I don't hurt myself worse.
  • Completed LV2D3 tonight. We went to a friends house last night for a going away so I didn't do it last night. I worked hard and am going to be feeling it in the morning. I don't know about you guys but I like doing the workout at night. After I finish I post on here, head to a nice hot shower and then go to bed. I don't…
  • Did LV2D2 last night and OMG I hate plank pose. At the last circuit I was like seriously can't I just do the bike crunchs like LV1. Day 3 tonight, I'm not even going to watch LV3 before I'm there. I'm too scared. So up for ripped though going to order it now so by the time I'm done I'll be ready.
  • Completed Lv2D1 last night and I must say that Jillian is either insane or brilliant. The walk out push ups are the worse part for me so far. I lost 4 pounds in Lv 1 so I'm excited about that. I do find myself looking forward to the Ab circuit so my heartrate can slow down. Love this program though, maybe we should all do…
  • Level 1 is completed and I totally feel ready for LV2D1 tonight. Ask me again in the morning though and I might change my mind.
  • I completed LVD9 yesterday and it was great. Call me crazy but I'm getting bored with LV 1 and tonight is day 10 so I feel a light at the end of the tunnel. I've lost two pounds during Lv 1 and feel like I have gained lean muscle. Good luck everyone. I'll post pictures of my progress since I don't have a measuring tape.
  • LV1D8 is complete and I feel so much better today, the 1st circuit of cardio is still kicking my butt though. By the 3rd circuit I'm giving it my all and I can tell a difference. Good luck everyone only two more days and I'm off to level 2.
  • LV1D7 complete, I didn't do it last night because we went to a friend's house right after work. I woke up early this morning to get day 7 in and I feel horrible. After the workout it feels like I'm on day 1 again. I wonder if it would be different if I didn't skip a day. Even though it hurts in the beginning I recommend…
  • Just finished LV1D6 and I hardly broke a sweat tonight. Maybe I should stop doing it after dinner because that ab part is killer with a semi-full belly. It's getting easier and hopefully by day 10 I won't be winded at all. Good luck everyone. I haven''t lost weight this week but I'm blaming it on TOM. Hopefully next week…
  • I want to join I need motivation. I just finished LV1D5 and I realize that my upper body is way weaker then my lower body. Is it bad that I'm still doing the push-ups on my knees? I hate the jumping jacks the sound of my chunky belly flopping around kind of creeps me out. That's why I'm doing this though, I want to be tone…
  • I am on Level 1 day 5 and love it, I always break a good sweat and the pain is going away now. I didn't buy the DVD but you can watch it on: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=V04V4SX