30 Day Shred Challenge (September 15-October 15)



  • stephgallipeau, not a problem we would love to have you. There are a few that is only on day 3. Please provide me with your measurements so that I can log you in. After your 10 days are up retake your measurements and weight and report back here. I am keeping a spreadsheet for everyone to keep track of progress. Good luck and I wish I can say that the pain will get better but I am on Day 6 and it still hurts. However I will say I am able to do more without stopping. I could not say that on day 1.
    I would love to join this group. However I just started Level 1 Day 1 yesterday... is that ok? I could really use the motivation because after day 1 I feel like I could just die if I do it again... but I am determined to keep with it.

    awesome! thanks :)
    my measurements are

    hips: 43 1/2
    L arm: 13 R arm: 13.5
    L Thigh: 23 R Thigh: 23
    Bust 40
    Belly: 43 1/2
  • I will do so thank you very much :happy:
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    i will provide you with my measurements by tomoorow..=)...i really need tips on wat should i eat...normally my day starts at 7 i eat breakfast 2 egss 1 toast...den i come back home by 5ish and as im in university the food in the cafe is crap so i dont eatt anything until 5 ...and i know u guys will say to take my own but wat if on days i dont wat should i do ?...and den i get back home by 6ish i have my meal and den exercise and den i goto sleep ...wat are u guys doing ?? and i just completed day 4 of level 1 lovingg it =D
  • Just finished level 1 day 6... it was decent. lol.

    still having trouble with the first cardio segment (jacks-jump rope-jacks-jump rope) but not breathing problems - my calves literally KILL by the second set of jacks... but I am working it... lol

    keep shredding!
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    Here are the measurements I have, I don't normally do my bust or arms since I don't gain weight there.

    Hips 42.5
    Waist 30
    Thigh 23.5

    Weight 158

    I just finished day 7 of level 1. I'm eating my recovery snack right now, usually I have some Greek yogurt or some cheese. Something with protien to help my muscles recover.
    It doesn't seem much easier physically, but mentally, I KNOW that i can do it because I have finished it 6 times already. :) Plus I know now exactly where my "hard spots" are and I am ready for them.
    I'm wearing my HRM and burn right at 300 calories each time.

    I plan on doing each level for 10 days. Otherwise, I may just stay on level one forever because I think that it will still kick my butt after 30 days! ;)
    Keep shredding!!!
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    Just finished level 1 day 6... it was decent. lol.

    still having trouble with the first cardio segment (jacks-jump rope-jacks-jump rope) but not breathing problems - my calves literally KILL by the second set of jacks... but I am working it... lol

    keep shredding!

    My calves hurt too, I noticed that I am doing my jacks on my toes. Is that normal? Am I doing them incorrectly?
  • Just finished LV1D6 and I hardly broke a sweat tonight. Maybe I should stop doing it after dinner because that ab part is killer with a semi-full belly. It's getting easier and hopefully by day 10 I won't be winded at all. Good luck everyone. I haven''t lost weight this week but I'm blaming it on TOM. Hopefully next week I'll start to see a big difference since I won't be bloated. Night everyone. Oh and if you are wondering why I'm saying good-night, it's because I live in Germany. My husband is in the Army and we are stationed over here for the next 2 years. Hope day 7 feels this good.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    L1 D5 done - im feeling really tired today but can see some definition starting to show in my arms.

    I'm too shy to post my stats, i have taken my measurements but i cant put them up (sorry)

    Looking forward to the results though - i will post how many inches ive lost after each level :smile:
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Okay just completed Day 6 of Level 1 and no it is still not getting any easier. I am still sweating my butt off. I was able to get through everything without stopping until after my second set of push-ups that is when my body wanted to quit. However I did push on. Those leg lunches with the weights are the worst right up there with push ups. I have to admit I do feel like I am getting a bit stronger then day 1.
    I just hope I can get through the entire routine without stopping which is my goal before moving to level 2 in 4 days.
    I am going to try and make it a point not to stop at all for the next 4 days no matter how much my body is killing me. Wish me luck.
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    You would need to pack something that really does not require refrigeration or that you don't have to worry about heating up. I would make sandwiches. You can get some lean meats that are low in sodium and make some wraps for lunch. When the weather starts getting colder you can turn to stuff like tuna fish. My husband loves tuna right out of the can you would think he was a cat or something. I would not go all afternoon without eating. Even if you just made a veggie platter and bring that with you its better then not eating at all.

    For breakfast I switch up from eggs in the morning to cereal, oatmeal I have even purchased Turkey Sausage Sandwichs I found one that is pretty low in calories and sodium and is great on the go. Want more suggestions on food, take a look at some of your friends food journals and get ideas I do that all the time.

    Hope that helps.
    i will provide you with my measurements by tomoorow..=)...i really need tips on wat should i eat...normally my day starts at 7 i eat breakfast 2 egss 1 toast...den i come back home by 5ish and as im in university the food in the cafe is crap so i dont eatt anything until 5 ...and i know u guys will say to take my own but wat if on days i dont wat should i do ?...and den i get back home by 6ish i have my meal and den exercise and den i goto sleep ...wat are u guys doing ?? and i just completed day 4 of level 1 lovingg it =D
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Ruby, no shame here. No one is happy with their body which is why we are all here. I am not proud of my measurements but you know what I am working on changing that. I want everyone to know what I am now and what I will be once I reach my goal. This is safe zone and no pressure if you don't want to post we all understand. After your 10th day just let me know how many inches you lost and I will post it for you.

    Good luck.
    L1 D5 done - im feeling really tired today but can see some definition starting to show in my arms.

    I'm too shy to post my stats, i have taken my measurements but i cant put them up (sorry)

    Looking forward to the results though - i will post how many inches ive lost after each level :smile:
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    I never thought when I posted this challenge I would have so many people joining in with me. Thank you guys so much this is the boost I need to succeed. As some of you may know I have a gift shop called Girlfriends Gift Shop (www.girlfriendsgiftshopky.com). I have a special surprise for the person who loose the most inches at the 30 day mark. I am posting this now in the hopes that everyone will be honest but also as an incentive to keep pushing to that 30 day mark. The winner will be announced once everyone has completed the 30 days and the prize will also be announced. Good luck to you all.
  • Day 2 of Lv 1 done... omgoodness is all i can say. after i did day 1 i didnt know how i would get through todays workout but i pushed through my very stiff muscles and was actually excited to workout... and it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. yeah it killed me but i managed to get through it, with less "breathers" during the cardio. i know its only day 2 but i am proud of myself because i very easily could have said im too sore, i cant do it, blah blah blah, like ive done in the past.. but i didnt. and another thing im proud of myself is that i havent had a sip of diet soda today only water! that is a huge thing for me! ok... im done with my book. :) looking forward to getting as far into the workout as the rest of you!
  • welcomenuts
    welcomenuts Posts: 104 Member
    Day 2 of Lv 1 done... omgoodness is all i can say. after i did day 1 i didnt know how i would get through todays workout but i pushed through my very stiff muscles and was actually excited to workout... and it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. yeah it killed me but i managed to get through it, with less "breathers" during the cardio. i know its only day 2 but i am proud of myself because i very easily could have said im too sore, i cant do it, blah blah blah, like ive done in the past.. but i didnt. and another thing im proud of myself is that i havent had a sip of diet soda today only water! that is a huge thing for me! ok... im done with my book. :) looking forward to getting as far into the workout as the rest of you!

    I was REALLY sore after the first day, not nearly as sore after the second day and it has gotten steadily better each day. Keep at it, I won't say it gets easier, but it hurts less for me! :laugh:
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    L1D6 done and I have to admit it was much easier. I still need a couple of breaks to grab a drink ect but I'm definately hitting more of the exercises than I was on D1. I completely almost all of the pushups and I did complete all of the bicycle crunches!

    PammyKY- I hope you win your own prize, you deserve it for bringing us together!!!

    stephgallipeau- The soreness does get better, I'm on Day 6 and little to no soreness but I do just "feel" skinnier and more confident.

    Ruby- I know I'll refuse to post my before pictures on the web, so I understand why you don't want to do your measurements. Just make sure you keep up with the measurement for you!!
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    I plan on doing Day 7 today. Despite the fact that I feel like crap because I caught a cold from somewhere. My chest feels like its on fire and I can't seem to stop coughing. I know already that the cardio portion is going to kill me today but I hope I can push through it without taking too many breaks.

    I have to agree with you Howboutto, the soreness does get better. I notice that today I am no where near as sore as I was on day 1 & 2. It would not be right for me to win my own prize but thanks anyway. I am just glad that I was able to get enough people that would do this with me. It keeps me accountable and pushes me each day to get it done.

    Ruby- As I said early no worries, I completely understand why you don't want to post measurements.

    Good luck everyone and keep those comments coming.
  • Level 1 Day 7 today.... I feel totally drained now and like taking a nap but...

    I got through it *without* any stopping! Even when Jillian breaks slightly between exercises since I know what comes next I just push onto the next thing.


    Had to put down the weights near the end of the first set of anterior raises/side lunges, but other than that, did everything the workout does... YAY.

    Finally feel like by the end of Day 10, I will actually be ready to move on to Level 2....
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Jaimie-Awesome Job. I tried but my chest in so congestion working out was just making matters worse and making me cough more. I will try again later this evening but I really want to get it done today.
  • Jaimie-Awesome Job. I tried but my chest in so congestion working out was just making matters worse and making me cough more. I will try again later this evening but I really want to get it done today.

    It sucks to work out when you are sick... do what you can handle but don't make it worse! Good luck!!
  • LV1D7 complete, I didn't do it last night because we went to a friend's house right after work. I woke up early this morning to get day 7 in and I feel horrible. After the workout it feels like I'm on day 1 again. I wonder if it would be different if I didn't skip a day. Even though it hurts in the beginning I recommend really not skipping a day and do it straight for the 30 days. I feel like taking a nap already. Hopefully tomorrow is better