30 Day Shred Challenge (September 15-October 15)



  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    I have my measurements. I also took pictures. I did my first workout last night and my legs felt like jelly afterward. I was surprised that I didn't have so much pain today so I did my day 2 workout this morning before the pain sets in. :happy: Feeling excited about seeing results still at this point.

    Chest: 44 inches
    Waist: 40.75 inches
    Hips: 46 inches
    R. Upper Arm: 15 inches
    L. Upper Arm: 15 inches
    R. Upper Thigh: 27 inches
    L. Upper Thigh: 26.5 inches
    Weight: 171 pounds

    OMG!!!! pain!!!!!! wait for it it's comin
  • smb0701
    smb0701 Posts: 234
    Okay just completed Day 4 of 30 Day Shred and no it's not getting easier. I was able to do more ;push-ups then I was doing on day 1 and a few more jump rumps but oh my goodness the sweat is dripping off of me. I really hope day 5-10 gets easier othewise I can't see me moving to the next level. Good luck to the rest of the shredders.

    I really hate Jillian right now but in a good way.
    i agree i am on lv1 d3 and it is not getting easier. after the second day i could barely move my legs. getting up and down out of chairs were the worst. i found that if i workout to my other dvd's before i start the 30ds i can do more with her and last longer.
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Okay everyone when I get back home from vacation I am going to make a list of those who are in the 30 Day Shred Challenge. Make sure to post your measurements so that I can track them. On day 10 you need take new measurements and tell me how much you weigh so that we can see what progress you have made in 10 days. Feel free to post photos if you like but I am going to wait until after the 30 days are up. I will however retake photos in 10, 20 & 30 days just so I can see if my body has changed during the three levels.

    I am so glad we are in it together. I know the pain is outrageous. My body after I am done feels like jelly but I guess that means its working. Lets fight through the pain, try not to miss any days no matter how bad you ache. Sit in a hot tub with epsom salt to ease those aches or a hot tub if you have it. If you can find a sauna to sit in that works well also.

    You will get maximum results if you go the entire 30 days straight. Its better to take 5 second breaks during the routine then to miss. If you are afraid of injuries then stop but if its just aches from doing the workout fight through it. Just remember you are not alone there are tons of us with you.

    Can't wait to see everyone's result in 10 days.

  • jaimieht
    Okay just completed Day 4 of 30 Day Shred and no it's not getting easier. I was able to do more ;push-ups then I was doing on day 1 and a few more jump rumps but oh my goodness the sweat is dripping off of me. I really hope day 5-10 gets easier othewise I can't see me moving to the next level. Good luck to the rest of the shredders.

    I really hate Jillian right now but in a good way.

    You can do more! It's getting better! :)

    I still feel like I shall die and I am dripping sweat but I have to take less breaks now :)
  • Jessicaallen48
    I started today. Can I join.
  • Roc1oM
    I just finished L1D2 and Jillian kicked my butt! I was happy to see that I was able to do a couple more pushups, as I wasn't even able to do a full one on day 1! I'm very motivated! Below are my stats:

    Height: 5'4"
    SW: 153
    Bust: 40
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 42
    Thighs: 24
    Arms:12 (both)
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Yes you can still join. Just post your stats for my records and good luck.
    I started today. Can I join.
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    I finished L1D2 yesterday - my legs were stiff from the day before but i felt much better for doing it - im going to D3 when i get home tonight.

    Well done everyone :)
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    just gt done with day2 level 1..uff it was absolute torture :p my only motivation is you guys ...knowing that others are doing it with me makes me want to do it even moree
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    @Pammy and SMB I'm so glad to hear you say that day 3 isn't any easier. I completed l1d3 today and it was harder than d1 and d2! I chalked it up to not sleeping well but it did knock my confidence a little. The funny thing is that I can already see the difference (it might be in my head but I'll take it.) I will post my measurement tonight (they are at home) I'm so happy to have people to go on this journey with.
  • jaimieht
    Time for Day 4... eek!

    I already did my C25K week2day1 workout this morning... so this may suck. :)
  • jaimieht
    Level 1 Day 4 in the books...

    Oh. My. Goodness.

    Sucked. So so much.... I feel like puking. Heh.

    Tomorrow is supposed to be easier according to Jillian.... Day 5 girls, how are you holding up?
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished L1 D3 - feeling much better today my legs arent so stiff and i really enjoyed it. I had to get it done straight after work when i got home or else i wouldn't have done it.

    Tomorrow im going to try it at 6am when i get up for work and see if its any different first thing.

    I remember the last time i did it straight for 30 days the results after the first week were amazing so keep going because after 7 days you will see such a difference.

    I can already feel my body starting to firm up a bit,

    Keep going all :)
  • ReggaeNurse
    Day 6, Level 1 is complete! So glad to say that. It's not getting easier, but I'm definitely getting stronger. I'm controlling my breathing a lot better, and I'm able to do most of the moves in completion without taking a break. Level 2 makes me nervous, but I'm looking forward to it...I think :indifferent:
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Just finished L1 D4 - got up at 6am to do it before work. Felt tired but i feel better for doing it. Not so stiff today.

    I was also 1lb down on the scales so very happy. Keep going everyone :)
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    day3 level1..went pretty good actually..counting down the daysss to the finall resulttt....
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    I am so proud of everyone sticking with it. I did not do my shred yesterday because it was my travel day back from vacation and by the time I got home it was off to the bowling alley to bowl in my league. By the time I got home not only was I sore from bowling but it was way too late to workout.

    I will be working on Day 5 today. I told my husband no more misses for me. I need to make sure the job is done before my head hits the pillow no matter what.

    It's raining here today and my knees are aching because of it. I took some aspirin and will still do Day 5 this afternoon no matter how much my knees hurt. Even if it means I may have to stop for a few seconds during the workout it must get done today.

    I will be making a spreadsheet later this evening with the names and stats of all our challenge members. I cannot wait to see everyone post their new stats in 10 days.

    Good luck to you all and have a great day.
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    That is the problem I am having is controlling my breathing. The ab work is fine its the cardio that is kicking my butt and does nasty push-ups. I will be doing Day 5 today so hopefully it will get a bit easier. Keep it going you are doing great.
    Day 6, Level 1 is complete! So glad to say that. It's not getting easier, but I'm definitely getting stronger. I'm controlling my breathing a lot better, and I'm able to do most of the moves in completion without taking a break. Level 2 makes me nervous, but I'm looking forward to it...I think :indifferent:
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Okay we have 23 people doing the 30 Day Shred Challenge. Below is a list of those people. If your name is not on the list and you are participating in the challenge please let me know so I can add you to the list.






















    I also still need measurements from some of you guys. I need your current weight, waist, hips, right and left thigh, right and left leg and bust. So if you did not post it please do so.
  • jaimieht
    Day 5 Level 1 in the books....

    Man, I still feel like crawling in a hole afterwards, but I managed it lol. The only thing I can't manage to not stop at all in is the first cardio circuit - jumping jacks to jump rope and back is too similar a movement and I feel like I shall die. :)

    Day 6 tomorrow!