30 Day Shred Challenge (September 15-October 15)



  • Whatareherthings711
    It's two days late, but I'm gonna be doing this as well. Going to buy the dvd when I get out of work tonight. =)
  • jaimieht
    Did my first day of level 1 today.... whew! Jillian kicks my butt!

    It felt good... and horrible... but good lol. Shredded here I come :)

    I will post my starting measurements on Monday, I got measured at the gym Friday but then forgot to copy them down and bring them home so i have to copy them from my file when I go in Monday. :)
  • cherryObebe
    I started today. One day down!
  • ReggaeNurse
    Alright, so day 3, level 1 completed! ***big sigh of relief*** It's not getting easier, but its tolerable. I'm pushing myself more, and have been able to get through most of the movements without wanting to die. I'm very sore post-workout, but I won't let that stop me from going at it again tomorrow. I also added Turbo Jam to the mix today, to increase my overall cardio. Soooo, as promised here are my measurements:

    SW: 216
    Chest: 38
    Waist: 40
    Hips: 46
    Thighs: Right - 27.5 & Left - 27
    Calves: Right & Left - 16
    Arms: Right - 16 & Left - 15
    Neck: 14

    Happy shredding to you all!
  • rubysparkle
    rubysparkle Posts: 362 Member
    Ok Day 1 Level 1 done. phew i'd forgotten how much this kicks me when i first start it.

    This is my second round of the 30 DS last time i did it back in April for 30 days straight. The results were amazing. I know if i stick to it everyday in 30 days my abs will be tight again.

    I'm yet to take my measurements but will later. :)

    One thing i do know is i ALWAYS feel better for doing this dvd so thats what i will keep telling myself each day :)
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Am I too late to join? I been wanting to start and would love some support? I have been amazed with the before and after I'm been seeing. I know I'll be 3 days behind but willing to start today. Thanks all (and I can't wait to see your changes).
  • dolphinsunshine
    I've used this when I got down to a toned and happy size UK 10 when i lost a load of weight for my friends weddings. Strongly recommend this workout and does deliver what it says. Once I get back to a more manageable weight I will be doing this again. I did this workout every other day until got to 10 stone 7 then mixed the workouts up by swapping between this, no more trouble zones and banish fat boast metabolism to avoid plateaus because my body had a adapted too much. I recommend all her dvd's including shredong it with weights and yoga meltdown. Cheaper than a gym and if money tight just add a new dvd to your collection each month, no need for gym membership or expensive equipment :) I went from 12 stone 6 to 9 stone 12 using jillian's dvds and healthy eating and proof it does work. Can't wait until I am able to do these workouts again :) I do Wii zumba and lots of walking at the moment but once the pressure on my knees from weight drops and I reach prob about 11.7 to 12 stone these dvds will be back in my player and i'll be working off the Ibs again x If anyone would like to add me as a friend please feel free. Would love to meet new people, all working to a healthier future and would like to share experiences, tips and motivation.
  • Dessertstressed
    Would like to join too but will start on Monday 19th, if that's not too late. i know I'll be a few days behind everyone else.

    Hope to combine it with low carb healthy eating, more water, less tea & coffee. (thinking of 17 Day diet program)

    Aim is to drop somewhere between 8 and 10 kilo before 01Nov, improve posture through 30 Day Shred, reduce signs of cellulite and improve energy levels.

    BUT I've had this "wish list " for ages now and just hope I actually achieve goals this time.:happy:

    Love seeing before and after pics but I'm not the type to post ones of myself . Looking forward to seeing / hearing of your successes.

    Hope to log in daily to keep me on track
  • Dessertstressed
    Meant to say I've started 30 day shred a load of times before and the furthest I ever got was 11 days but it does work and gets easier by day 4. I even find level 2 easier than level 1 somehow.

    Not getting distracted by life and sticking to the program is my problem, anyhow, here it goes again.

    Best of luck, commitment and endurance to us all:wink:
  • jaimieht
    Just finished Level 1 Day 2... I'm not sure I felt like it was easier but I did find it easier to push myself through the pain... lol

    Thanks, Jillian! ;)
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    I started 30DS yesterday. I have a huge motivation to finish it, but could use some support... I have friends here, but I don't know if anyone is doing it right now. Plus, I think all of my friends are in much better shape than me. So PLEASE add me to the challenge. I will find a way to do the workout everyday. If something gets in the way (I'm a full-time student and single mom of 2 teens) then I will do some kind of activity for at least 30 minutes. BUT I will make this a priority.

    I won't post my weight and measurements publicly, but will send you a PM if you would like the info. Is that acceptable?

    BTW, are we going to have some kind of label to put in our signature? I think that would be fun and motivational :)
  • ReggaeNurse
    L1D4 completed, and I'm glad I made it through. I did a lot better on all of the movements, and was able to do all the push ups (modified) without stopping. Also, as much as I hate the bicycle kicks, I managed to hold my legs up for at least 50 seconds before dropping...that's a huge improvement, considering on day one I had to break at least 4 times during the whole minute. Jillian's tough, but her workouts seem to be helping me, so I'll just keep going. 26 days to go, and counting.
  • cherryObebe
    I have done days 1 & 2 now. I have taken measurements and even took before photos. I don't really want to post them publicly though. lol :blushing:
  • myskinnyjourney
    myskinnyjourney Posts: 50 Member
    i am so in i really need to get back in to shape...i took before photos and you guys have to force me to put them up at the end of this challenge ......i have always start 30ds and ended up not completing it...this time i am totally motivated to go on until the end...just did day1 level 1...my end result will be on October 20...all the best guys cant wait for everybodys results =)
  • laurad1406
    sorry ladies, I haven't logged in but i've been shredding! I will post measurements when I get home tonight!
  • jaimieht
    About to do level 1 day 3.... I will get through it, I will get through it... lol

    Bust: 41.0 in
    Waist: 35.0 in
    Hips: 41.0 in
    Thigh (R): 26.25 in
    apparently I didn't write down my arm.... ah well :) I have it recorded at the gym, I can get it
  • jaimieht
    Level 1 Day 3 in the books!

    And I actually can tell I have more endurance than on day 1... in only 3 workouts it is noticable. Yay! :)

    I discovered today that my on demand only has level 1 and level 2, not level 3, so I am going to have to buy the DVD after all, but I have a couple weeks in which to do so. Or see if I can play my amazon on-demand acct through my bluray player... I think I can buy level 3 alone through amazon on demand for like $2...

    well, whatever, it'll get done :)

    Thanks Jillian! :)
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I'm so proud of myself. I got up at 5:30am to do day 2 30ds. I know by doing it first thing in the AM it will get done. 28 days left!!! BTW I hate jumping jacks, you can tell Jillian does not have big boobs lol. Good luck to all!!!
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    I am proud of you all. I completed day 3 level 1 yesterday and when I get back from my walk will do day 4. I am proud of the fact that even though I am on vacation and could have easily blown this off I took my DVD with me and my laptop in the event there was no DVD player at this cabin.

    It gets a little bit easier as you go through the days (just a little bit). I was able to do most of the routines yesterday without stopping for a few seconds. Hopefully it will get easier. I am going to repost measurements after the 10 days are up. I hope everyone does the same. This way if you see a difference it should motivate you to go to the next 10 days at level 2. Even if you don't see a big difference please continue to keep going.

    I took before photos but would prefer to post them after I have completed the full 30 days.

    Welcome newbies and its never too late to Shred. We can all suffer :) together through this. You would think how hard can it be to workout for 20 minutes. It just shows me how out of shape I was truly in.

    I heard level 2 and 3 is no walk in the park. Not sure if I should move on to level 2 once I can do level 1 at high pace or until I can complete leve 1 at a moderate pace without stopping one bit. Will decide when the 10 days are up.

    Good luck everyone and feel free to add me as your friend.
  • PammyKY
    PammyKY Posts: 129
    Okay just completed Day 4 of 30 Day Shred and no it's not getting easier. I was able to do more ;push-ups then I was doing on day 1 and a few more jump rumps but oh my goodness the sweat is dripping off of me. I really hope day 5-10 gets easier othewise I can't see me moving to the next level. Good luck to the rest of the shredders.

    I really hate Jillian right now but in a good way.