

  • Yes you were running. Period. Jogging is what we did in the 80's with the neon track suits. No matter what speed you are moving as long as you are not walking, skipping, jumping or crawling - you are running.
  • 152 bpm for a 1:47:06 half, but to be honest I don't find any HRM data useful during the race. In fact my monitor died before my marathon recently and I didn't miss having the info during the race. I do miss having the metrics after to check how things went. But during the race I find mile splits to be a better source of…
  • Spice rub then Grill is my favorite Equal parts Paprika, fresh ground pepper, and olive oil, and 1/2 part salt in the Rub.
  • My 2 cents - don't know how much anyone really enjoys running (training for my second marathon right now) It is uncomfortable, there is always someone faster than you or in better shape than you, and it takes a huge commitment of time and energy. For me with 2 kids and a full time job most of that time and energy is spent…