How to learn to enjoy running



  • Yes... I agree totally.... So much strength comes from letting go of stress while running.
  • My 2 cents - don't know how much anyone really enjoys running (training for my second marathon right now) It is uncomfortable, there is always someone faster than you or in better shape than you, and it takes a huge commitment of time and energy. For me with 2 kids and a full time job most of that time and energy is spent while most are sound asleep in their warm beds.

    But there is something amazing that happens as you get more and more comfortable with it. You start with everything hurting and feeling worse afterwards, then slowly as you get in better shape you realize what an amazing machine you body is. And soon as you are logging mile after mile and they are starting to add up you realize how much better you feel afterwards, how much more awake and aware you are. Finally you transition to feeling worse on the days that you don't run......

    congrats you are a runner.

    Plus is does't hurt that after my 20 mile run this Sunday, I will get to eat back an obscene amount of calories.

    Enjoy and +1 on c25K
  • Start out then walk etc. Once your body starts getting conditioned, run further. It is an amazing high, it truly is. I get it at the half way mark of a run everytime. I'm screaming in my head up to that point "I can't do this, OMG, I'm gong to die, my lungs, my legs, aaaargh"...LOL...but when I hit that halfway mark, it's like I just got shot with a syringe of adrenaline with a caffeine chaser and I feel like I can go forever, It's a very cool feeling to know your body can achieve and do this. Our bodies are wonderful machines. I'm in awe of athletes who can push themselves to great measures.
  • i run very very slowly, like extremely slowly and i breath in my nose and out my mouth. i run bare feet around a park and i love it. its like meditation. it took me a couple runs to get use to the in the nose and out the mouth but it makes a huge difference to the enjoyment of it. i also never run on a full stomach i usually go first thing in the morning after ive drunk a litre of warm water with lemon juice. this means im never thirsty and sets me up for such a serene day. running energises me and helps me sleep well at night.i hated it for the first probablly 5 or 6 runs but after that its not torture its so rewarding. you can learn to love it once you experience the rewards :)
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    It took me a while. I started power walking. Eventually i sped up the pace which propelled me to a light jog. The light jogging progressed into a longer stride. Eventually i started sprinting short distances. Also, just doing it for 30 minutes every other day was a good goal for me. 30 minutes is about 2.5 - 3 miles for me. Having a scenic route helps to like running too

    Also an app like Cardio Trainer to track your distance makes it more fun too

    yes a scenic route would be nice. I actually bought running shoes when I lived in Portland Oregon thinking I wouldnt even mind running in the rain and then I moved back to Vegas lol. No scenic route for me and to run outside would fry my lungs most months of the year. But there are a month or two in the late summer like right now and in the very early spring where I could run outside for a few weeks. Usually I do elliptical or swimming for cardio it is all just so BORING I have read that for some people running becomes meditative and that sounds like it could be really nice and I would enjoy it. So going to give it a shot
  • PegasusDeb
    PegasusDeb Posts: 665 Member
    One of my happiest moments was completing my first and third races. So for me it was accomplishing a goal more than the run itself.

    What happened in race #2??

    I am hearing ya, cuz I wanna be a runner too, but every time I try I feel like a flippin' rhino! I wanna be a gazelle...
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    I would suggest making it a social activity. Find a running pal and start with a couple of miles around the neighborhood followed by a shared light meal or tea, etc. That's how I got started 20+ years ago. You can also find a running group for beginner runners.

    The social aspect of chatting will take your mind off of running while you gain fitness, and then it will be more enjoyable when you are on your own.

    BTW - I've run four marathons and I've never gotten a runner's high, so you might want to adjust your expectations. Endorphins can kick in for any sustained cardio activity after a certain amount of time and intensity level - it is not uniqe to running.
  • gbelltx
    gbelltx Posts: 142
    Oh yea couch to 5k is the way to go. Then once you go to a couple 5k walk/runs you will see others like your self just trying to get healthy and the races are usually fun
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Don't stay on a treadmill. For me C2 5K didn't do it. Too easy for a while then all of a sudden too hard.

    I downloaded micoach on my smart phone and love it. It coaches by pace and has several plans. I'm doing lose weight. Next may be for a 10 k. It's wonderful to realize I'm going longer further faster than before. Or that a green zone used to be walking and then it was stunningly slow running and now I can maintain running at what used to be yellow. I get excited that sometimes there's a mile between walking breaks. Or that my run ends up being 5k at least once per weekend.

    I'm a nerd. I need the data to find a win each day.
  • mkaluzny
    mkaluzny Posts: 508 Member
    Which one are you using? I see another responder is using micoach. I would like to try these out. I am an old lady who is obsessed with the idea of a smart phone (I know at times it is smarter than I.)
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Honestly? You may never come to like it. Some people find that as they do it - they learn to love it, some I think are born loving it and some will NEVER, EVER love it... no matter what.

    If you don't like it, it's okay. There's no harm in it. Find something that you DO enjoy! :)

    I love to run, but I'm slowly finding other things (like the incline trainer) to be just as enjoyable as running. I can't run outside (I have steel rods in my spine and my ortho surgeon has said running is okay, but NO running outside. Only on shock absorbent surfaces - like treadmills or padded indoor tracks) so I've only run on the treadmill - which a lot of people absolutely hate. I think I would love to run outdoors, but I'm not putting my spine at risk.
  • PDXkacie
    PDXkacie Posts: 2 Member
    The book "Run Your Butt Off" is really great and builds up slower than C25K. I just started running a few months ago. Itvwas a chore at first but once I ran my first 5k I was completely hooked!
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    I LOVE running! But I get what you are talking about. I want to "learn" how to LOVE yoga, but it's just NOT happening! LOL!
    I would much rather put on my running shoes, turn my music on and just run, me, myself, my music and the pavement.
    It truly is a high. I hope you end up finding the love you are looking for HA HA! Good luck! :happy:
  • Cooriander
    Cooriander Posts: 2,848 Member
    I don't like the actual running part - so I do things to make it more pleasurable -> run with others, join things like RunKeeper so you have a support team (so again run with 'virtual' people), listen to music while running - that is GREAT, run races and improve (I share my feeling with jdot, he put it very nicely), have multiple kids so then running gives you an excuse to have your husband babysit your kids for a few minutes - that one makes running so WORTH it. I don't really get the 'high' but I feel great accomplishing my goals! (:
  • try the C25K
    I never thought I would love running
    I started the C25K about 3 weeks ago and now its like I think of running all the time..
    giv it a try :)
  • paxetamore
    paxetamore Posts: 399 Member
  • Kilter
    Kilter Posts: 188 Member
    Join a running / walking club at your local running store. Meet the folks that are out there, just like you, who want to lose weight, learn to run, get fit.

    Sign up for a race, something simple and fun. Some race for a good cause (breast cancer, prostate cancer, run for children's hospital, whatever works for you) helps with motivation.

    Just get out and do it. But start slow, follow a program and LISTEN to your body.

    I didn't like it, I have learned to love it. And I fall in and out of love on a regular basis, often many times in the same run ;)
