

  • That is really great!!! It is diffidently a life change to do something like this and stick to it. Hope you can stick with it and keep motivated. There is alot of health good recipes out there to make at home. Since I started the 24DC and until now my total lost is 20lbs and more then 18inches but haven't measured lately.…
    in Advocare Comment by DeeBurge June 2012
  • HELLO EVERYONE! My name is Danielle and Im 22yrs old. I love hula hooping! It is a fun and a good way to get some exercise! I currently only know a handful of tricks and I also make practice weighted hoops. I do wish I had more to time to hoop and learn more trick but I work night shift and work alot so it is hard to find…
  • FINISHED my Advocare 24 Day Challenge and loved it! Lost 8.1lbs and 14.25inches on it! Sticking to there food diet plan and exercising daily. Off there products at the moment but going to get back on the MNS 3, catalyst, and maybe Fibo-trim. Still losing weight and feeling great now! I have lost all together now to today's…
    in Advocare Comment by DeeBurge May 2012
  • I really need to find a good shoes for all around workouts. Any advice? I dont like shoes without support because I roll my ankle easy in them and I dont like big chunky ones either. I bought a pair from finish line online and they didnt work out well and spent to much money to keep buying shoes to try. Just need one good…