65special Member


  • Those are the exact same warnings that come with ketosis in the Cambridge VLCD. I followed that for 9 months years ago and never lost any extra hair, still have a full head of hair at 59 now. Only loss of teeth has been through a couple of motorcycle accidents plus a rip off dentist For the last time my job is sedentary,…
  • VLCD like Cambridge Diet is 800 calories per day in UK, don’t know if it differs where you are. I put all the info in to MFP like sedentary lifestyle and it quotes 1600, will 200 less hurt me more than 800 extra, I shouldn’t think so. If I do feel overtired and hungry after 4 weeks then I will look to change things, I’m…
  • As it goes the total amount of food that I consume in 4 or 5 small meals is just about the same regular food that I would eat in the 2 large meals. What is missing is all the rubbish snacks I consumed between those 2 meals and the rubbish includes chocolate, candies/sweets, potato chips & biscuits which probably did mount…
  • Thanks to everyone for your support and tips, I’ll try to take it all on board and I’m looking forward to this journey with your help friends, have a Happy New Year, cheers
  • Thanks Rick, I’ve cleared out the biscuits/cookies, cakes and other “nice but no good for waistline” foods. I have kept a few things I like such as roast potatoes, granary multigrain bread, and will have the occasional treat like a couple of oven baked Lincolnshire bangers/sausages, Right now I’m trying to stick to around…
  • Thanks for your reply, tried a fruit smoothie with a couple of veg/salad added before, also chia seeds etc thrown in. This wasn’t too bad at all so hence the reason I said I will try to do this. I love fruit but just don’t buy it regularly enough. Already cut my calories by 40% so hopefully the results will slowly improve…
  • Another newbie, well 2nd attempt who needs some more motivation after only 4 days on this. Add me also, cheers
  • Hope I can join in too, just re-started on MFP and didn't want to wait till the 1st. In for the long haul to lose 85 pounds if I can manage it, so anybody who can add me as friend for that much needed support is most welcome, cheers!
  • Hi yarwell, My protein seems to come mainly from chicken breast fillet and the 200ml of milk I use with my tea, also a little protein from all bran, 1 jacket potato daily and 1 mini-packet of oat fiber crackers. Carbs wise I have cut out my wheat bread (just eat a handful of dry all-bran instead), I have the 1 potato,…
  • thanks chris1816 for your reply, From what I can see in my food diary, the fats are coming from the milk I add to tea and porridge oats, chicken breast fillet (no skin), and sometimes nibble on some oat fiber crackers if feeling hungry. I also take a Triple Omega 3-6-9 120mg supplement and with my porridge oats I add a…