jbunzsno Member


  • Yes I dread that time of the month for that reason. The bloating, the cravings, etc. But to answer your question, I usually gain 3-5 pounds within 3-5 days before it starts and then once it starts the weight comes off a few days later. Don't worry or stress about it, just keep drinking water and excercising and stayin away…
  • This is so great! I was just doing the same thing yesterday and it does feel so good to de-clutter. Even better than eating cause there is no guilt afterwards. I totally agree that there is connection between controlling our homes and what we eat, as well as my finances. Since I have started watching what I eat and having…
  • I have actually heard that free weights are better, cause you are actually burning more calories using them cause you are standing and lifting and not sitting and lifting. (I think it was on 30 Day Shred that Jillian said that?) But this is what I was told by someone that worked with a Personal Trainer before. Do like a…
  • Yay I lost 1.6 pounds this last week! Which means I am back to my before Christmas weight :). So here is my weigh-in since I forgot to do it yesterday. SW: 230 CW: 226 I also lost about 3" from my waist and 2" from my hips? Does that seem right, this is over a almost 3 week period of time. Just seems like a lot for such a…
  • Holey-moley!!! It's Wednesday already. I can't believe that I forgot...lol...what a weird week this has been. Well I am going to have to do everything tomorrow morning cause I like to weigh and measure in the morning :). Way to go Amanda!!! I cannot wait until I get below 200 again! I bet that feels amazing! Jalara I…
  • I like the idea of having a challenge every week. If anything it'll give us something else to talk about :smile:
  • i am right there with you. I am jealous too, so many people around me right now founding out that they are pregnant. But I was overweight for my last pregnancy and I want to be healthy for my next one too. And CONGRATS to you Angela and Meisje !!! Soooo excited for you!
  • Totally agree with you on that one. Sorry your not feeling very well! I just got over being sick and sounds a little bit like what I had. I just took a day off of everything and then the next day even though I wasn't 100% started to workout again and I think that is the fastest I have ever recovered from being sick. Well I…
  • I think you will be totally fine if you conceive the week before vacation. With my pregnancy and I think it's this way with most, I didn't start feeling fatigued until week 5 (the week I found out that I was pregnant) and morning sickness didn't kick in until week 7.
  • Good Morning Everyone!!!! I had a pretty good week up until last night I got home from a late meeting and I was starving so I had a Corn Dog...a corn dog?!?! Thinking back about it now makes me sick....why would I eat a corn dog? I guess a better question is why do I even have corn dogs in my freezer? Anyway it didn't stop…
  • Oh and here is my weigh in..ugh, I don't like doing this. CW: 230 I haven't gotten around to doing my measurements yet. But really soon I promise.
  • Way to go Angela!! That is a hard thing for me too..television snacking. I will have to try that instead, I also have found if I work on something like write in my journal, crochet, cross-stitch, things like that that will keep my hands busy and my mind off of food.
  • Thank You for taking the time to post these! Makes me want to go out and get both of the books.
  • "If you ate a lot of sugar before, that could be the trouble. I tried Atkins a few years back and couldn't make it through the first week because of the headaches I got. Once I added carbs back to my diet, the headaches stopped. " I agree with both of these comments. This is usually why I get headaches when I am either…
  • Well unlike your fasting I decided that I would have a sugar binge from Christmas to New Years. It has been the worst week of my life! I have been miserable, depressed, tired all of the time, constipated (TMI..sorry), I have been miserable. So I am doing a sugar fast also, I was calling it a sugar cleanse though. And I…
  • I don't know what it could be. Just wanted to respond so you know were not ignoring you :) Do you think you could be pregnant? Cause I had the menstrual like cramping and some spotting with my pregnancy. Not sure about the temperature though...not sure how all of that works. Good luck hope you find an answer to your…
  • My husband and I also would like to get pregnant this year as well. We are thinking sometime in the late summer early fall. I would like to lose atleast 60 pounds before I get pregnant. I was overweight with my last pregnancy and I paid for it...gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. and I know I had most of those…
  • That is soooo cute! My son would love something like that. My son is 18 months old, unfortunately we don't have that problem with the stroller, he absolutely loves the stroller, I have to hide it when I'm not using it cause he will whine and cry until I put him in it and take him for a walk. It's great motivation though…
  • OOOHHH! I know the answer to this one. I just saw it on the TV show the Doctor's yesterday. If it is anything above the waist (i.e. cold, sinus infection, cough, etc.) they said it's okay to do a light workout, but if it is below the waist (i.e. stomach flu, diarrhea, etc.) then it is best to let the body rest. So I say…
  • :laugh: LOL:laugh: I read that as "unpleasant TASTING diarrhea" Anyway, I just wanted to add that all those side effects hardly seem worth it to take anything like that.
  • Thanks everyone!
  • I was wondering the same thing. If anything...it helps my TOM. My cramps aren't as bad as they used to be.
  • I am really surprised. 3-5 years is a long time...I probably won't even be living here by then *fingers crossed* I live in Southern Utah though and a restaurant that had a bar in it had a really hard time getting city approval to come in. It's lame!!!! Anyway, we live about 90 minutes away from Vegas, so everyone once in…
  • I don't drink coffee, but if I did I would probably put about that much sugar in it. I am a sugaholic! The one thing that has helped with temptation is I will look at it as an addiction, it is a problem and I can't fix it if I keep eating it. Ya know how they always say "the first step is admitting you have a problem"?Well…
  • This may sound strange...but I like to listen to Rammstein when I run. They are a german band and all of there songs are in German (in case you didnt' know who they are) So I have no clue what they are saying, but the beat and the rhythm of the music sounds a little angry and for some reason when I hear it, it just make me…
  • AWWWW...I miss TJ's. I used to live in Califonia and got hooked on it, now I am living in Utah and because of the states liquor laws...TJ's can't have a store here. :angry:
  • Thank you soooo much everyone! All this information has helped me a lot. I have been at a stand still for almost a month and just today I reset my goals on MFP. It's interesting cause about a month ago I did the same thing (reset my goals)....guess I did it wrong...I think I was in denial and thought I deserved to eat more…
  • I am just curious about the agave nectar...do you use it to replace the white or brown sugar for when you are baking something like....I don't know...cookies:happy: . I saw it at the grocery store the other day and wanted to buy it, but couldn't think of anything to use it for.
    in Honey Comment by jbunzsno August 2009
  • Thanks for posting this....it couldn't have been at a better time. This past week I have been having headaches when I first wake up and right before bed. I thought that it was due to lack of drinking enough water. So then I became more focused on my water intake...still didn't help. Then yesterday I had a horrible…
  • I haven't tried the stuff that you see advertised everywhere, cause they all seem like scams to me. But I have used Sambazon brand of Acai Supplements and I could tell of a boost in my energy levels and I am sure if I would have kept taking them then I would have seen more benefits from them. But I couldn't afford them…