Ajinx1 Member


  • It seems I could echo almost all of your statements. That being said I don't know that I have one particular struggle. It's definitely a combination of them. I'm a mom of three kids. Time and guilt is a huge factor. I work full time and the little time I spend with my kids I feel guilty for stepping away to work out and…
    in Struggles Comment by Ajinx1 August 2014
  • Great job!
  • Thank you all for the friend adds and suggestions! I'm trying to stay committed to making this a lifestyle change for myself and my kids. My family history isn't the greatest, still I have a feeling based on that that cancer will get me before the heart disease and diabetes. Yet I see my kids and want to be around to see…
  • Thank you all! I recieved a number of friend requests and sent out a few as well. I soooo appreciate it. I'm going to try really hard to commit to this and make it a lifestyle change versus just an existance. Several of you mentioned strength training. And that's an excellent point. We do have an old bowflex and I do get…
  • Tired- Unfortunately at my work we don't have stairs and parking isn't a problem (small company). Occasionally we take walks at break (I'm salary though so don't usually take breaks when the other group does). We did start a fitness challenge here at work and there's 8 of us that are logging exercises on the wall. That…
  • Welcome! Those are some great goals. How are you doing so far?
  • I've considered Zumba but as uncordinated as I am, I'm just not sure I can do it!! Love walking the dogs that I own. I spend time walking/running on the treadmill on days that its to cold or dark to go outside. I started TaeKwonDo with my son about two months ago, and I actually am enjoying myself. Welcome!
  • Are you trying to gain weight or lose weight? You can't cut back to 1200 calories or can't eat enough to make 1200 caloires? What's your height & weight?
    in New to this Comment by Ajinx1 March 2012
  • I live in Minnesota and have been riding since I was 2! I have two horses at the moment- an Arabian mare named Karissonna who will turn 30 in the spring. I've had her for 25 years. She's taught me so much and been my rock through all of my teenage years and adulthood. I also have an 11 year old QH gelding that is a bit…
  • This is the first time I've posted on the forum. I too could stand to lose weight. Ideally I'd like to (long range) lose around 50 lbs, but 30 would be acceptable for now. I'm a mom to three kids and work full time. My husband and two kids (the 10 year old boy and 3 year old daughter) are skinny trim and athletic build. My…