

  • A very big congrats Dana! You look awesome and I am so glad we are friends here on this journey!! You're a great inspiration and I know you are a busy mom and yet you still found time for you. So proud of you!
  • I've had my BMF core (I like that one because it's the smallest one) since around June. I try to have a 500 calorie deficit . My usual burn is anywhere from 2000-2400 calories/day and from there I know how much I can eat. I'm 5'7" and I'm about 10 lbs away from my goal of 140 lbs. I'm losing slow now but that's ok. I have…
  • Love your post and your pictures! Very inspirational!
  • My 2 favorites: If you fail to plan, then plan on failing Fitness is a journey, not a destination
  • TDEE is total daily energy expenditure. I have a BodyMedia Fit arm band and my TDEE is around 2000-2400 and from there I take a 500 calorie deficit. I'm steadily losing this way. MFP had me at 1310 calories and that way too low. Felt crabby and hungry. TDEE minus 20% makes more sense to me.
  • I saw that article too. It makes sense to me. I have mostly lost my weight by diet alone. Not really able to exercise as much as I want to.
  • MFP had me set to eat around 1300 cal/day and I just couldn't do it. Wasn't enough and I found myself to be weak, tired, hungry and cranky. I went on some websites such as scoobysworkshop.com and figured out my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure which includes your activity) and then from there I took a 20% deficit. I…
  • I have the Bodymedia Fit Core. I still use MFP to log food. I find BMF's site a pain to log food so what I do at the end of the day is I hit "create food" and just put my total calories for the day on BMF's site and all the fat/carbs/protein, etc info in and name it today's date. That way I still know my calorie deficit…
  • That's awesome and that's exactly what I do, eat over my BMR but under TDEE and it's working!!
  • I have the Core too and I kind of do an average. Do you have the display? That helps me out because I know to eat more if I have a particular busier day or if I'm more of a slug that day, I'll eat less. I don't think going by the previous day would work for me because I tend to vary especially between work and weekends.
  • You want to net what MFP has your calorie limit set to. Having a negative net is a very bad thing. How do you expect your body to function with nothing because you just exercised it all off? You are going to really mess up your metabolism. Plus it's not sustainable over time. That's what causes yo-yo dieting, severe low…
  • I base my calorie amount on TDEE minus 500 calories. I have a Bodymedia Fit armband and my total daily calorie burn is around 2000-2400 without even stepping foot in a gym and so from there I take a 500 cut to lose 1 lb a week and it already has your exercise calories built in and so I don't eat them back. Therefore I eat…
  • You need to eat more in my opinion just like the above people said. When you eat a very low calorie diet, yes you are going to lose weight fast but are you going to do that the rest of your life? Then when you start eating again, you'll gain weight and that's what causes yo-yo dieting. I base my calories on TDEE minus 500…
  • I did BFL a long time ago and had good results, lost 30 lbs. I still believe in a lot of things, the 6 small meals and the way the exercise program was set up. I think you can do both, BFL and MFP. I have to say though I set my calorie amount based upon my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). At first I did it by some of…
  • Net is what your body has left to function with after you burned everything else off. You're supposed to eat back your calories because if you go by MFP, you are already eating at a deficit and then if you go and exercise, it puts you even lower. Having a minus net is very bad, how is your body supposed to function? It's…
  • What kind of exercises are you doing? If you feel lightheaded, that's not good. Are you drinking enough fluids? Are you eating enough? If you feel really tired afterwards, that's not all that great either. Maybe you need to listen to your body and slow down and possibly see a doctor.
  • Feel free to add me. I started March 1st and am down 17 lbs. Best of all, I got my cholesterol levels down and avoided medicine!
  • I have had a Bodymedia Fit for several weeks now and I'm still losing weight but I still have quite a bit to lose, at least 10-15 lbs. It sounds like you since you are almost at your goal weight, no matter what you do, it's going to be hard. If you are lifting heavy, I would take measurements instead of the scale. You…
  • I went on the internet and figured out my TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) which includes exercise/activity level and for me it said around 2000. MFP had me around 1300 cal which was way too low. Couldn't function on that. I increased my calories and then got a Bodymedia Fit which is an armband you wear all the time…
  • I quit going by what MFP told me because it was too low. Couldn't do 1300 calories. I figured out my TDEE and took a 500 calorie cut. Then I got a Bodymedia Fit and actually my TDEE is more like 2200-2400 a day. I'm still losing weight, eating healthy and feel a lot better eating around 1600-1800 cal/day.
  • I got a BodyMedia FIt recently and my actual calorie burn is higher than I thought. During the week it's around 2100 and on weekends even higher from doing lots of housework, chores etc. I'm not very consistent about working out but it would be even higher. I highly recommend it and plus it tracks your sleep. I have…
  • I've pretty much always had a high cholesterol and my parents both do too but I can get my numbers down with diet and exercise. My turning point to wanting to lose weight was in Jan, I had my biometric screening and it was awful. My cholesterol was 268 and my LDLs (the bad cholesterol) were 186 (supposed to be under 100).…
  • I'm in Phoenix AZ!
  • I am always looking for more EMTWL friends, anyone can add me too!
  • Hi, I am 44 years old and have lost 15 pounds mostly from diet alone because I have chronic pain issues due to fibromyalgia and also have bad knees. I am also an RN so I understand what you have gone through. You can lose weight with diet alone, it may take longer. You have already done so well by losing 29 pounds!…
  • Ladyraven68 is right on the money. Check out the group Eat more to weigh less, there's a lot of valuable info on there.
  • I had gotten the BMF Advantage and as much as I loved it, I returned it to the seller on Ebay because I really wanted the Link version. It was driving me crazy not to know what I was doing unless I synced it up to my computer. And buying a the display that looks like a watch seems ridiculous to me, why not spend the extra…
  • you can add me and/or look at my diary although you may want to ignore the free meal I had last night!
  • I have had this problem for 12 years and it's been very frustrating and now I have chronic pain. I think the trick is to strengthen your quads. I've been to physical therapy several times and have my knees taped, worn braces and nothing has really helped. I just avoid doing any activities that involve bending the knees…
  • I'm an RN too, you can add me. I live in Phx AZ