

  • Good question. Since my scale never moves just watching my calories and doing P90x, I think I'm going to have to do the P90x meal plan. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it.
  • I tried the chocolate one. First, it wasn't very good. I could only drink it when I mixed a really ripe banana with it. I didn't like any of the other recipes that came with it. You really need something to help mask the "fake" and/or vitamin taste it has. Secondly, it claims it gives you energy. This is true. BUT it made…
    in Shakeology Comment by Tyra1976 July 2011
  • I either have a recovery drink or some cottage cheese.
  • I love, love, love Chobani greek yogurt. Some flavors are more sweet than others. I personally love the dark cherry and the pomegranite flavors.
  • Excellent Post. We should have a big ol' scale smashing party.
  • I've never considered trying a Luna bar. Hmm... reading this thread makes me want to try them.
  • I'm in month four of this plateau. I've been flucuating 3 lbs during this entire time. Drives me nuts.
  • Greek Yogurt! Love it! Cottage Cheese in another filling snack.
  • LOL... I'm envisioning working out to KISS songs. That could be a lot of fun.
  • I tried the 30 Day Shred. You'll sweat your butt off! I'm not a big fan of the program. I thought the program didn't include enough stretching, thus is leaves people susceptable to injury. I also don't care to "feel like I'm going to die." Jillian actually says this during the Phase 2 routine. I'm a P90x girl. I think it's…
  • Can I join too? I'm around 145 (flucuates 2 lbs both directions) and my goal is 140.
  • I don't buy certain foods under any circumstances. These foods are BANNED from my house: Brownies Keebler Grasshopper cookies and Girl Scout Thin Mints Chocolate Holiday Candy of any kind - I only buy non-chocolate candy that I won't eat.
  • Thank you all so much for your input. I do struggle with anemia. That could be once cause. I think I have also unintentionally messed things up a little by focusing on my protein intake. I'm a carb addict by nature, but for the past couple of weeks, I have been seriously cutting them down. Maybe my body is reacting badly…
  • I guess I should have told you I just took a week off because, I too, thought I had overtrained my body. I was gung-ho for nearly 3 months. We're talking super intense. About 2 weeks ago is when everything came to a screeching halt.
  • I'm having trouble with level 2, and I've been doing P90x! I thought it would be fairly easy for me. I was wrong. I wish you all the best. Try not to be too hard on yourselves. Any exercise is better than none.
  • Holy Crap!!! You look great Justin!!! You should be so very proud of yourself. For the record, Emmy rocks too!:smile:
  • Have you ever been diagosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome? One form of IBS includes severe constipation. I struggle with this. No matter how much fiber and water I consume, it's still a struggle. Exercise helps, but doesn't alleviate it. See a doctor. I wish you the best.