

  • I'm in for week 1! Although starting on Tuesday, I'll try to get in 360 minutes this week!
  • I'm looking forward to shopping for clothes in a smaller size - but overall just enjoying clothes shopping! Right now I get so frustrated and defeated going shopping for clothes and get depressed trying on clothes that fit uncomfortably
  • I appreciate the various thoughts and opinions as I, too, have been debating this. My husband and I are going on a week-long cruise to Alaska in just one week and my first mini-goal weight follows our return - eek! All I keep hearing about is the food on the cruise - but I think if I just keep out the soda for one, that…
  • Awesome! Thank you for sharing! I'm trying them out now!
  • I'm excited to join this group! My husband and I will celebrate our 2nd anniversary in early October :) and are talking about TTC soon. I want to be healthy and fit to have a great pregnancy. SW: 145 CW: 144 GW: 125 (ideally before pregnancy) MGs: #1: 140 by 9/11 #2: 135 by 10/10 #3: 130 by Thanksgiving #4: 125 by New…
  • Hello! My boss just told me about this site, so I signed up! It's pretty interesting so far! I'm a 20-something year old southern California girl who cannot wait to move out into the country! Born and raised here, my husband and I both cannot stand all that comes with city living - the speedy pace of life and subsequent…