

  • Love Chobani the most... My favorite flavor is Plastic. Lol, just kidding. I like the plain. I add my own yummy stuff!
  • Another website I ave found helpful is helpforibs.com Great resources, suggestions, etc
  • Love sparkling water! I use a Sodastream as well... I have used their flavor essences in the past and they are great. Right now I usually add lemon and a bit of Sweet Leaf vanilla creme (stevia)... So good for summer!
  • I have the FT40 and love it. Works great! Nice to have an accurate tracker for exercise! LIke others have said, just be sure to rinse out the strap after use. I'm at 30" and was able to order the strap in the S size (I think it's actually labeled xs/sm). I was concerned about the sizing as well, and a CS rep assured me I…
  • Have fun! Put your name/nickname on the back of your shirt. Use masking tape if u don't want to pull out the permanent ink. People will cheer you on by name! It makes it fun!
  • Agree with this! I have both an HRM and BMF as well. The BMF is great for your everyday, regular activity. It does not track well for me when I am really exercising though. The HRM on the other hand isn't supposed to be worn all day for regular activity, but when I use it to track my HR during exercise, it's awesome! Seems…
  • I've ordered from them too! Sometimes a better deal than Amazon. I've also tried both the PB2 and Protein Plus. Both very good, although I probably prefer the PB2... I order the larger bags. Netrition has been great to order thru. Fast and easy!
  • Thx for all the great suggestions. I definitely can't do the gym thing right now, so I'll see if I can keep getting heavier weights here at home. I like lifting heavy (or heavier), but not always easy to do w/o the gym. I'm sure genetics play a huge part, bu I'm not willing to just use that as an excuse! Want to work it as…
  • Have you seen any positive results in that 8 weeks? Looking for some positive encouragement to keep pushing thru.... :)
  • I did some paddling last weekend and finally remembered to test out the HRM with it! I burned just under 400 calories in an hour. I was pleasantly surprised actually; thought it would be much less. I managed to stay in the fitness zone for most of it (as opposed to lower HR in the fat burning zone). I was mostly 'trying'…
  • Lol, I can't imagine putting the thing on my head! My hybrid is a bit of beast. If I try it, I'll be sure to take some video to share! ;)
  • Yes, I care! ;) I just got a somewhat similar one this weekend. A hybrid by ocean kayak - Nalu 12.5 It's a little less heavy, about 50 lbs. Kinda hard to maneuver on land for me, since it's long. But I'm loving it in the water! I have an adjustable paddle which is nice for multiple users. Probably not the best out there,…
  • Yes, great post to find! My sil has an SUP that I tried out last summer. No clue about the dimensions, but it was a cheap board from Costco I think? Paddle is crap, came with it. Still very fun! You don't always realize the muscles you see working and the exercise you are getting. I'd love to know how many calories are…
  • LOVE the real deal, but eat a lot of PB2 instead to cut down on fat/calories.
    in Peanut butter Comment by KCMinn May 2012
  • Good advice... I'm kinda in the same boat as you were. Need to decrease the deficit and see if that brings results again.
  • I LOVE Chobani! Eat it every single day! When my supply starts to dwindle I freak out and have to get more right away! ;)
  • Yes. Well, I use my Bodymedia Fit and an HRM. I think the BMF is essentially the same thing as the Bodybugg. Or close... I wear the armband during the majority if the day/night, and just wear the HRM when I workout. I have to remove the armband during this or the interface won't let me plug in my HR calories burned. But if…
  • Love it! Get my PB fix without the extra fat and calories! I know the real stuff has good fat and all, but those calories and fat grams add up quickly! I eat it everyday! Love it in my greek yogurt! Also tasty in oatmeal... Great in smoothies and shakes... I even made a Thai style peanut sauce with it once! Very tasty, and…
  • I'm glad you posted this as I have been dealing with the same thing! I've had my Bodymedia Fit for a few months now, and overall I like it. I feel like for regular everyday activities it seems spot on. But I have been questioning the results it gives me for certain cardio activities. I use an elliptical machine a lot. I do…
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