Anyone use a bodybugg AND HRM?

toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
I've been researching and my understanding is that bodybugg is the most accurate device on the Market in this field for counting TDEE....
But hrm are more accurate for measuring calories burnt when exercising?

Is it true the body bugg isn't really for cardio workouts - eh spin or cross trainer?

Does anyone use a bodybugg during the day and then hrm at gym and use them
Together? So take calories burnt from hrm x replace the bodybugg calories for the hour in the gym
With those?
Or am I makin it too complicated? Basically I am thinking of getting a body bugg to see what I burn TDEE (without exercise) but then thinking I need the hrm if the body bugg isn't good at cardio calories.

Anyone got any views on this before I purchase? Thank you x


  • toshie333
    toshie333 Posts: 295 Member
    Was wondering if i used a bodybugg all day and then took it off and replaced it with the hrm whilst working out and then going back to the bb afterwards and adding in my calories from cardio?
  • KCMinn
    KCMinn Posts: 20
    Yes. Well, I use my Bodymedia Fit and an HRM. I think the BMF is essentially the same thing as the Bodybugg. Or close...

    I wear the armband during the majority if the day/night, and just wear the HRM when I workout. I have to remove the armband during this or the interface won't let me plug in my HR calories burned. But if u log everything on here it might not matter.

    I did this because I was NOT getting an accurate calorie burn for many of my workouts with the Bodymedia. I do use an elliptical quite a bit. And there were some other workouts where I was working super hard, and it showed me burning hardly anything. The HRM seems much more accurate.