kgj66 Member


  • To be honest I can't remember- I did it using information from here a few months ago, and then cross referenced with a few of those TDEE calculating websites so see if I was working it out correctly and they all came close. I suppose it would be an idea to look at it again.
  • Sorry meant TDEE is 1700 from what I worked out so I was going for 1500 calories
  • Thanks for replies so far everyone. Really helpful. Flex500 - that's a super idea about finding neutral weight - I never thought of that.
  • bumping for later
  • It's not that I don't like meat - I just find when I eat enough to hit protein macro it can put me over on calories. I suppose I should just cut down on the things I really like elsewhere and work on the protein. Have been eating a lot of prawns recently - they are great as low cal and good for protein and yummy! I thought…
  • Thanks for replies! No I don't weigh as my scales are rubbish!! Guess I should invest in some new ones! I will start trying to log weekends-I suppose it can all add up. Though if I know I haven't been great il make an effort to remember what I've eaten-ie last weekend and log it to show how bad it is! Thanks again :)
  • Thanks :) Any tips on you worked out best calorie amount for you?
    in New plan? Comment by kgj66 February 2013
  • Bump
  • Thanks- the bean soups are a really good idea as I love beans! I did have a desire for eggs last week, so brought some hard boiled ones into work for a snack, didn't think about them being good for protein! I do like meat- it just takes longer to cook then some things. Only fish I really like is salmon and mackerel, which…
  • I currently eat porridge for breakfast a couple of times a week so will increase that. And I also put oats in my smoothies. So that's good I am on the right track! At the gym I tend to rotate around the cardio machines so hopefully that will make more difference if I up the time I spend doing it. Thank you!
  • Great thanks. I didn't realise that the juice would be adding so much! Almond milk sounds like a good idea- might give that a go! I know that measuring out properly is the way forward, but because I normally just use whatever I can find in the fridge I wouldn't want to do it every time. But i suppose it would give me a…
  • Boil them in water until soft as you like them then toss them in honey, and some butter for extra taste but more calories
    in Carrots Comment by kgj66 January 2013