georgiep84 Member


  • How did you get on with low gi? I am just starting and would like some ideas for foods. Hope it worked for you.
  • Hi, Sounds painful but worth it! What does it increase by each day? x
    in Hi! Comment by georgiep84 June 2013
  • Hi, Did either of you do the diet in the end? I am on day 2 and hoping for great results... would love to know how you got on? Thanks. x
    in exante Comment by georgiep84 June 2013
  • Hi, A friend of mine is 5'9 and her Boyf is 5'6. He encourages her to wear MASSIVE heels and buys her lots of shoes too! x
  • Dover, UK- as in the "white cliffs of" would like some more friends... need some support to stay on track! xx
  • very well done! inspiring indeed...
  • yes it is definitely manageable- when i started i couldn't see how it was possible to only eat 1300 cals per day but i managed it and actually found it easy to balance day to day. Just keep updating your diary and be prepared to do a little exercise to help too. x
  • Can I join?! my SW was 208 and Ive finally broken the 200! it took 3 onths to get there but i'm teetering around 196 and it has been bouncing up and down for 2 weeks but never under- the sence of achievement for going under 200 is the only thing stopping me celebrating the success, that and knowing i have 24lbs to go... ad…
  • wow! that is amazing! WELL DONE!!! cant wait to be saying the same mysely! congratulations!!! x
  • don't be disheartened sweet pea! your body is more than likely just getting used to the new diet you are living by. it can take a wee bit of time to settle in your system. keep at it tho- you will see the results, if you feel like you are struggling remeber, it's mathmatical! if you eat less calories than you burn you will…
  • Hi I'm Georgie, This is my first time online at mfp, and am really excited about loosing weight. Mine weight has crept on iver the last 2 years and I'm finally willing to do something about it! I use food to comfort myself too- usually anything chocolate related! I hope this is the a one way street that I won't go back on-…