I gained 9 lbs as of last week. I was too scared to get on the scale, but I am pretty sure I am still the same. I am eating crappy, I feel there are too many temptations that I can not resist. \
Good morning everyone! Today is the start of a new weekend. Lets get this party started. I received a quote yesterday that motivated me and I wanted to share with everyone: IF YOU STILL LOOK CUTE AT THE END OF YOUR WORKOUT, YOU DIDNT TRAIN HARD ENOUGH! So get sweaty, get nasty, get whatever it takes to get it…
This has happened to me as well. Biotin didn't do anything for me. I went to the doctor, actually 3 doctors and all of them said its due to weight loss. It makes me now want to continue losing weight because the more weight you lose, the more hair you lose.
I'm here! Feeling very frustration with my boyfriend or ex boyfriend (I think). But I am here.
So, I got on the scale this morning and I gained 6 lbs! God I am so mad! I am banning Starbucks frappe for good! All this hard work for nothing!
I tried the Paleo - I lost 60 lbs on it within 2 years. However, I gained 20 lbs back once I slowly brought normal food back in. Its not realistic in my opinion. A lesson learned from my side.
Good morning everyone! Its Monday! Most of us are starting our week off as the beginning today. Lets do this! Take baby steps. Watch what you put in your mouth and go the extra mile to walk. Park your car at the end of the aisle. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every step counts - SO LETS GETTING MOVING!
This week, my goal is to workout 5 days for minimum of 90 mins and to fix my bodymedia device.
I don't struggle with the preparation for the food - I struggle with cravings. I would suggest just making it a priority to set some time on the side each night.
Hi everyone! So I weight in this morning and I lost 3 lbs!!! I am so relieved and proud. All this hard work is paying off!
I don't like weight watchers. I tried it 2 times. And both times I felt like I was starving. I know they give you a certain amount of points to get you on the right Track of eating. But I felt like I was so hungry all the time and there was not enough points to get me through the day.
Low-cal snack would be 100 calorie kettle popcorn. Low-carb snack would be 1 cup of green grapes
I love the energy Reggie! Lets start this week! Don't delay! Stop with the excuses and start the journey! You got this!
Challenge yourself this weekend - to have the first weekend to do this right! Get your workouts in on Saturday and Sunday. Remember its a mental thing. The words "I cant" is the a prison mentality. The words "I can" is a warriors mentality.
Good job EVERYONE!!!!! I love to hear all the loss's everyone is accomplishing! I weight in at 230.6 - 4 lbs loss
Love the energy Reggie!!!! The good news is that we are one day closer to Friday! One day closer to the weekend - yeah!!! And its weigh in day for me tomorrow, so I am extremely excited about that! HERE IS A MOTIVATIONAL MESSAGE: You don't get it by - Staring You don't get it by - Wishing You don't get it by - Hoping You…
I listen to house music on youtube - the high fast beat gets me going when I am working out.
I am in 100%! How do you want to do this? I weigh in on Friday mornings.
I am working out 5 days a week. I do 3 days of Bob Harper workout videos and then go to my gym for the evening on the other days. I try to walk at my lunch time when the weather is nice.
This sounds like a great idea - I know I am a little late for the week, but this is what I will do for the last couple days. 1 - Drink water 2 - Walk at lunch time 3 - Workout out for at least 60 mins a day We should post goals for each week to keep us going!
How about you ask your son to play a game of basketball with you after his camp?
Jewels ells it in the freezer aisle.
I would love to join this club. Can you move it to the group forum section?
Hi I am from Poland. I came to the U.S. when I was 5.
I was told by my trainer and military son - do not drink protein shakes for dinner or after dinner because the sugar will make you gain weight. If you hungry at night - go straight to your room and go to bed. Do not stay in the kitchen/living room area. The temptation will get to you.
Yes I have. When I started to lose weight my hair strted getting thinner and thinner and thinner - to the point I started seeing my skull. I went to my doctor, to a hair specialist, and 3 different dermatologists - and all of them said weight loss affects your hair. The more weight you lose the more hair you will lose. Its…
You can add me. I am trying to lose 80 lbs but I will be happy with 50!
Your are not eating enough. 1,000 calories is extremely low and your body is going into starvation mode. When your body goes into starvation mode it clinges onto your fat. Increase your calories - you should be consuming at least 1,400 calories a day.
Mine is open.
This is some awesome advice!!!!!! Thank you.