

  • Alright, I finished week one (barely) last week, week two got away from me this week. I managed to squeeze in the Cardio Axe today though. It was supposed to be the Sculpt video according to the plan, but I didn't have time. I'll start over fresh next week with week two. I kinda feel like I need to complete each week in…
  • I can totes relate on the whole losing and gaining it back thing. I lost about 50 pounds on WW about 3 years ago, I only gained back about 17 pounds, but that was enough to make me feel guilty about undoing all the hard work I had done. Aging has a funny way of putting things in perspective for us too, lol! Thanks for…
  • WOW! Way to go! Just knowing there are others out there who have accoplished what I am attempting is really inspiring. Every time I work out and I start to think "Man, this really SUCKS! It's so hard!" I remind myself of those who have gone before me...if they can do it, surely I can. Thanks for the motivation and keep up…
  • It's just awful. The worst of the devastation happened just a few miles north of where I am. As terrible as this may sound, I'm kinda used to seeing those kinds of images on television. While it's always heart-breaking, when it is right in your own strikes a different place in your heart. I am so thankful…
  • I just joined MFP today (I have been using a different app for the last month). I saw this post and got excited, lol! I just started BBL last week...sorta. I started over again this week. I'm following the "Too Big" plan. I'm not in near as good of shape as it seems everyone else in this group is, but I am chipping away at…