50ishFoodie Member


  • Hi! Looks like all are doing great. Barbie - you have such commitment. Keep it up. :flowerforyou: Lin - the robins are out here. I bet you are ready for a break form winter. Looks like you've got a good routine going. :flowerforyou: Cindy - would love to hear more about the plank moves! :flowerforyou: Jodi - sorry about…
  • Hi, All! I didn't get to the gym on Sunday. But, I went today. I decided to start slow to see how badly 2 weeks off had hurt my body. Did a full circuit on the Hoist system and found that I was much stronger than I thought. Did two sets of all body parts, plus my PT to strengthen my right hip and hamstring. It felt good.…
  • Hi, all! I hope to be joining starting this challenge on Sunday. Hoping that this nasty virus will be moving on by then. Will take it slow. I've been training for years, and I really like the P90x workouts. They are quite long, so I often just break them in half. If I feel strong I will do the entire thing. One of my other…
  • Good morning from snowy SD. Working, so don't have a lot of time. Gotta get mom from the hospital this afternoon. But, ran across this great article and thought I'd share. Enjoy! http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2013/04/22/tackling-diet-exercise-together-produces-best-results-study
  • Hello, Ladies! Just checking in before I head to SD to take care of mom. Caught up on some posts, but will wait until I get there to respond, if there's still room on the thread. Still getting cramps. Some days are worse than others. Hope they end soon. Mom is being released on Monday. They had to keep her a few more days…
  • Hi, all! Just breezing through. Responded to a few folks, but will do a longer post tomorrow. I worked my buns off last week and got all caught up on the two massive projects. Feels so good to be in front of the work and have it put in some semblance of order. Whew! Finally heard back from my Dr about the leg cramps.…
  • Lucy, Hormones are the worst. I have always found the best remedy to be exercise, but sometimes even that didn't help. Then I would resort to a "me" day - massage, pedicure, good book, nap - and leave all the house chores to DH. Maybe you just need some "me" time?
  • Katla, So many of those books don't have recipes that people eat in real life. Smart to check them out of the library. Most of the time I just get normal cookbooks, and make smart substitutions. I also find a lot of great recipes, or healthier versions of standard recipes, on the Cooking Light website.
  • Tari - Glad you are sticking with it. Our bodies have their own plan. Sometimes they reward us on the scale, sometimes they don't I used to get so frustrated, but now I have decided to focus more on being healthy than being skinny. Once I did that, the scale began to reward me. I, too get really flushed when I work out. I…
  • Eileen, So sorry about your mom. Sending big hugs your way. I am going home to South Dakota next week to help my mother transition home from the hospital and rehab. So tough to see them get old and frail. Jane
  • Carol, I agree with Renny's post, especially the calorie-dense foods. Also, add strength training to your daily routine. You can do this with body--weight resistance (pushups, situps, etc) or by purchasing a set of dumbbells, kettle bells, or resistance bands. Even with a bad ankle, you should be able to work just about…
  • Just a quick check-in. Congrats to all the those meeting and working on your goals. I've not been felling it lately - just plugging along without much effort. Probably the stress. Trying not to binge. Michele - It's been interesting to read your posts and see the progression. I think going to the wedding is the right…
  • Just a quick check in! Worked at home today. Just couldn’t bring myself to go into the office. Back to the grind tomorrow. Barbie – good job on the veggie pizza! Isn’t it funny what people consider “healthy?” My boss is vegetarian, too, so I’m always conscious of menus when we choose a place to eat. I often just go to the…
  • Hi, all! Oh my gosh! Page 17 already! I’m so sorry that I won’t be able to read it all. I wrote a big list of responses last month and went to upload, but the board was full. Hopefully that won’t happen this time. I apologize for not responding earlier. What a crazy month. I’ve worked 10-12 hours most days, and averaging 6…
  • I wrote responses to everyone last weekend, and the post was filled so I didn't get to put them up. :grumble: Now, it's almost a week later and won't have time to catch up with everyone until I get back from vacation. My apologies to everyone. What a crazy week. Went shooting with friends on Saturday, worked 8 hours on…
  • Just poppin' in to say "hi!". Read this yesterday. Thought you all might enjoy it. Have a great day! i'll check in later. http://www.acefitness.org/article/3198/ Jane in SLC
  • Tomorrow. Forgot again today. :mad:
  • Looking at everyone’s goals. Lots of motivation going around! Here are my goals for March – Get my weight-training program back on track. Continue training on the bike for the SLC Marathon ride on April 30. Do not gain weight while on vacation. Add some sort of movement into my workday so I can blow off some stress. No…
  • I was apprehensive about trying yoga, too. But it is now my favorite exercise.:smile: Go try. Everyone in class was new at one point. They are there for themselves, not so that they can poke fun at the newbies. Take a spot up front. Introduce yourself to the instructor. Watch what she does, and if you can't figure it out,…
  • OK - most of these responses are way late. I wrote them, and then the posts ran out. Then I got busy and didnt get back to the forum until today. So - SORRY! The situation at work is getting better. Finally, some organization is happening, which means that I might actually pull off these two enormous projects by March 15.…
  • Hi, all! Quick check in. Found I was stress eating this weekend. Made a pumpkin spice cake and after a couple slices decided to put it into the freezer after one last slice tonight, Brought only veggies, berries and yogurt with me to work, so getting back on track. Will respond individually when I have a few more minutes.…
  • Definitely ask for the new pair, with no or minimal cost to you.
  • Hi, all! Just skimmed the last couple days of posts; will try to catch up with you all later. Needed to vent a bit about my crazy week. Managers in town from Philly and Atlanta all week. The person in charge of one department apparently dropped the ball on a hugh project and then tried to throw a couple of people (who have…
  • Hi, all! Barbie – LOVE the salmon burgers from Costco.:heart: I put them on skinny buns with lettuce, a bit of tartar and jalapeno mustard. YUM! Renny – so great that your Mom is still here. My Grandma passed in September 2012. She was 109 years old. Lived on her own until the last 1.5 years. She was amazing. Colon cancer…
  • Jane Do you find moving more helps with the hip pain. My dietician upped my calorie intake also. Yes! The more I sit, the stiffer I get. But I keep the impact exercises to a minimum. Elliptical, bike, swimming, walking, strength training and yoga.
  • Hi, all! Will try to catch up. Whew! So many conversations... Meg – SLC is Salt Lake City, UT. The city is in a valley surrounded by mountains. During the winter, when we get snowstorms, the air near the ground gets cold. That’s normal. But when we get a high pressure system, the warm air high up forms a “cap” and traps…
  • Hello, everyone! Just a quick check in. Can't believe we're in Part 2 for the month. Went fast! Decided today that I am going to give up caffeine/coffee for a while. Never was a huge fan, until I discovered espresso about a year ago. Now I want one every day. So, time to walk away. Also decided that I have to get a new…
  • Hi, all! Just a quick check-in. Took a giant salad to work today. Figure it was about 6 cups of raw veggies. I was stuffed. Renny's challenges sure have spurred me to eat more veg! Didn't get much exercise today, tho. Just ran out of time. Aroundthemulb - thanks for the info on magnesium. I tried supplements for a while,…
  • G’Mornin all! Work up to 4 inches of fresh snow. Love it. Hubby fired up the snowblower and cleared all the sidewalks in our cul-de-sac while I made egg white burritos. Sent him up the hill for a day of skiing. My plan is to swim and touch up some spots on a recently-painted wall, Woo. Will sort and shred papers while –…
  • Hello, Ladies! It’s been a week, so thought I’d get caught up on all your news. First – welcome to all the new members! Always such an inspiration to hear about your success and challenges. Can’t wait to hear more. To all in the NE – stay safe and warm. :smile: Cheryl – what a scary story. Glad all are OK. :happy: Lynn –…