
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all from the weird weather Kootenays (well not really, it's pretty normal to have a spring storm). I woke up yesterday to 3 inches of snow on my hyacinths and tons still coming down. Blech!!! (not as bad as yours though Glenda). Anyway, it's all gone now but kind of screwed up the long walk yesterday, ended up with a short one only.

    After a couple of days away from home, I thought it was not too bad eating, but here I am up two pounds. Depressing as heck. So, here we go again and those pounds were really hard to move the first time. Maybe they've enjoying the outing and will take off again quickly. I actually wore one of my new dressier dresses to the cocktails and banquet at the conference. Much to my dismay, I think there were only 2 of us in the whole room that made the effort. Everyone else came in pants, jeans, cardigans. I guess banquets and cocktails don't mean the same in this organization as they do in the larger urban centres. I thought it would have been kind of fun to dress up a bit. How much you want to bet next year I dress down and everyone will show up in proper cocktail attire - lol. However, NSV alert, I did receive a lot of compliments.

    Spent an hour or so making old shirt aprons again for the Age Friendly serve staff. They're really fun to make and so quick. So quick that I've taken to dressing them up with ruffles and pockets etc just for the fun of it.

    I can't believe it's already page 9 of the second thread. I went back and read as much as I could, but decided I needed to leap in again and say hi to everyone. Going forward from this point so no personal shout outs - sorry - but kudos to a lot of you and sympathies to some (deep sympathy Eileen) and I really hope spring is on its way to elevate all of our outlooks.

    My rotten cat got a bird while I was away, unbeknownst to my lovely neighbours who take care of my animals when I'm away. Everything looked normal until I went into the bathroom and found feathers everwhere, sink, tub, shower stall, behind the toilet - arghhhh. I still haven't found a body even though I went through the house looking under everything on hands and knees, just feathers. Do cats actually eat the whole bird? So yesterday was spent cleaning everything in sight.

    Today will be a rest day and as the weather is pretty good, a nice long walk with the dogs.

    Have a great Sunday everyone.
    Lila in the cool Kootenayts, south eastern BC.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    JB in Portland – “and they all lived happily ever after” :smile:

    Grandmallie – You are SUCH a better person than I am. Had my DH said to me the floor didn’t “look done” I’d have probably grabbed a mop and beaned him with it! Particularly if I’d just spend the morning baking for him :mad:

    EGG BEATERS: 90 days from date of production (unopened), 7 days once open per E-how.com (which I should have looked at first rather than posting - - umm, more coffee???) :ohwell:

    Glenda – Be sure to log your snow shoveling in your exercise diary (silver lining???????). Stay warm and safe

    JB – Love your new profile picture!!!!

    Meg – What a great tip re: deep-cleaning a room a month, I am going to ‘borrow’ your brilliant idea! Also, sending you a kick in the butt (since you asked!) :tongue:

    Juanita – Here’s to this year being the one where DH masticates his nouns and verbs (adjectives too)!

    Lila – It sounds as though you and the few others were appropriately dressed and the majority was not. I’m sure you looked lovely, hence the many compliments! Oh wow, feathers everywhere???? Yikes! One of my cats once “gifted” me with a newly caught lizard, placed ever-so-lovingly on my pillow :grumble:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “I can’t decide whether to be a good example or a horrible warning.”
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks for the Wheat berry info. Sounds yum
    We have school 5 days a week Sunday thru Thursday. Start at 7:50 every morning and finish at 3:00. Seems like a long day really!
    sorry to hear about your mom. you have a good attitude about it all. Hugs to you!
    Good hearing form everyone and getting updated.
    Phyllis in Egypt
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Katla: I have never heard of that brand of chocolate; where do you find it? I may have to get some if these chocolate cravings don’t go away soon. This is really odd for me; why I am craving something I don’t really like I have no idea!

    I buy this Endangered Species Chocolate at Fred Meyer. They now seem to be a member of the Kroger family of stores as near as I can tell, and you might look there.:flowerforyou: They're in the nutrition/health food section here.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Brooke from Colorado

    “I can’t decide whether to be a good example or a horrible warning.”
    Gwen Goodnight or was it Tilda?

    I've already been a horrible warning, but my daughter has put on some pounds anyway. Maybe she'll follow my new example in the future. I'm a Jennifer Crusie fan, too.:wink::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Jake called about 11 AM to say that he's headed north on his way home.....it's time, he's been gone long enough.sad

    :flowerforyou: I did more household chores today and fixed myself a great lunch---black beans with brown rice and frozen mixed vegetables----I've figured out that if I put my lunch in a cereal bowl I can eat it while riding the recumbent bike and watching TV.:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: It's nice enough outside for me to do a bit of work in the yard so I think I'll leave the computer and do that instead.

    :heart: Barbie
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Thank you to everyone for your wonderful, comforting words. We will be flying back to Wisconsin for the funeral for Mom on Friday. My sister said my dad is holding up pretty well. I think the hardest part will come later when everyone goes home again.

    We went through all the red tape needed to allow my son who is in the marines to be able to go. It's quite a process. He is in a class right now and not at his home base so that complicated things. (At least he's not deployed!) But in the end, they will let him graduate from this class early and go to Wisconsin along with his wife and little guy.

    My good friend, Mary, has invited us over for supper...so I'd better save calories or get up and move.

    I heard from my nephew in South Dakota, a first-year pastor, that they had to cancel church today due to snow. Good grief! I hope you all get some relief soon.

    Eileen in cloudy but not so cold San Diego
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Amanda - I found when we were in France (and I think England) that they charged you to use the bathroom. Is it still that way? I'm a big water drinker so I tried to really scale it back.
    Michele in NC

    @ Michele. It seems to be a cultural thing that also happens in the Netherlands. It is expected that using public washrooms people contribute to the cost of keeping them clean. Same thing for the use of washrooms in larger department stores. Typically, there is an attendant who pretty much continuously keeps the washrooms clean. A dish is left out for people to 'donate'. It's not a bad system, really. I cannot remember ever encountering dirty washrooms.

    @gonzamm. Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch, und ich verstehe mehr. I grew up in the Netherlands within walking distance of the German border; our dialect and the one across the border was similar. We also learned German in school in addition to French and English. A lot of Dutch people know how to speak and understand German and English. I have always found it beneficial to have knowledge of more than one language. It broadens the understanding of vocabulary.

    :flowerforyou: Had a short but lovely visit from DD and her little boy this morning. These little people change so much, don't they in such a short period of time. A week goes by and he has learned more things, like climbing on the rocking chair and proudly showing off his accomplishment.

    :flowerforyou: Today my MIL turned 89. We called her this morning (9 hours difference) and she was apparently surrounded by flowers, although she had advised that she was not going to celebrate her birthday this year. Too bad, mom. We're not the obedient kind! :bigsmile: DH and I are fortunate to still each have our moms.

    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the encouragement regarding the 10k. My toe is a lot better today. A long nail was the culprit. Good lesson in preparation for the race.

    That's it for now, I must get on with paying bills!!:sad: :sad:

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Question and feedback needed. When I set up my account, instead of having MFP set my goals, I had set my own calorie goal at 1350. I selected Sedentary because I spend most of the work day sitting. When not at work I am usually busy and on my feet a lot. I also find that I am still hungry with the 1350 calories.
    I am not happy with my weight loss so far it's been 80 days and I have only lost a total of 13 lbs. However am now up 2 lbs. from some bad eating in the past couple weeks.
    I don't get in much exercise, I live in the sticks, no equipment here at home and limited to walking, but at mercy of the weather and my knees and bad ankle.
    I am thinking of dropping my calories to 1200, what do you all think.
    I would really appreciate some input on this.
    Thanking you in advance


    I agree with Renny's post, especially the calorie-dense foods. Also, add strength training to your daily routine. You can do this with body--weight resistance (pushups, situps, etc) or by purchasing a set of dumbbells, kettle bells, or resistance bands. Even with a bad ankle, you should be able to work just about every body part. Building muscle will help you burn more calories at rest.

    I, too, sit at a desk all day. I keep my calories at 1450, and then try for 4-5 hours of exercise a week. Sometimes all I have time for is a walk around the block. I have a spinning bike in my basement, so that makes it easy to get on and get 30-34 minutes, or more if I have time.

    And we all have bad weeks. So stop sweating a small gain. Noting your mistakes, and knowing what caused the problem is half the battle.
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you to everyone for your wonderful, comforting words. We will be flying back to Wisconsin for the funeral for Mom on Friday. My sister said my dad is holding up pretty well. I think the hardest part will come later when everyone goes home again.

    We went through all the red tape needed to allow my son who is in the marines to be able to go. It's quite a process. He is in a class right now and not at his home base so that complicated things. (At least he's not deployed!) But in the end, they will let him graduate from this class early and go to Wisconsin along with his wife and little guy.

    My good friend, Mary, has invited us over for supper...so I'd better save calories or get up and move.

    I heard from my nephew in South Dakota, a first-year pastor, that they had to cancel church today due to snow. Good grief! I hope you all get some relief soon.

    Eileen in cloudy but not so cold San Diego

    So sorry about your mom. Sending big hugs your way. I am going home to South Dakota next week to help my mother transition home from the hospital and rehab. So tough to see them get old and frail.
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member
    Brooke,Katla, Gonzamm and fellow supporters – Thanks so much for the encouragement. I know that what took me more than a few days to gain won't fall off in a few days, but the instant gratification demon wants results NOW. Well, as I said, I will stick with it and hope to see some results soon. I did my 30DS today and am working on drinking water. It's supposed to warm up so I hope to get in a 10-mile bike ride. It's not much, but I just don't have time. Have a 30-miler planned for next Saturday.

    Jmkmomm – I just add lemon to my water. Makes it easier for me to drink. Don't know about water enhancers. I try to avoid chemicals if possible.

    Sue from SD- Maybe you should keep drinking that delicious colonoscopy prep drink.:wink: I agree that since you have already lost 3 pounds that it is a perfect starting point. After drinking that wretched stuff, you should take advantage of the jumpstart.

    Barbiecat – don't think that you offended anybody. I would never feel satisfied if I ate 1100 of empty calories(sugar) in my 1200 diet. Now for me, wine is never an empty calorie.

    Carol – 6.5 hours of mall walking is quite impressive.

    Michele – do you have all the bells and accessories for belly dancing?

    Jodios – I fully intend on announcing some great results on April 30.

    Gonzamm – good news about the weightloss.

    Meg – What's the subject of your textbook?

    Well, it's warming up and time to get ready for a bike ride.
    I like the idea of deep cleaning one room per month.
    This upcoming week will be a challenge from me as I will be away from home. I will try to fit in my daily 30DS come hell or high water.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    It's another chilly day here - only 44, really tough considering that it was 83 earlier this week. Tomorrow is supposed to be warmer and I hope that I can get a bike ride in. If it is windy, I will do a walk instead.

    Today is my weigh-in day and I was less than thrilled with the scale. I have upped my exercise this week and thought I would see better results. I know that I can rationalize that I built muscle and it weighs more than fat or that I lost inches(don't seem to be losing any, but not sure that I measure in the exact same spot.) On one hand, I am feeling much better, on the other I still look like a fat glob. I am on day 7 of level 3 of 30DS. I did not do the first two levels on consecutive days, but am doing this level daily. Maybe that will make a difference. I see people who have incredible results by day 10. So, I will just have to think that in three more days that I will look incredible.:wink: At this rate, I am not on track to meet my monthly goal.

    My husband saw me right after doing the 30DS today and wondered if something was wrong with me - i guess I was a bit flushed. I will continue on and hope that something that is relevant to me happens in the next week.

    Here's hoping that you all have a good weekend and that next week brings good results.

    Tari - Ohio
    Tari - Glad you are sticking with it. Our bodies have their own plan. Sometimes they reward us on the scale, sometimes they don't I used to get so frustrated, but now I have decided to focus more on being healthy than being skinny. Once I did that, the scale began to reward me.

    I, too get really flushed when I work out. I remember being at the gym about 4 years ago when I started this. I was on the bike, sweating hard and gym attendant came up to me with a cold bottle of water and asked me if I was OK. It was very sweet, but I was mortified... took me a while to want to go back there.

  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    We went to the library yesterday and I came home with gardening and recipe books. The garden books included one that is aimed specifically at the Pacific NW, and every page had good ideas for plant choices and design.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: The other two had pretty pictures of gardens, but were not helpful in plant choices. :tongue: The recipe books were by people whose names I see here on MFP; Jillian MIchaels and Bill Phillips. Both had recipes. Neither had calorie or nutrition information. :grumble: Phillips had pictures of brand name ingredients with every recipe and a bunch of before and after pictures of puff to buff adults at the end of the book. :huh: I didn't see a recipe in either book that I wanted to try.:noway:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon.
    So many of those books don't have recipes that people eat in real life. Smart to check them out of the library. Most of the time I just get normal cookbooks, and make smart substitutions. I also find a lot of great recipes, or healthier versions of standard recipes, on the Cooking Light website.
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Just checking in....I am off today, and you'd think I'd be happy, but I am just feeling down. It took all I could muster to do my 2 miles on the treadmill. I have no energy. I couldn't even get through all of the posts because my attention span is just about nothing. There is no reason for this. Everything is fine on the homefront. I am feeling hurt about something tiny that my daughter said that would normally not bother me at all, but for some reason, I just feel like crying. I couldn't find my armorall shirt that I wanted to have in case I need it when we go to see the Phillies next week. I looked everywhere and was getting more and more upset. I tore apart drawers, but nothing. Then DH comes upstairs and finds it in a minute! What is wrong with me? I stopped taking my Permarin about a month and a half ago and I have been having terrible night sweats, which prevents me from getting a good night's sleep. Maybe this is the problem? Not sure, but I want to get out of this funk! This is just not like me! I am always upbeat. OK....vent over. I need to get some work done around here. I am having company on Sunday, and just can't seem to get anything done. I hope everyone is having a better day.

    Lucy in Delaware:cry:


    Hormones are the worst. I have always found the best remedy to be exercise, but sometimes even that didn't help. Then I would resort to a "me" day - massage, pedicure, good book, nap - and leave all the house chores to DH. Maybe you just need some "me" time?
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Hi, all!

    Just breezing through. Responded to a few folks, but will do a longer post tomorrow.

    I worked my buns off last week and got all caught up on the two massive projects. Feels so good to be in front of the work and have it put in some semblance of order. Whew!

    Finally heard back from my Dr about the leg cramps. (she'd been out of town). When I told her what was happening, she told me to go to urgent care. So, I went. Had numerous blood tests. All normal. No thyroid issues, electrolytes are fine, kidney function is fine. No indication of what is causing the problem. Set up an appointment for a physical in a couple weeks and we'll see what we can find then. She told me to go the ER if they get worse. Not comforting. Hate medical mysteries...

    Mom is getting better. Was touch and go for a few days, but she has progressed enough that they sent her to rehab. She will be discharged on Friday. I am going home to SD t o help her get settled and set up with her home health and her part-time assistance. It will be a test of my patience. She is very controlling and her mixed messages are a source of anxiety for me.

    Made a ginormous batch of vegetarian vegetable soup for my lunches. Company is starting a fitness challenge on Monday and bought all the participants a FitBit. Kind of excited for it.

    Off to a housewarming for a friend. Taking fruit salad. :)

    Happy Sunday, all!

    Jane in SLC
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Mostly bumping again...you can tell by the bruises!! Seriously, I am a mess and my massage therapist was concerned, but since I always bruised easy and now have to take that low dose aspirin, it doesn't take much to leave a mark these days. Apparently I'll be one of the black and blue old ladies one day!

    Went to the office after church to work on a task where I need to be undisturbed and concentrate. Someone else will check it before the next step. Went to the Y after and walked 3.7 miles in my 65 min on the treadmill. Rainy here today so not walking outside.

    So, going to church this morning the interstate was shut down at our exit and the next with some sort of police stand off. Then when I was coming back from the Y the surface street I use was blocked off by the police and I had to reroute way out of the way. Weird travel today.

    Need to fix supper now, so will close.

    Brooke - I use the carton egg whites all the time, but it never lasts a week! I guess you could make meringue cookies with them -- they can be great treats!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Sorry these pictures are so big. Prom dress shopping was a success - we chose the peachy/pink one. The bottom dress was just an extra I bought because I thought it would look awesome on her and I was right!!




  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Sorry these pictures are so big. Prom dress shopping was a success - we chose the peachy/pink one. The bottom dress was just an extra I bought because I thought it would look awesome on her and I was right!!

    Awww...what lovely young ladies. Good choice too, love the dresses.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,131 Member
    :flowerforyou: greetings from NW Washington where spring is trying to make an appearance
    we have rain, sun, wind, warm, cold, clouds.....

    :flowerforyou: Carol from GA, hang in there with your hubby and his challenge of quitting smoking....it will be worth it.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, yes services are taxed in Washington......we've been here for over eight years so I'm used to it.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, congrats on signing up for another race.....it is so smart to find challenges that keep you active.

    :flowerforyou: jmkmomm, I try to stay away from chemicals so I drink plain water most of the time but many people swear by the water flavor enhancers.

    :flowerforyou: Carol from WNY, thank you for your kind words and letting me know that I'm not the only one that can be intemperate about raisins and walnuts.

    :flowerforyou: yanniejannie, I gave up eating out for a long time when I began my weight loss journey because of the temptations of good tastes and the uncertainty of the calories...now I eat out when necessary and have found my recreation in other ways.

    :flowerforyou: Michele, I always read your posts to find out what sort of exercise you're doing today

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, I love your quotes and can't wait to see what new thoughts you have.

    :flowerforyou: Jo, congrats on your dresses....I feel the same when my hubby is gone...we are like a matched set and it feels wrong when we're not together----38 years, wow

    :flowerforyou: Viv, getting plenty of rest will put you on the road to recovery.

    :flowerforyou: cityjane, congrats on your smaller outfit

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, your queen mug says it all

    :flowerforyou: jb. that is a fabulous description of all of us.....you have such a talent with words.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, your life reminds me of mine when I was working except that I didn't have children and I was still overworked

    :flowerforyou: Lila, the way your dress fit tells a much clearer story than what the scale says......when I had outdoor cats, I frequently found evidence of hunting.....I am much relieved now that Bernie stays indoors and just looks longingly out the window.

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, that's great that your son and his family will be able to be with you in Wisconsin.

    :flowerforyou: Tari, you are so wise to plan ahead to do your daily exercise even when you are away from home...just take it one day at a time and don't get discouraged.

    :flowerforyou: Jane is SLC, your soup sounds fabulous.

    :flowerforyou: :yawn: I stopped in the middle of this and crawled into bed with all three pets and finished reading the mystery book I have out of the library.......I dozed a bit and now feel more energetic. Jake called from Canyonville, Oregon where he stopped for the night at a great hotel. After a week with his daughter and her family (no TV, an uncomfortable bed, and two pre-school age boys), he is enjoying the luxury.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    This will be quick as I had a terrible night of almost no sleep; awake most of the night and then slept (badly) till 9:40 (!!!!). Been "off" all day with a headache; sure it's bacause my sleep and wake sched. has been so erratic this week........I had a busy week with no "normal" and it just catches up with one. The good thing is
    I didn't have to be anywhere for anybody today; just did normal stuff, a long walk, grocery, laundry, and my main accomplishment----I got the hummer feeder cleaned and filled. Have 10,000 steps again!!! and on track with calories......and drank my water.......all good.

    Best to everyone. G'nite,
    yanniejannie mid Atlantic

    weeseg(?)....have to say prom dress is gorgeous, and so is your daughter!