

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    jb: Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.At son`s so can use internet.Waiting to hear about apt.Stress at the house can be unbearable at times.
    Hubby started the night shift.
    Will try to cacth upon the post while Violet is in school.
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone – spring has sprung into full bloom in PA – yay! It’s supposed to get up to 80 degrees by Wednesday – so happy.

    LisalnUP – congratulations on the NSV of having dresses fit.

    PeachesStateGal – I’m so sorry to hear about your husband – I’ll keep both of you in my thoughts. Smoking is a tough addiction – I hope he’s tougher.

    DeeDee, I want to see a video of you with the hula hoop. I’m thinking of getting one (and a tiny one) for when DGD is here in June. It sounds like such a fun thing to do with her – and since it’s for a bridal shower maybe we’ll get a bunch for the girls!

    Blankcanvas, keep trying. Having a thyroid working against you is no fun! However, being healthy for health’s sake is great.

    Cityjane, congrats!!! I agree, upping the exercise makes a big difference, as does being careful with the calories. There isn’t a magic pill, is there? :laugh:.

    Marcia, I’m a morning exercise person. I find it so much easier to get it out of the way and then get on with my day :smile:.

    Llovevwgolf – your BMI is going down – that’s a good thing!

    Meg, I’m so sorry you’re stuck inside – that’s no fun. I guess if it were fun it wouldn’t be called work, would it? Lol. I hope you feel better soon.

    Tari, I can’t drink water around the time I exercise, at least before (don’t ask why), but I make sure that’s the first thing I do after. It’s a routine – workout, then get a drink.

    Glenda, I LOVE your idea of cataloging what all everyone has contributed! That’s brilliant. I’m definitely going to try it – not only for division of labor but also for gratitude, because I know I don’t give DH enough credit (even though he already knows the division is terribly one-sided. Most of the time I try not to let it bother me, but I’m only human, right?).

    Ckish – I love your first goal. What a great way to declutter.

    YannieJannie, congrats on the great weight loss. It sounds like it’s coming off at about the right pace. Whatever you’re doing is working.

    Jen, I’m laughing at your signature line :laugh:. We’ve been fortunate to miss the rain although there were seriously threatening clouds this morning. Good luck with your modified goal – I agree, work with the lifestyle you have. You might find once you start working in the 20 minutes that you can then start extending it. I also find I work better when I pay myself first – if my time commitments to everyone else are such that I can’t manage to find an hour for myself, I’m overextended.

    Eileen, I’m sorry to hear your mom is in poor health – but doing as well as can be expected. That must be stressful for you too. I’ll keep you in my thoughts. And congratulations on your sibling rivalry NSV lol :laugh:.

    Michele, it does sound like Bryan’s being a pill (pardon the frankness). I agree if he’s looking for money he sure is using the wrong strategy.

    50ishfoodie (love the name), your life sounds like a whirlwind! The trip sounds like it was fun, fun, fun. I agree with your self-assessment as to the electrolytes. Diuretics will wash them out, for sure. What kind of work exactly do you do? It sounds super-interesting. I’m glad to hear your mom is on the mend – it’s been a rough winter on our older relatives, it seems.

    Liz, I’m so happy for you and proud that you’re learning to speak with your voice instead of stuffing it down with food – but I bet it’s not as much fun for some people in your household :grumble:. It’s a fine balance (one I’m still learning) to challenge the status quo without hurting the people who like it just fine before :laugh:.

    Barbie, I hope you enjoyed your trip to Cali. I love Northern California and am looking forward to going in August.

    Shari325, that experience with the surgery sounds frightening! How horrible to have gone through that, and good for you for trying to reverse the trend. Keep coming back for advice and support.

    Viv, good luck with the paints!

    Ohiomom, congratulations on the loss. That’s a tremendous amount of weight to have lost already, so you’re doing great.

    Debraran1, your goals sound quite reasonable. Keep coming back for support.

    Kathy, congratulations on that loss – and being recognized for it.

    Katla, how wonderful that you get to spend so much time with the boating community. DH’s parents have a boat on a lake in TN, but sadly his father is getting too elderly to get it in and out of the water comfortably, so they’re thinking of selling it. He’s really enjoyed his boating friends a lot.

    Jb, I planted my beets, spring onions, onion sets, some Chinese cabbage and bok choy, radishes, carrots, turnips, peas and lettuce. Next garden squares will get fava beans – I love them, but I’ve had an issue with bean beetles, so I’m hoping I can get the beans and get the plants cleared out before they take over. I’ve switched from planting bush beans to Chinese long beans – the beetles aren’t attracted to that plant, for some reason. I’ve also had a terrible problem with squash beetles – I’m hoping to find a solution to that this year too. I have bad dreams about them, with their scary ghostly bodies. Last year I did do better at scouring the plants under the leaves for their eggs and squishing them – so satisfying :laugh::laugh::laugh:. I’ve also had the self-sowing tomatoes – yellow pear. I made a promise out loud to DH that I will have NO volunteers in my garden this year. Most of the skeletons left are from marigolds and tomato vines from the freeloaders :laugh:.

    OK, I’m done with my call, so it’s time for me to head to work out (skipped it this morning because I was awake from 1am to 6am today – grr). I have a dentist appt this afternoon – joy. Then I’m going to play hooky and work in the garden. It’s supposed to hit 80 degrees by tomorrow – have I mentioned that yet (gloatgloatgloat)? I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Peaches, my husband was in exactly the same spot 3 weeks ago. His follow up appointment is tomorrow and we will see when the dye test is. He also has another blockage that may require another stent. Many prayers go your way
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Well I am back from Abu Dhabi and visiting with my daughter and darling baby girl. OH my what a fun week it was. I enjoyed every minute of it and also ate TOO much but also enjoyed every bite also. Now I am back being good again. Already lost a couple of the pounds I collected over there. But still need to shed a few more of them. I really can gain weight FAST! I can't believe how many new people we keep getting on this wonderful thread. That's because it is so good.Phyljen.:wink:
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Monday ladies,

    M.: I can't remember if you make the Green Smoothies, but much of your veggie garden makes INCREDIBLE green smoothies, such as the beet, turnip, radish and carrot greens. If you don't and you know someone who does, give the greens to them! I would kill to have someone give me beet greens.

    Exermom: I'm sorry to hear about Bryan. It must be hard not to know if it's his fiancee or he who is doing it. I guess one way or the other, you will someday find out. But he is an adult, and he's acting very "strong" about this, so maybe he's so adult and strong, he should forego your financial contribution. I get where you don't want to make things worse, and it's not my child so it may be easy to say, but geesh, we give them our all when we raise them and certainly do not need this treatment while on the other hand, they ask us for something.

    spirit05: You'd have had to eat 21,000 calories to actually gain that much fat, so you're probably looking at some water retention. Did you have a high sodium weekend?

    Barbie: Hope your reunion with doggies is going well. I don't have dogs, cats, or anything else, but I have a teen :)

    Face & Neck Exercisers: I smile every time I picture you doing these exercises. I took the easy way out and went on the Murad system. It's a bit pricey, but I honestly can say my skin is vastly improved. My face is probably now softer than my *kitten*.

    peachstategal: As requested, I will pray for your DH. It's almost jolting to read the successes with weight loss and NSV's followed by critical and stressful journeys by a different poster. It is very community-oriented here and I'm sure many will pray for you and him.

    To EVERYONE here recording weight losses, whether it's .06 or 6 pounds, kudos to you and each little ounce is a victory. I have been stuck over a month at the same loss. I've come to the conclusion while training for the run, with the energy I need to maintain, I have to go with the training as opposed to the weight loss. I don't think I want to add too much of anything else on because I'll get worn down, and I can't cut back on my intake (okay, the foot-long hot dog was probably a bit over the top), so for now, that's another goal on a brief hiatus until after May 5.

    I took a 5 mile run Saturday, and had a 5k race on Sunday where I did well, and today, I'm feeling a bit groggy. I'm going to assume it was a four-day missing of my green smoothies and healthy eating (over Easter holiday) followed by this past two runs. I've always felt very secure in my nutrients, but I'm for the first time beginning to wonder if I should cave and start taking vitamins (other than my F). I've always been the type to start and then stop taking them for whatever reason, but what about the rest of us? Are we mostly taking Vitamins and supplements?

    Oh, and to the Bra Fitting Gang, I hope you're going to reward yourself with this. I'm having difficulty finding a high support, great fit running bra, but I am NOT going in to a running store to ask. I do have my limits.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Snow and freezing this morning - minus 10degrees celsius!!! Yep, March and april, it's what we call winter in these parts!:noway:

    Peachstategal - For sure will be praying for your husband - for healing and for strength and perseverance in the journey to quit smoking. That is for sure a tough one!

    deedee - I do want to see a hula hoop video:wink: If I tried, you would all burn considerable calories laughing and peeling yourself off the floor:happy:

    blankcanvas - I know it is so frustrating for the weight loss to be slow. But a consistent one pound a month would be an anual 12 pound loss - and at this point, I would take that!:smile:

    mwheatcraft - 80 degress? Really?? I guess you can go ahead and gloat, as I watch the snow slowly fall, to melt away....again!! :cry:

    ohiomom - 25 pounds since January?!? I sure hope you are celebrating that amazing loss!

    Keep on for health ladies - good eating, good activity, good living!:happy:

    glenda, in southern Alberta, awaiting spring on the prairie
  • reallymary
    Hello Everyone! I'm checking in again - and sorry I can't yet do the 'roll call' thing that more experienced users do. I LOVE that! I scan for my name and feel like you are giving me a big hug and push to keep going.

    I'm setting some goals for the week:

    Log my food every day (so far so good since I've come back to MFP).
    Excercise 3 x this week.
    Weigh only 1x per week (I weigh myself daily and as a result, make myself crazy).
    Get the yard raked! Spring has sprung!

    The painting is complete in the home office. We will do final checks/touchups this evening. I love it and find it very energizing to see the results. Now on to more projects!

    Hope you all are enjoying the day. Here in SE Mass, we are actually experiencing spring-like weather, and I am an avid gardener, so I have been waiting a long time for this eternal winter of ours toend and spring to arrive.

    ~mary -going out to digga the dirt (a phrase from my dad).
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member
    CityJane – congrats on the weightloss. Would you mind sharing your face exercises or a link to them?
    I have bad knees and am encouraged to hear that exercising helped. Did you see a physio?

    Blank Canvas – I feel your frustration, but with all that exercise you must be in good shape. It's funny how people assume if you are thin that you are fit and that is often not the case. My fat self can often endure physically longer than thin people who eat like there is no tomorrow, but come from thin families. I am also very slow to lose weight.

    DeeDee – I haven't hung wallpaper in years, but always sized the walls so that it would come off easily and without making a huge disaster. Our last house had wallpaper, but thankfully, they sized it when they hung it. It just pulled right off. I only had to wipe the walls down with a sponge to get them ready to paint. This new house has wallpaper everywhere and I just removed it from a small area. Wish that they would have sized it. I am wondering if I might paint over it in the rooms where there is a lot more of it. Ugh.

    Barbie – Sounds like the new roof is nice. We are also waiting to get a proper measurement of the roof – they seem to be having problems - a difference of four square and extra $$$$$$$$$. Hope to have it all sorted this week. I think it's fine to have some pizza. I will add extra exercise to make up for enjoying certain foods. Life is short.

    Viv – there are some online color selectors – you can test the colors of your rooms. Or just look for cards with color combination suggestions at the paint store.

    PeachStateGal – sending good thoughts your way and hoping your DH has a swift recovery.

    Lisa – isn't it nice to fit into those formerly-too-small dresses?

    OhioMomoftwo – Congrats on that great weightloss. I hope to match that amount some day.

    JB – Now that sounds like a good plan. Do you know how many calories each of those avoidance exercises burns?

    M – I would love to workout and then get a drink – but not of water. I am forcing myself to drink 8 glasses of water. Sometimes I think that I might tend toward hyponatremia only because I feel really sick and weak if I drink too much water..

    Allison – beet greens? I just juiced a lot of beets and didn't realize that the greens could be used for anything. How do you use them?

    Jackie – Have you tried Titlenine.com for sports bras? Not cheap, but I have found some decent ones there.

    I did my 30DS – anybody have any clue how many calories that burns? I know that it would vary, but a ballpark number would be better than having to find each individual exercise. It looks like rain, but I am hoping for the 70% likelihood of no rain rather than looking at the 30% chance of rain that is forecast. Yesterday was the first time on my bicycle in years and I survived without even a sore backside. It was gret, even though we had a headwind. But better to have the headwind in the first part of the ride and ride home with a tailwind.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Life, funerals, and now marking has coopted my time with all you wonderful Vitamin F'rs ( gee, sounds vaguely rude!)

    BUMP for later....
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    twotonnetaric: Beet greens are very sweet when processed in a blender (I use a Vitamix) to make green smoothies. The most basic one I make, which I love, is about 90 g of beet greens, one red delicious apple, 1 TBSP of homemade peanut butter or two TBSP of powdered PB, one cup Almond Milk (and maybe a cup of very cold water), and then sometimes I put ginger root, carrots, cucumber, celery or a mixture of stuff. When not in training, I also use ground flaxseed, matcha green tea, chia seed--stuff like that for Omega 3's and antioxidants (matcha green tea).

    There are tons of sites and some books about the Green Smoothie Revolution, of which I am a firm believer! But beet greens are my fav!

    And thanks for the tip on the sport bra site! Headed over now.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: jb - love the "workout" routine. I am writing this at work on my lunch time, so no further time.

    Tonight I intend to go to Zumba again, first time in 3 weeks.

    Hope everyone has a great day.

  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Whew! Took me all morning to skim through the posts (at work during breaks)! I spent four hours pulling weeds yesterday and my poor butt feels black and blue today! But I put on my big girl pants, upped the incline on my TM and proceeded to do my two miles this morning anyway. I am learning to embrace the pain! Aleve isn't really helping much, but I'm looking on the bright side because my back side obviously needs the exercise! I'm not even half done, so my butt better be ready as it is in for much more in the coming weeks.

    :laugh: Michele - My mother used to use that phrase too (Beauty has to suffer) as she tortured us with home perms...believe me, the result for all of that suffering was NOT beautiful!!!

    :ohwell: Carol - In my younger days, if company dropped by & my house wasn't in order, I would freak out! I've mellowed over the years & now I enjoy company whenever I get it. Funny how age changes our priorities!

    :wink: Jodi from OR - I yo-yo dieted my whole life too. If you are consistent with logging your food & exercise here, it really helps to keep track which ends the cycle of yo-yo dieting!

    :heart: Rosalindgr - The good news for us is that even when we have a slip we can get right back on track with the support of everyone struggling with the same issues. It's so much easier to do this together!

    :laugh: Viv - Take a few breaths and move away from the paint (for now). Maybe there can be a compromise that everyone can live with.

    :wink: Joyce - Losing weight can be frustrating as the pounds never come off as quickly as we want, but slow and steady wins the race. Hang in there!

    :smile: Alison - Not realizing how many calories were in the foods I craved got me in trouble with my weight in the first place. With MFP, you'll get the chance to choose more wisely. I know I sure do (most of the time anyway!).

    :flowerforyou: Sharon - A big congrats for getting back on track! One slip will not matter in the long run as long as you don't give up.

    :love: Mary - Your DH sounds like a keeper!

    :wink: Lin - Someone once told me that FEAR is
    F alse
    E xpectations
    A bout
    R eality

    :laugh: jb - Thanks for the popsicle recipe. They really do look delicious! If we really treat this as a lifestyle, we no longer have to feel guilty about going over our calories occasionally. Also, I think we can all relate to your DH's fitness regimen (at least I can). Thanks for the laughs!

    :drinker: Renny - Way to go on that 10K!

    :tongue: Tari - I found that drinking water made all the difference. I know it's hard in the beginning, but it gets easier, so keep trying!

    :flowerforyou: Eileen - Prayers are going out for your mom. Progress begins with each small step you take. Congrats on being the smallest sister and taking the stairs. Your attitude will get you there!

    :happy: Barbie - Welcome back! It's a gift to get a contractor who cleans up. With all the steps you take each day, I don't think an occasional shared pizza will hurt you one bit.

    :heart: Shari325 - We are all pulling for you! Even without exercise, the important thing is portion control. The bottom line is calories in/calories out. Hang in there....you CAN do this!

    :happy: DeeDee - Glad to see you are feeling better. Hula hooping is GREAT exercise!

    :grumble: m - Ugh - If anyone figures out how to prevent the weeds from showing up in the spring, can you please let me know? My butt would thank you!

    :noway: Liz - Sometimes it's just a matter of asking for help. They may not realize you are overwhelmed.

    :flowerforyou: Kathy - Congrats on your 2 pound weight loss! Doesn't it feel great to have someone validate all of your hard work?

    :sick: Meg - Hope that virus goes away soon!

    :smile: Amanda - I found this program to be one of trial and error. Sometimes making a small adjustment here or there makes all the difference.

    :smile: Jackie - I do take a multi-vitamin plus Vitamin E and baby aspirin (recommended by my doctor). It seems to work better for me to take these at night because I don't get indigestion that way. I resisted for a long time, but feel better knowing I am covered even if my food choices don't give me the recommended amount every day.

    :flowerforyou: Ohiomom - Great news! Keep up the good work!

    :flowerforyou: peachstategal - So sorry about DH. Will keep him in my prayers for a speedy recovery.

    :glasses: Glenda - Spring has finally arrived here - I'll try sending some your way.

    :heart: Welcome to all of the newbies.....check in often for support, love and laughter!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Weigh in today 202..... not as good as I hoped. I was having almonds as my morning snack and may be retaining water from the salt. I am upping the exercise to an hour in the evening and half hour walk at lunch, grapes for my snack and cereal or hard boiled eggs for breakfast. Everyone have a great week, Rose
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    :laugh: Michele - My mother used to use that phrase too (Beauty has to suffer) as she tortured us with home perms...believe me, the result for all of that suffering was NOT beautiful!!!
    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:

    Your mom, my mom and my Auntie Irene were cut from the same bolt of cloth, I think. When I was little they decided to give me a "Tonette" perm. Remember those? It smelled awful and stung my eyes.:tongue: BOTH of them told me I "had to suffer to be beautiful." The problem was that no perm EVER made me look beautiful. Just frizzy.:laugh: :laugh:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    evening ladies,
    home from work, and I have to say I made myself a yummy dinner,on the advice of a wonderful poster,I made chicken meatballs this morning and stuck them in sauce before I went to work..came home heated 2 1/2 of them up with some part skim mozz.and but it in a 90 calorie wrap.. YUMMO. Im under my calorie count by a smidge,with the exercise today.. but Im proud of myself, that was really tasty..:bigsmile:
    finally finally have the window's open and some fresh air coming in,How Joyous:happy:
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks for the kind words, everyone. I have been in a great mood all day, even though I am coming down with a cold. Let's hope the scale doesn't torment me tomorrow with a gain!

    Peaches & Jnkmm - praying for your husbands and for you as well.

    JB - thanks for the laugh!

    I only have a couple of minutes so skimmed today's posts but don't have time to respond to all. Welcome to everyone new; join right in and you will come to know us. Praying for those of you who are facing challenges and celebrating with those who have had successes

    Have a great evening!.
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    A good Monday evening to all!

    prayers to those who need it :flowerforyou:

    kudos to those who have had weight losses and NSV's!! :drinker:

    <<goes back to my corner for pms and chocolate<<< :frown:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    P 18

    Katla said - My hands sometimes swell at night and when I check my sodium intake from the preceding day it is below my daily allowance. I wonder what else I’m consuming that might contribute to stiff or puffy fingers. When my fingers are puffy I sometimes have a wrong way scale day.

    This happens to me too, very frequently of late. Don’t know why either :grumble:

    Also, I too suffered the indignities of the “Tonette” perm. There is one particular class photo that I cringe at every time I stumble upon it :tongue:

    JB in Portland – :laugh:

    Spirit05 – Welcome, you’ll find great support here

    Wilka56 – Welcome to you too, how great that you AND your family are on this health journey together!

    Phyllis – so glad you had such a great visit in Abu Dhabi, and good for you for getting right back into “health mode” upon your return home!

    Jackie “My face is probably now softer than my *kitten*.” :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    ReallyMary – Great job getting the home office painted, and glad to hear there is Spring in the air for you. 60’s here today, but snow in tomorrow’s forecast and a high of 22 :huh: :grumble: .

    Tari – I put 30 Day Shred in as “circuit training” from exercise database

    Rose – your exercise and eating revisions sound like a good plan, you can do this!!!

    Grandmallie – How yummy your dinner sounds! Any yay for you and open windows and fresh air. It’s the little things, isn’t it? :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”
  • twotonnetarice
    twotonnetarice Posts: 18 Member
    :laugh: Michele - My mother used to use that phrase too (Beauty has to suffer) as she tortured us with home perms...believe me, the result for all of that suffering was NOT beautiful!!!
    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:

    Your mom, my mom and my Auntie Irene were cut from the same bolt of cloth, I think. When I was little they decided to give me a "Tonette" perm. Remember those? It smelled awful and stung my eyes.:tongue: BOTH of them told me I "had to suffer to be beautiful." The problem was that no perm EVER made me look beautiful. Just frizzy.:laugh: :laugh:

    Does anybody even think about giving a kid an at-home perm? I also was subjected to these perms. I remember that we could pick a look to resemble story book characters or child stars like Shirley Temple, Cinderella, Guess that curly hair was something special, but like you, the perm came out frizzy and Cinderella looked just the same as Snow White.