

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    morning my friends,
    cloudy and overcast here today, but just back from grocery shopping..I indulged in a few things that arent really good for me but,portion control will hold the calorie count down..
    i bought myself some ground chicken to make chicken burgers, but jet puff now makes lemon meringue(sp) marshmallows,they are not minis but not full size either and 10 of them are 100 calories, so got my snack bags out and portioned them out..
    there is also ice cream that is called Artic Zone and it is only 150 calories a pint~ a pint mind you, i dont eat that much ice cream but at 36 calories a serving I bought chocolate peanut butter to try..
    I did by some Healthy pop popcorn, and some veggie burgers too.I really want to get the powdered peanut butter,but it is very hard to find and down want to spend a fortune on shipping.
    I havent gotten to the gym yet today, but maybe will go out for a walk..
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning and Happy Sunday to all.
    April 7th I can hardly believe it, my gosh where do the days go?
    Just a quick note and then I'm back to my painting project.
    Enjoy your day Dear Friends!
    Jo – I’m just wondering what is a No Sugar Count Apple? I’ve seen this logged before but have not seen them in stores.:huh:

    Viv- Why not pick up some color samples that you know you’d like, and that will coordinate with what is existing. Share them with the family and I’m sure you will come up with a color that will be pleasing to everyone. ( Sisterhood comment to follow…..) Most men don’t have an eye for that sort of thing!:laugh:

    DeeDee- OMGosh, you have me laughing so hard, isn’t that the truth! I also seem to bump into people when I am in my comfy gear and no makeup, and why is it always then do we seem to “Bump” into an EX! Your weekend with your Granddaughters sounds like it was a blast. LOVE the Queen comment!!!:heart:

    Mwheat- I have often wondered the same thing about those nasty weeds! Great idea on the reading plan, love it!:smile:

    Liz from Idaho- OMGosh do I feel your pain! I know exactly what you mean! It amazes me that no one in the household ever understands that we also work and then we do all the laundry, cleaning, shopping, bills, cooking, and dishes etc. and that we get tired. We never have time for our friends or to sit and enjoy family time because of all the things we have to get done with no help, and then they wonder what’s wrong with us! But keep in mind that we (women) truly must be the pillars of the earth! I am so glad you vented here and hope that it helped you. Sometimes writing it down is very therapeutic.:flowerforyou:

    Kathy – What a pleasant surprise for you. It is such a great feeling when someone notices your achievements and you realized your hard work is paying off! :happy:

    Later girls…
    Carol in WNY aka Cooky
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Warning - Learning Tips coming on Bumping:

    1. "Bump" (=Bring Up My Post): is simply a term that is used to find your way to a forum (also called Message Board) thread for future reference, since the thread will then show up on your own profile page as well as under "My Topics" by way of the "Community" menu tab. My habit is to click on the topic, go to the right hand side of the row and click on "View" under the Last Post. From that position I work backwards to where I last left off.

    2. It does not have to be the term "Bump", it can be any word or character.

    3. In addition, when you have posted once on a thread - either by bumping or writing - there is no need to do it again, since any of your posts or bumps will continue to show under "My Topics". Unless you post on more than 25 topics - which is highly unlikely - the general rule for users of message boards is to refrain from bumping more than once on the same topic. Especially those forums which fill up to the maximum 500 several times in a month, which this one does.

    :flowerforyou: Hopefully this explains things a bit for those who are unfamiliar with the process. Let me know if this explanation is not clear enough.

    On groups: so now and then this group of ladies, women ages 50+, has contemplated forming a group. The consensus has been to remain as is.

    Come back often for your dose of Vitamin F and tell us how you are doing! Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday. (P.S. "Vitamin F" stands for our MFP Friends on this forum - term coined by Michele of NC and adopted by a lot of us)

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

    :heart: Renny
    From rainy Vancouver Island, BC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodi from Oregon: Welcome! This is a nice group, with a few women who lost it all and have been keeping it off for a long time. They’re kind enough to stay with us and provide encouragement, leadership and friendship.:flowerforyou:

    Gonzamm: Congratulations!:bigsmile:

    Viv: I am an experienced boater and an Arthur Ransome reader. The Norfolk Broads are the setting of a wonderful children’s book, The Coot Club.:heart: I’ll be imagining the various settings for your journey. Of course his children’s books were written in the 1930’s so I’m sure there have been one or two changes. :wink: We are boaters on the west coast of N. America and have lots of experience aboard. (WARNING: Unsolicited advice follows!) :blushing: Are you taking a bareboat charter, or will you have a hired captain? If you have a captain, tell the person about your narcoleptic. 1. Get good lifejackets that fit comfortably. EVERYONE should wear them whenever they’re on deck. If the ones supplied by the rental people are uncomfortable, go to the expense of getting comfortable ones. 2. Prepare healthy meals and snacks and have them on time. Don’t wait to get to this or that destination for food until people are over-tired and over-hungry. 3. Get a copy of The Coot Club, by Arthur Ransome to share with your 8 year old as well as the rest of the family.:love: It is a fun book with children, a dog, and an old woman as lead characters. (End of advice.):laugh: I hope you have a great time.:flowerforyou:

    Liz: Losing it may have been a very good thing, especially if you had a talk with your family. I hope they step up and take some responsibility. You’ll probably have to insist. Repeatedly. :wink:

    It is Sunday already. Amazing. There is supposed to be a work party on the docks today. I know I’d like to work on washing my boat, but not while others are trying to power-wash docks. Since we’re retired, we can wait for a sunny day and enjoy our work. Any day aboard the boat is a good day, even when I spend it scrubbing.:heart::flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • nanasorchid52
    Carol you asked – I’m just wondering what is a No Sugar Count Apple? I’ve seen this logged before but have not seen them in stores.

    I used this from the food bank rightly or wrongly when MFP tracked sugars. I assumed it counted just my calories without me constantly going over my sugar allowance. It differentiated betwen natural sugars in the whole lot of fruit I ate and that added to food.

    So now it's in my favourites and I just add it! Hope it clears that one up!

    Jo :smile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Cityjane, you found "lolly moulds" :happy: (love the term!) online, great! I need to buy some, too.

    Liz, as I face housework this morning I am reminded of something someone told me a few years ago when I complained about having to clean up messes that aren't mine. She said, "They don't think it's a mess, they don't even see it! If it bothers you, then just go clean it up, you'll feel better." I remind myself of this each and every time I have to tackle the chore. The trick is to not feel resentment. :smile:

    Lucy, thank you so much for writing about realizing this has become a lifestyle. It helped me this morning, reading about your feeling of freedom! I still get to feeling guilty sometimes, and I know the reality is that "those kinds" of eating days are going to happen and we can just continue the next day with our regular routines. Perfect! :bigsmile:

    DeeDee, hoolahooper! :laugh: I used to be so good at it, too! Tried it last summer, figuring it would be so easy, but what on earth happened to this bod over the last 40 years? Could not keep it around my middle for more than 6 or 8 spins no matter how hard I tried. Maybe we were trying too hard! Sounds like you had a blast!

    Gonzamm, congrats on another pound, that's fantastic! :drinker:

    I see others have been losing pounds lately, too. This is wonderful! Congrats to you! :flowerforyou:

    M, great to hear you've been gardening! Weeding isn't the fun part. :grumble: But hooray, the season is coming! I've been having a good time in the yard, designing the beds, moving perennials around and planning where the annuals will go. Our peppers and tomatoes are up 6" tall under lights upstairs. We leave some tomatillos on the plants at the garden, they always self-sow and I never have to start new plants. Actually they're starting to show up everywhere and become a little pesky lol.

    Well I'd better get off my duff and get busy cleaning. I have the mood for it, but if I wait too long it'll turn into a bad mood and nothing will get done! Ha! :tongue:

    Have a great Sunday.

    :smile: jb in stormy Portland
  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All,
    Procrastinating on my taxes. I just throw stuff in a box for the CPA, but dread the drugery. Oh well, happy to chime in a bit.

    Kathy - Congrats on the 2 lbs! Fabulous.

    Renny - thanks so much for the tips. I had no clue. Still relatively new here on MFP, vitamin "F". I have learned so much but my practice needs to catch up. Need to find more time for cardio after a 9 hr day and 2 hrs of commute. Working of the Marines on a DoD contract. They need lots of IT help. Anyway, finding my way putting health back into my life and this site is a blessing, loving it, but new to it all. Where did you find all of the info about the tips for MFP, bump, etc?

    Queen Dee - I loved thinking about fun with the hula hoop, takes me back a ways, I can't even remember how far back! LOL
    I love NC, we vacation there sometimes. Lewis DE when we are limited for time, NC when we have a couple of weeks.

    JB - the popsicles look amazing! Wow! I may make them for the visual. I cannot taste much since the car ran over me going 40mph. I was crossing the street. Have eyesight, hearing ok, but smell and taste not so much. No smell. I love looking at the beauty of nature, but can't smell it any longer. God let me live, and I am blessed. Really makes you appreciate what is important almost getting killed and surviving.

    So interesting on the boating. Thanks ya. I am a mom of a 31 year old son, he's starting an internship with Foreign Servies when he gets back form a short program in the Philipines. I want to read the Arthur Ransome now, just for me! Sounds wonderful. Congrats on the 10K! I think that was you, hard to remember back a few pages, sorry. Anyway you lead a very active lifestyle, I really benefit from reading such things.

    Thats all for now. Uncle Sam and the IRS beacon. Very understanding CPA, he is used to the manilla envelope with paperclips and some how makes legal sense of it all for us.
    Tenderloin on the grill and a long walk with wonderful mix of iTunes ahead of me this afternoon.
    I love my life!
    Have a great evening and wonderufl week you all.

    Marcia, Northern Va
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Saw this on facebook this morning, thought it was a good one!

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    CityJane, don't give up. I had hit a plateau and thought I would never get out of it. I can now officially say I am out of it and very pleased. My goal was to be less than 200 at my doctors appointment this week. I don't think I will make that but I am still very pleased. I just want to be able to step on those scales and have the nurse not have to automatically set it at 200 to start with. I have 5.8 pounds left to go. Of course when I am at the office I will have clothes on. I always take off my shoes though
  • Mollybesweet
    Mollybesweet Posts: 80 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies~
    Saw this group and begin to read some fantastic posts and wanted to say
    :heart: :wink:
  • Peg_M
    Peg_M Posts: 34
    Thanks for this topic I NEED to lose about 50 lbs. :flowerforyou:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Sunday. The sun is out and the temperature rising. Finally, Spring! :flowerforyou:

    The theme of my yoga class this morning was forgiveness. It is hard to forgive (whether someone else or ourselves) but holding onto resentment or guilt is toxic.:grumble: Letting go frees us. :love: I focused on the process of forgiving (acknowledge formally the wrong, seek empathy so there can be understanding and ultimately forgive and let go of all those negative feelings). I had a number of students come up to me afterwards to thank me. I was worried that it was too heavy a topic but apparently it is very relevant. I often have to work through this process. We pick how to react. I would much rather feel joy than hold on to anger or guilt.

    Michele – you were the catalyst for my theme today. You can’t change the way Bryan is acting, but you can try to understand and forgive him for his immaturity and inconsideration. Hopefully with forgiveness you will be able to get your eating back on track

    Carol – it is always that way. Typically when I run errands I never see anyone I know but the time I decide to run a quick errand after working out – sweaty and no make-up, hair going every which way – I’ll run into at least one if not more people. But honestly friends don’t care if you or your house are a mess. It’s just nice to catch up.

    Welcome to all the newbies – I started on MFP in January and fortunately found this thread pretty soon after that. This is a very supportive and encouraging group. I know that their support helped me stick with it and finally start to lose weight. Come back often

    Gonzamm – congrats on the weight loss

    Viv – hang in there!

    Lucy – glad you found your pedometer

    Jb – I’m going to need to try that popsicle recipe – they look wonderful. We won't have those fruits for awhile yet though

    CityJane – hang in there. My weight actually went up at one point even though I was doing everything I was suppose to. Give it a bit more time. If it still doesn’t start to drop you may need to take a closer look at what you’re doing (e.g. is sodium undermining you?)

    Dee Dee – sounds like you had a great time with your DGDs. Playing is a great way to burn up those calories. I curtsy to the Queen!

    Kathy – congrats on the weight loss

    Well lots to do on this beautiful day. Have a great rest of the weekend. Jodios:smile::flowerforyou: :heart: :drinker:
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    This week has been a challenge for me. PMS is still haunting me and demanding chocolate payments. Grrrrrr....
  • Lorij1123
    This is in response to the person asking about what to do after surgery - but it is not attaching to her message.

    Hi, I think that is a great question. I am no expert, but have learned that even little things add up. At first I am guessing you can't do much. But, walk around the house as much as you can. Stand while talking on the phone. Park further away from stores or your Dr's office. As you feel better you can walk further at easy pace.
    As far as eating - try things that will make you feel fuller longer, like proteins. You will be home so don't hang out and get tempted in the kitchen.
    Good luck to you!
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    I am new to this group.
    My goal for April 2013 is to be mindful of what I eat and why?
    I am keeping a diary of everything I eat and then track it on here.

    I lost over 80 lbs on MFP but I let myself lose focus and I am back
    to the beginning.

    Marcy from Canada
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Well hello all my VitF people. Yesterday certainly turned out to be a wet dog day. Didn’t matter what I planned, the weather did me one better all the way. It’s still kind of misty out there today, and I understand all the high mountain passes (which totally surround me) all have snow and highway issues. Welcome to the Kootenay spring. Hope it passes quickly because I will be driving the Kootenay Pass 4 times this week.

    Today is going to be a work day unfortunately. I am a bit behind at work so will spend a few hours today catching up then I have a Youth Council meeting to attend (and they will have pizza so I am going to try JB’s idea of a pig out and see if that jump starts my metabolism).

    Renny – you always make me homesick for the Island whenever you talk about places. :cry: From where you work and your work changes, I assume you work for the Province? Glad that your 10K was fun and I can imagine you did encounter some mud on the path.

    Gail – right after you mentioned Soma I got an email from White House Black Market showcasing Soma – serendipity?

    Mary – your DH sounds like a keeper. How great to have a chef quality veggie tray – it would definitely top the pizza cravings in my book.

    JB – thanks for posting the fruit popsicles, I copied and pasted it to my MFP recipes. Now I have to find a popsicle mold which I couldn’t find last summer. And the photo makes me salivate.

    Lin – more about the pea/lettuce soup please. Where did you find the recipe – it sounds like something I would really like. I found a few recipes online and will try a couple out but would like to know where yours came from. Always better to work from someone else's success - lol.

    Gonzamm – congrats on another pound lost – way to go.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee – your day sounded delightful. I sincerely hope my kids get it on and I can have grandchildren to play with before I’m in my dotage.

    Liz – sounds like you need to ask your family to put a little time aside to help you then you can all enjoy some free or family time. Ask for what you want! Politely and rationally and without blaming and shaming. I think we might have created this ourselves – I remember in the 80’s being so proud of being a super-wife/mom and doing everything as well as being a successful earner. The older I get, the more I realize that “workaholic” is not a good thing.

    Anyway, off to do my penance at the office. :sad: I do resent it a bit though, but it is my fault for letting minor issues eat up the time I needed to do other things (forest vs trees again).

    Have a good Sunday ladies, and drink that water (I seem to be slacking a bit on this).:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Lila in the misty Kootenays, south east BC Canada
  • BlisterLamb
    BlisterLamb Posts: 396 Member
    Been down sick for a few days and we are expecting snow tomorrow. I'm about 30 miles behind schedule on my miles. Bummer

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,165 Member
    Sasha - the pea/lettuce soup is from Dr. Fuhrman.....(I consider it 4 servings instead of 2)

    Boston Green Pea Soup

    Serves: 2
    Preparation Time:

    1 medium onion, diced
    3 cups no-salt-added or low-sodium vegetable broth
    10 ounces frozen peas
    1 head Boston lettuce, coarsely chopped
    1/8 teaspoon black pepper
    1/8 teaspoon dried tarragon leaves
    1/2 cup unsweetened soy, almond or hemp milk
    1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
    Heat 2-3 tablespoons water in a soup pot. Add onions and water saute until tender, about 5 minutes. Stir in vegetable broth, peas, lettuce, pepper and tarragon, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Stir in non-dairy milk.

    Add soup to a blender and blend until smooth, working in batches. Pour blended soup into a large bowl after each batch and when all the soup is blended, return to soup pot and heat through. Stir in lemon juice and remove from heat.

    Lin in Central Iowa (chowing down on leftover soup today!)

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Whew - a big spring job crossed off the list this afternoon: scalping down the bermuda grass and doing the spring clean up. DH is working today, so I decided to get it done. It took a couple of hours since I was catching all the dead stuff and had to empty A LOT! It filled up one of those big heavy duty totes in which Home Depot delivers bulk rock. Fortunately we had 2 so each is only half full -- they are about 4'x4'x4'! One if front, one in back. DH will have to help me with them, but at least he didn't have to breathe in all the dust, etc. My shower felt great and you could just see the dirt rolling off -ewww... :blushing: If fun was measured by how dirty one is, I had a terrific time!

    Today's scripture at church was the road to Emmaus story and two things really stuck out. First, the pastor's sermon provided a chuckle for me because he commented that Emmaus was about 7 miles from Jerusalem and they walked it on resurrection day -- wow, they must be some power walkers! I looked at DH and said, so that would be about 2 hours for me. Second, he gave me a new perspective about the road to Emmaus story - that it is not so much a physical location but that it can represent our escape hatch when we see the human world does not value what we hold as sacred or holy and give up hope, until we recognize once again that God is still present, we just have not recognized He is there. So, when circumstances and our human nature would propel us to a bar, to a movie, to make an impulse purchase, to over indulge on food or drink, etc., we should instead have faith in what we have not seen and not despair / engage in the 'escape' behavior. Anyway, didn't mean to be preachy, I just had never thought about the story in that way. I do love how scripture teaches us just as much now as when written, despite the culture and times being different.

    OK - need to fix something to eat.

    Oh, BTW, the frozen yogurt was great and I could have left the sugar substitute entirely since I used a vanilla flavored one, which made it a bit too sweet (even for me!). And I want to try those popsicles - how beautiful!

    Gail, cleaned up, in metro ATL
  • Ilovevwgolf
    Ilovevwgolf Posts: 564 Member

    My 'BMI'...:laugh: