

  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    Wanted to share this recipe for Healthy All-Fruit Popsicles. You might want to save this for summer time, lol. But it sure looks good! The kiwis are sliced so they show on the outside of the popsicle. I'll see if I can post the photo.

    3 cups watermelon puree (seedless if possible)
    1/2 cup fresh blueberries
    1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
    1 kiwi, peeled and sliced
    1 peach or nectarine, diced small
    handful fresh cherries, pitted and chopped

    Cut the watermelon into chunks and then puree it in a blender until smooth. Set aside.

    Set out about 1 dozen popsicle molds (amount needed will vary depending on size of molds). Fill each one with the chopped fresh fruit. Then pour in the watermelon puree until each mold is full to the top. Place a popsicle stick into each one. Place into your freezer and freeze for about 6 to 8 hours.

    When ready to serve, run the popsicle molds under warm water for a few seconds and then pull each one out.

    Hope everyone's having a nice weekend.

    :smile: jb in rainy Portland
  • imani533
    imani533 Posts: 19 Member
    bump for recipe:flowerforyou:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • rockyjodi
    Hi ladies I'm new at this but have read the log & feeling the same:
    struggling w weight loss! Need to eat more veggies & fruit! Need to exercise more! Need to drink more water!
    Need more energy & motivation! I'm going to give MFP a try. I'm 51 yoa & would be happy to lose 25lbs! Can't seem to do it.
    lost 10lbs gained 5 back. Sick of the yo-yo dieting. Please help anyone!
    Jodi from OR
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Well, it's Sunday - weigh in day. Yeah ... I lost another pound. I thought I was not going to make it. It was not a good week for me but somehow I pulled it off. I believe the exercising is helping me tremendously here. I plan to keep it up. Thanks for your posts and motivation.
  • Rosalindgr
    Rosalindgr Posts: 148 Member
    Good morning and Happy April to all!

    I'll be back with my goals, but I wanted to share with you that I learned something about myself over the weekend, which goes to show that even an old gal can learn something new! I have yo-yo dieted my entire life. I have always been able to lose the weight, but never able to keep it off. As soon as I went overboard after I reached my goal weight, I felt guilty and depressed and gave up. I said to myself that it was all or nothing and once I cheated it was over and I couldn't go back. I don't know why I felt this way, but I really believed it was true. Even after joining MFP I felt guilty when I went on vacation and gained 4 pounds (3 of which came off in a few days time). Logging is making it easier to keep track, so I may not have known in the past that vacation weight is mostly water and comes off easily. Anyway, I have slowly changed the way I feel about this issue. I'm not sure when it happened. I knew I wasn't going to be within my calorie goal yesterday and I wasn't (by far). I ate many wonderful appetizers, drank 3 glasses of wine, sampled everything at dinner and tasted all the desserts. I didn't even bother to log as I would have no idea where to start. And guess what? This morning I woke up, got my butt on the TM, and did my normal 2 miles. I packed my normal breakfast and lunch for work and went right back to logging. And I didn't feel one bit guilty about yesterday! I know this sounds like it's no big deal, but it is really a different feeling for me! It feels like a super NSV, and most importantly, I know I can continue to live like this for the rest of my life. My whole attitude on dieting has changed. This is no longer a diet. It has finally become a lifestyle! I can't even explain the freedom I feel. The only thing different this time is consistently logging onto this website and reading this thread whenever I can. It has made all the difference. And I want to thank all of you who share in this fight for your support. And I promise to be here to support all of you. Whoo Hoo!! April is gonna be GOOD!!!!

    :flowerforyou: Renny - Congrats on the mammogram results! It feels great to get a clean bill of health!

    :grumble: Laura - Increasing calories doesn't work for me either. I think it's probably trial and error to find out what works for each individual.

    :wink: Jodios - What a wonderful way to spend a vacation AND burn some serious calories at the same time!

    :heart: Barbie - I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the work you do to keep this thread going. It is growing every day because of your dedication. You are awesome!

    :explode: BJ - My tulips are starting to sprout, but the cold weather has kept me from preparing the garden and now you can hardly see the tulips for all of the clover. Why is it that no matter what the weather, the weeds always come in healthy and strong?

    :smile: Lisa - Roasted and grilled vegetables are delicious and you can experiment with what herbs work best for your taste.

    :drinker: Brooke - WTG on reaching your weight loss goals for March!

    :laugh: Katla - Loved your take on religious holidays!

    :tongue: M - Please be careful when painting such a descriptive picture of desserts on this website! That cheesecake sounds amazing!

    :flowerforyou: Robin - It sounds like you may be on the road to recovery. It's always fun to plan a vacation.

    :ohwell: Gail - Only one lady in church on Easter was dressed in an "Easter outfit" complete with hat. I miss those days when everyone dressed for Christmas and Easter.

    :heart: Judith - Best wishes for a successful surgery.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee - Here's hoping that April will be much better than March for you!

    :heart: Eileen - My prayers are going out for your mother.

    :heart: Jane in CO. - That's just awful news about your father. Hopefully, someone will take responsibility for this major mistake and take steps to correct the situation. My prayers are with you and your father during this difficult time. I hope he is strong enough for the surgery.

    We seem to have many newcomers, so welcome and keep coming back!!!:drinker:

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
    congratulation on NSV!!! AND that is a great feeling!!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: I've given myself a new goal to lose 10lb by the end of June! This is when me, hubby, No 1 son, partner and grandson will be going on a boat trip on the Norfolk Broads for a week.

    :flowerforyou: Any of the UK posters been on the Norfolk Broads? Not sure if I'm looking forward to it or not. Think it's because it is on water and I can't swim! :bigsmile: Also one narcoleptic hubby and an 8 year old sounds like a recipe for disaster if you ask me:noway: :noway: :bigsmile: So if anyone has hired a boat on the Norfolk Broads hints and tips would be very much appreciated.

    :grumble: RANT TO FOLLOW .... I was going to get some paint yesterday for the hallway, but me and hubby can't agree on the colour. I had it all planned in my head when first DD said she wasn't keen on the colours (too creamy she likes bold colours), then hubby said why don't we use the left over paint from the dining room. I don't want the hallway a peach/apricot colour! For a start off the stair carpet is a deep red/burgundy colour. I wanted to make the hallway brighter, so thought the dark cream on the bottom half and an off white colour on the top would look nice, with a colourful border in the middle. Now I can't make up my mind. I think I might do similar colours as it was before (bit of a waste of time?) and do a red on the bottom and cream on the top. Grrr SORRY RANT OVER .:bigsmile:

    Definitely feeling a bit crabby this morning.

    Congrats to all who are losing, I'm still finding it hard to lose the weight, seem to be staying around the same weight losing the same few pounds over and over.

    Well this isn't getting anything done, better make a start, it's so cold though it's hard to get motivated. No wonder I'm not losing any weight :ohwell: :ohwell:

    Have a good Sunday everyone :heart:

    Viv UK
  • nanasorchid52
    Popping in for a quick fix of VitF this Sunday morning.

    :smile: have a good fitting at Rigby and Peller. Used to go there when I had a house in London but now M & S serve! I think as long as you get a good fitting its not always about price. So ladies what ever you purse size get " the girls" comfortable! Great profile pic - well done!

    Dee Dee - so enjoyed your fashionista story - it's so much fun shopping with the GD's. mine always comment on the clothes I wear and keep me on my toes! :smile:

    MA :flowerforyou: what a wonderful milestone you have achieved - a huge congratulations!

    Lizplus :flowerforyou: I wish you the health so you can feel the wind in your face.

    Mywheatcraft :laugh: I really enjoyed the life of pi.

    Grandmallie :smile: how sensible to take things at your own pace - the medics will be very pleased with you. You can do it!

    Cooky - good luck with the decorating - great exercise ! :flowerforyou:

    Gonzamm :laugh: I love your goal of your husband carrying you over the threshold - so romantic!

    Wessecg - aren't those dreams so real! My husband woke up one morning and said he wasn't talking to me as I had left him. So funny! But never been attacked!!:flowerforyou:

    Jodios - I could not be more pleased for you - you work so hard and are an inspiration. :flowerforyou:

    Lucy :wink: so pleased you found your pedometer. It's always the way once something goes wrong it snowballs!

    Cityjanelondo - you have worked so hard on you health - you really do have to be proactive to get success. An inspiring tale!

    Brooke - in Thailand they provide shoes and sarongs to help you visit Temples. Just worth a bit of research to find details like this as I couldn't bear to wear shoes that had been worn by thousands! :laugh:

    Meg:indifferent: You are always so thoughtful with your posts despite your very demanding life and it is so appreciated. No we didn't have a storm - in fact DH and I walked to the beach and back . While we were there a stunning Beuick turned up with a bride and groom for wedding photos - they will be stunning!

    Jb :indifferent: thanks for the ice pop recipe - if it ever gets warm I am sure it will become a favourite!

    Lin :smile: jogging s - one comment ugg!

    Michele :smile: your ok - Spain likes toes - topless on beaches too!!

    Wizzywig :smile: I have had a fantastic holiday on the Norfolk Broads . Went before having the kids such a great holiday! Just make sure to check whether the water level will be changing overnight- once saw a boat dangling at the moorings! Such cute boats - I just loved it and the locks were such fun!

    Well must get on. Went to a concert last night of a local amateur group and had a fantastic evening. Went back to friends after and got home at 1 am!! Only had a few snacks which I had budgeted for. Also managed to wear high heels!! Walked everywhere and was surprised my pedometer said 3500 this morning - thought it had gone wrong! I am so pleased about the heels as I am a recovered plantar fasciitis sufferer. I have been wearing them in the house and gradually increasing the time minute by minute. Do look a bit of a Diva cleaning the bathroom or ironing!!

    Oh well time to load the slow cooker so that I can have fun today

    Keep smiling :heart:
    Uk Wales
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Bump for book mark.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm finding this group very helpful. Lovely to think there are so many of you all going through the same things even if you are on a different continent!
    Despite my terrific NSV of losing an inch off both waist and hips I am getting frustrated at not losing weight for a couple of weeks. You all encourage me to hang in there. I know I am doing all the right things so it is just a matter of keeping on keeping on. It would be nice to hit a nice round 40lbs off though!
    Thank you so much for the Popsicle recipe - it looks absolutely great.. I will definitely buy some moulds and serve them up for dessert next time I have people round. It will make them laugh as well as be super healthy. And the moulds will be great for my grandson.
    Moroccan Chicken with preserved lemons and olives tonight. I'm going to leave out all the butter in the recipe, but it should still be delicious. I love preserved lemons to add a bit of zing.
    Tomorrow I have lunch at my brother's house and they all have very good appetites! He is diabetic with a beer belly and my sister-in-law is overweight so I will have to remember to keep my mouth shut and not go all evangelistic. Is anyone else amazed these days at how much people eat? Even normal sized people? It must be even worse in the USA, but it's bad enough here.
    Lovely sunny day here. I might even get outside. We had a frost last night though so I don't know if it's worth sowing any salad or veg yet. I will just have an inspection and a tidy up.
    Must get my heels out (Thank you Wales) and have a practice.. My feet have been such a trial to me, but with exercises and yoga they have greatly improved. I no longer have large swellings on my ankles and can rise on to the balls of my feet while walking around the house which I could never do before.
    Love to all.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Brooke:smile: Congrats for getting rid of 3.4 lbs!!!!! I agree with you on the pant issues:noway: !!!

    Jb:smile: Thanks for the recipe!!! They look delicious!!!

    Lin:smile: Not sure I would wear pants with pockets that low:noway: ! I agree call the too big pants a NSV!!!

    Katla:smile: You bad girl:laugh: , an elephant ear:love: , I can only imagine how icky I would feel after eating it though:sick: . Good for you sticking to your calorie goal!

    Michele:smile: Your dinner sounds lovely and yummy!

    Carol:smile: Disarray seems to invite people over:laugh: . It happens to me when I go out looking not quite put together..dirty hair in a ponytail, I always see people I`ve not seen in ages:embarassed: :laugh: .

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: You`ve found the best thread on MFP!!!

    I had a wonderful time with the granddaughters this weekend. We shopped and played and played and then played some more:love: ! I let the oldest one drive the golf cart, and the youngest one went along on the rides, she could only drive in the driveway(I have a very long driveway), not through the field, I was afraid the little one would go flying out from all the bumps and dips:noway: . We bought sidewalk chalk and now my driveway is a work of art:laugh: ! I also bought a hula hoop for me:noway: :laugh: , we all laughed so hard we cried, the oldest has got the hula hoop down pat, me:embarassed: , not so much, I used to hula hoop, ages ago:blushing: ! I will eventually figure it out again:bigsmile: ! I`m pretty sore from all the trying I did yesterday, good exercise anyhow! They went home around 7 last night, I think Noel was happy to have her space back, she loves the oldest one, the younger one is too energetic for her. I was so tired too:yawn: , been a long time since I played so hard! I did sleep like a baby last night though! Time for me to get ready for my coffee with the boys:love: , I`m taking my new mug to Starbucks today, just in case they`ve forgotten I`m the Queen:laugh: !!!

    Have a wonderful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in sunny warm:love: NC
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Sunday morning!

    We are supposed to get a little rain here this morning and then SUN and temps in the mid- to upper-60s. I am hoping to go for a long walk this afternoon – can’t wait! My older DD stopped by yesterday with her BF. It was her birthday and they were in town to spend the evening with his brother and some friends. She spent the weekend with me last week so I wasn’t upset that they were just passing through today. It did make me nostalgic though; 23 years ago, I became a mother and my world changed forever. Seems like forever ago but also like it was just yesterday.:love:

    M – MY DH accuses me of being “bad luck” for the Pirates and doesn’t want me to watch their games either. All I can say is that I must have some pretty potent mojo considering that they haven’t had a winning season in over 20 years.:tongue:

    Jodios – congratulations on getting back into the teens; that’s awesome!

    Lucy – sounds like a pretty stressful evening with your DD and the Master of Disaster. So happy to hear that your pedometer turned up!

    Alison – I hope your DH arrived safely and that you and your fur babies are enjoying your weekend. Butternut squash bisque sounds divine; never made that but I’m going to go look for a recipe. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Cooky – I’m sure your friend will agree to a different restaurant choice if you explain your reasons. There are definitely restaurants that I avoid these days – either because there are no good options there OR because I know that I will be very tempted to choose one of my old favorites that taste so good but are loaded with calories and fat grams.

    CityJane – your post was just what I needed today. I have been having some issues with my knee; nothing serious enough to go see the doctor but a lot knee-popping and some pain. I’m going to look for some exercises online and see if that will help (along with the weight I am losing).

    Joyce – I’m sure your doctor is going to be surprised but very happy with your progress. I set small goals for myself; I need that sense of accomplishment periodically to keep me going. For instance, I mentioned awhile back that I was participating in a challenge on dietbet.com – your goal is to lose 4% of your weight over a 4-week period. I am on my 3rd challenge now – won the first time, barely missed the second and hoping I will get there this time. It’s really been a big motivator for me; helped me to focus on a smaller goal than my overall “lose 50 pounds” goal.

    Renny – good for you walking the 10k at such a good pace. I’m doing the Susan G Komen 5k walk/run in May and hope that I will not be at the back of the pack. Now that our weather is improving a little bit, I’m going to get out and walk longer and faster than I can do at work. I work in a building that is ¼ mile end to end and meet a friend early each morning to walk 1.5 miles. I need to push the pace and the distance so that I’m ready for the race in May.

    Michele – I wish there was some magic solution to your problem but it does seem that Bryan and Dianna just don’t want to meet you and DH in the middle – or anywhere close to that. It’s hard to know what to do, I’m sure. My instinct would be to tell them they can pay for the wedding themselves – if they can’t even treat you in a civil manner, why should you contribute? On the other hand, I might not do that since they might just uninvited you and DH and that would definitely hurt you more than it hurts them. I will continue to pray for you and DH, that this situation will resolve itself somehow. Hang in there.:flowerforyou:

    Gonzamm – congrats on your continued loss; I agree that exercise makes the difference. I don’t love it but have to keep it up or I stall out.

    Viv – good luck in resolving your color scheme differences ith DH. This reminded me of when my DH was painting our garage door and shutters. I’m ashamed to admit this but I made him repaint the garage twice because the first color I chose was just too bold for me. He was pretty good-natured about it, I have to say.

    DeeDee – so glad that you had a fun day with your DGDs! I would love to try the hula hoop again, it was so much fun when I was younger. My issue is that I have lower back issues so am just afraid that I would end up with major sciatic pain afterwards.

    Have to go finish up my weekend chores and errands. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    Sandy in (hopefully) sunny Central Ohio
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Gardengail: Thanks for the shout out. Now I want some frozen yogurt; going to try yours out with a little bit of this and a lot of that ... LOL
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    I’m feeling GOOD today. I worked in the garden yesterday (and talked DH into coming out and stabilizing the fence posts with some quikcrete), got three of the beds weeded. The question is how do weeds thrive so well when everything else is still dead? Anyway, going out this morning to put in some seeds and starting some eggplants and tomatillo seeds indoors, then packing up and off to the Phillies game. Best news? My back/side hurt pretty bad while working in the yard yesterday, so I was MUCH slower than I normally am doing yardwork, but I took an Aleve last night and I feel GREAT today!!! Yay!

    DeeDee, your visit with the DGDs sounds wonderful! I bet you’re a terrific grandmother. I got to skype for a few minutes with my little one, but she’s in a pre-TT (terrible two) phase right now :sad:. I love the image of you trying to hula-hoop with the girls. I remember vividly when my grandmother got a mini-trampoline (at the time they were all the rage with the exercise set), watching her bounce on that. It was fun, but the grandkids used it more than she did. Enjoy wearing your tiara!

    CityJane, congratulations on the NSV! As I’m sure you’ve heard, you’re turning fat to muscle. Have you seen the picture of what a pound of fat looks like versus a pound of muscle? It’s a big difference. You’re making healthy changes to your body. I used to love to make Chicken Tagine with preserved lemons and olives. I made my own lemons and just kept a jar in the fridge all the time. I might have to make a tagine again one of these nights. Yum.

    Jo from Wales, I’m giggling at the image of you cleaning the bathroom in your heels :laugh:. Have a wonderful Sunday!

    Viv, I know you can do it! 10 lbs in two and a half months is quite reasonable. We traveled quite a bit while in England, but I’ve not even heard of the Norfolk Broads. I hope the weather’s nice (it should be by then) and you have calm waters. Even though I’m not a huge water person, I love listening to the sound of the waves (so soothing!) and watching the ocean – from the sand :smile:. Your grandson’s parents will be there, so really you just need to mind that DH doesn’t doze off near the boat rail! :laugh:. I’m sorry you and DH can’t agree on a color – can you get a paint sample from the store (ours sell mini-cans) and paint a patch on the wall near the carpet so he can see what it will look like? You can also paint the apricot near the carpet too so he can see the difference. I love apricot/peach colors in a house, but not with a burgundy carpet!!!

    Gonzamm – congrats on another pound hitting the road! Good job.

    Jodi from OR – hi and welcome – we have several posters from OR (I was born there myself). Lots of tips and help here, and just support, for those of us “of a certain age” who struggle with losing those increasingly-hard-to-lose pounds.

    Rosalind, I had to look hard at your ticker – at first it looked like it went from 32.1lbs to 642! :laugh:. It’s hard to wrap everything into a single day, isn’t it? Good luck and keep coming back.

    Carol in WNY, of COURSE your friends chose this weekend to stop by! :laugh:. I try to keep up with the posts but have started reading backwards until I have to stop. Then I can at least catch up with most of the reading even if I don’t see the original (just the comments on them).

    Michele, perhaps you can do a little research into wedding traditions in Spain, then ask Bryan about them? It might be a way of breaking the ice. I really am sorry you’re struggling with this. It might be one of those moments you have to just wait and see what happens. Who knows why Bryan is acting the way he is, but without actually knowing you’re just beating yourself up with worry. It’s not helping, and it won’t give you answers. Try to stay in the moment.

    Jb, I saw these the other day – they look lovely! I’m making them for the wedding shower in June – thanks for the recipe!

    Katla, I agree, the scale is fickle. I know when I’m eating well and when I’m not, and I also know from how my clothes feel if I’m sliding too much. LOL at you being a bad girl. I’ve never been a huge fan of elephant ears, but the junk food I like to indulge in is just as bad in its own way – and I recall vividly how much my stomach hurt the last time I indulged, so I can really relate!

    Brooke, finding jeans that look good and fit well is so hard! I’m very grateful that I have a pair of pants I can wear, but it’s only two too, and one is a pair of true red cords, so only one pair of jeans. I’m holding out for shorts weather though :laugh:.

    Glenda, old man winter just keeps insisting on one last nightcap, doesn’t he? Sheesh. So grateful for every second of warm sunshine right now.

    Joyce, congratulations on your loss so far – and just keep working towards more! You’ll get there.

    OK, I have to stop now, going to make breakfast for my busy crew. One is off to a horse show, two are off to a rugby match, and I’m off with my niece to the ball game. I hope everyone finds a ray of sunshine today!


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Just bought some lolly moulds on line. Summer here we come! X
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Nanasorchild52: My goal for my husband to carry me over the threshold is what is keeping me going (besides feeling good about myself right now). I lost another pound ... yippppppppppie.
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    jb_2011: I am definitely trying this popsicle recipe. Thanks for sharing.
  • teresab101
    teresab101 Posts: 56 Member
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Good morning to each of you. I posted on Thursday with a bump saying I will be back later in the day but as we all now that didn't happen:embarassed:

    This weekend so far Saturday has been catching up on the housework I have let slided all week and there was a lot. I was running around picking up things putting stuff away scrubbing I was working up a sweat took a moment to catch my breath. As I was drinking some cold water could not help but notice DH sitting on his computer playing his nonlinear game and I could hear My DD laughing as she was watching a movie in her room. I tried to go shake it off think of all the moving you are doing and in the past I would have let it go because its easier. As I kept drinking my water instead of cooling down I lost it. :embarassed:

    I work the same as everyone else in this house and I am tired of being the live in maid. I love my family I enjoy helping and caring for them but this isn't right I am exhausted by the end of the work week too, and after putting the house back in order and errands am tired as I start my work week. It time we all take responsibly for this family. Also by me doing everything its not really helping them to take ownership.

    Enough of all that

    @Dee Sounds like a wonderful time with your DGDs
    @Katla. I totally agree with you about the scale I know the times I am eating healthy workouts are happening and I will experience mo loss on the weeks so so and there will be a loss.

    @Michele sorry you are having a hard time.
    @Joyce congrats on your loss.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

    Liz from Idaho
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Only have a few minutes but wanted to pop in and say hi to all my friends here.:smile:

    The scale finally budged 2 lbs. in my favor yesterday!:happy: Also, was pleasantly surprised when the checkout woman in the grocery store yesterday asked me if I lost more weight. Evidently, she knew I was losing (don't remember conversing with her before) and noticed that I was still losing.

    April goals-finally! Up water intake (backsliding on this) to 8 glasses a day
    Clean 2 closets out-DeeDee inspired me on this one
    Continue walking (at least 4 times a week)
    May add to these but at least it's a start.

    Enjoy your Sunday!
