

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    :flowerforyou: bump :flowerforyou: in the middle of packing still, plane leaves tomorrow. Wrung out after today's funeral for Aunt Bessie.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh the things we do as kids. I remember one time my Mom was leading a ladies Bible lesson at our house. As the preachers family certain expectations were placed on us anyway so I was cleaning the bathroom. I'm not really sure I was cleaning it during the Bible study but I so proudly marched out into the dining room where all the ladies were and announced that I had just cleaned the sink and potty with my toothbrush!!!! And I showed them my toothbrush because as a 2nd grader I was so proud of what I did.

    I'm going to sing my husband up here. I won't have him in any kinds of groups or anything. He doesn't even know how to turn the computer on. And I will be the one to log in all his food but we discussed it and he wants to see what all he is eating at the end of every day. Little baby steps Joyce, little baby steps!

    Goodnight from sleepy Joyce in southern Indiana
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :happy: Kept within my calories yesterday, first time in a long while. I was so pleased I "planned" todays meals in advance!

    :laugh: I know, I know, every one keeps telling me that planning in advance is the key, it's no good logging at the end of the day because I can't uneat the calories. The message has finally got through to me, I just hope I can keep it up!! You know me, I can start things, but with me it's being consistent that I have trouble with.

    :flowerforyou: Shari hope the meeting goes well for you.

    :flowerforyou: Michele I think you are doing the right thing in going to the wedding. (I've only got half the story, I must have missed a few of your posts) I'm not sure what has happened, but if you are friendly to Dianne(?) and her family then you have done your bit, your son can't complain. Did you say you are trying to learn a little Spanish? Good for you - if you say something in Spanish (even if it's something like hello pleased to meet you) that will show him !! Go with the intention of enjoying the day it's a new experience for you.

    :flowerforyou: Robin glad the interview went well, good luck!!

    :flowerforyou: Junekaatz sorry for the loss of your Aunt.

    :frown: Sorry just realised the time, 7:30 a.m. need to my exercises done, otherwise it will be too late I need to set off for work at 8:15 a.m.

    Have a good Wednesday dear Vit Fs

    Viv UK (still no sign of spring!)
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Seriously, is this only Wednesday??? This week has already seemed so long and I still don't have a day off until Sunday!

    Anyway, Good morning ladies from a blue sky London.

    I too am loving the stories of the hair dos. My mum would never have given me a perm - my hair was mad curly when I was young (still would be if I didn't beat it into submission). Until I was about sixteen I always had really long hair - often way past my bottom. Occasionally my mum would put it into rags - only she used stockings as my hair was so long. I grew to hate ringlets with a vengeance. Funny thing was, my mum's name was Shirley - yes, named after Ms Temple. Mum's hair was always a halo of curls.

    When my daughters were young, the eldest one had very dark, pin straight hair and the younger had pale blonde crazy curls. They each hated their hair. My youngest daughter now has her hair dyed very dark and straightens it, whilst the elder has her haired curled and quite often blonde. No pleasing people is there!

    Quick question for you all. This time last year my waist was 24 inches. Since then I've lost a bit more and also toned a little - so how come my waist is now 25 inches? Hmm, is it just my body settling into it's new size? Possible I suppose.

    Ok, the work fairy is obviously on strike again, so I'd better do it myself.

    Have a good day my Vit Fs.

    Amanda x
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Thanks again for all of the positive thoughts and prayers yesterday! Keep ‘em coming as I don’t find out for sure until tomorrow but I’m feeling good today, physically and mentally! I think I missed a few posts at the end of the other thread; I’ll go back and try to catch up today.

    Barbie – boo for the unexpected sales tax charge! It’s so annoying when the quote doesn’t include something large like this. And I love your happiness commandment “Act the way you want to feel”. I have a similar strategy “Fake it ‘til you make it”.

    Marygee – welcome! I wish you lots of luck on your journey. You will find everyone on this thread to be very supportive and I also pick up lots of little tips about eating and exercise here.

    Jnk – glad to hear that your DH is cleared to walk at will and I am praying that you don’t have to deal with convincing him to have surgery.

    Michele – do you have time to learn a little rudimentary Spanish before the wedding? Obviously, you can’t become proficient but it might ease your stress to understand a bit of what’s being said around you.

    MA – sorry to hear about your Dad’s infection and Charlie’s injury; at least they had each other ! Love your priorities (exercise = chocolate).

    Alison – hope you are feeling ok; I have been fighting something myself for a day or two. Thought it was a cold but am beginning to think it might be allergies since it got much worse after my long walk last night. I’m taking an OTC medicine that include an antihistamine which does help. I think you are doing the right thing in taking things slowly until your heel is better; don’t want to jeopardize your long-term healing!

    Sue – ugh, more bad weather! It must seem unfair that you are still dealing with winter when most places have moved onto spring. Hang in there; warmer days ahead!

    Meg – I hope all is well with your DD after her accident. You took me right back to the day that my older DD (who was 17 at the time) called me hysterically crying and all I could make out was the words “I got hit”. Thankfully, she was okay but boy, does your “mom instinct” kick in at times like that. Truthfully, I am sometimes glad that neither of my girls lives here because I used to worry each and every time I heard a siren – immediately going into “where are they” mode. Of course, the rest of the time I wish like mad that they were here!

    Carol – congratulations on finishing your foyer project! Now I hope you have lots of friends stop by when you are ready to receive them!

    Tari – thanks for the laugh!

    I’ll have to finish catching up tonight; have to go get ready for work. Have a wonderful day, everyone!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Once again time is short:grumble: ! We are a great group of chatty women, I`ve read all the posts, yet don`t have time to reply to all, know that I keep you all in my thoughts:heart: !

    Prayers sent to those in need!!!

    Another busy day for me:frown: ! I am going to try to spend a little time trying to hula hoop again today, hard to believe I`ve forgotten how:embarassed: . I thought it would be like riding a bike, but alas it`s not.....

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny and almost hot NC:glasses:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Jodios – Awesome that your “shrinkage” continues! Feel strongly that you’ll manage your workout time where it suits your schedule best

    Jmkmomm – Glad to hear you had SOME good news at the dr. appt. with DH today. Embrace each positive! Perhaps at his next visit there will be further improvements, prayers to you both for that. Loved your Mrs. Graham quote, my motto is “Men – can’t live with ‘em, can’t shoot ‘em” (don’t tell my DH):wink:

    MA in UK – sorry to hear about Charlie’s injury, but it sounds as though she is finding the silver lining in it. Glad she could keep your dad company and they could commiserate. Sounds like it’s working out well for you with Chloe too. I sooooo want to start my dog Dillon in agility. Hoping maybe next month. Good luck on continued good weather and great trainings!

    I actually have fox in my yard pretty much daily throughout the year, my next door neighbor (unfortunately) thinks it wise to feed them, so they hang out around here. It’s not that they aren’t lovely to look at, but they’re having kits and expecting humans to provide and that is not how Mother Nature intended things! I worry for them when neighbor moves on.

    Katla – How nice that your yoga class did the trick on your sore shoulder!

    Sue in SD – I feel your pain about the weird weather. We had a 50-degree shift from Monday to Tuesday. It’s crazy!!!!! :grumble:

    Meg- sorry you had to deal with the trauma (and drama) of DD’s fender bender. Glad she is safe and sound, hoping you got a good night’s sleep!

    Carol – congratulations on completing your foyer, it sounds lovely - - enjoy your “new” space!

    Tari – LOL loved the “special napkin” story :laugh:

    Marcia – I totally get it about the love for your 4-legged furkid. Mine bring me such joy!

    Barbie – enjoy your dance class prep (wishing I could attend one of your lessons)!

    Shari in OH – Glad that the combination of the dietician and MFP is helping you, stay the course - - you CAN do this!!

    June – condolences to you for your Aunt Bessie!

    Joyce – that is HUGE news that your DH is wanting (you) to log his food. It’s a great first step :smile:

    DeeDee – Hula Hoop Your Heart Out, wishing we (you) could attach video to this thread! :laugh:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but none can walk it for you.”
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Good morning to all. Yesterday, was a dreary day and my mood had slump a bit. I am still waiting for spring to sprung. I had to literally fight to keep myself within my daily calorie goal however I didn't feel alone so I read a lot of the posts here to give me strength and ideas on how to fight this slump. Well, I will inform you that it helped and I kept within my goal. Today, I am feeling much better and have done my morning exercises. I am now off for a walk and a little food shopping. I am so glad you are all here ... thank you.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    well I cant tell I still think it is allergies, but boy do I feel crappy:angry: I did get up and walked on the treadmill at the gym for 30 minutes so at least I got there but OY am I feelin yucky.. BUT down another pound:bigsmile: yeah... slow and steady wins the race
    I have laundry in the wash and the birdies at the feeder and life is good..
    Even though I dont feel well ,I am truly blessed.
    Hope everyone's day is wonderful and the weather cooperates :flowerforyou:
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    Good morning and Happy Hump Day ladies! Been keeping busy here trying to keep moving as this months visit from Auntie Flo continues to torture me. I honestly am looking forward to menopause.
    Been busy outside these days. Yesterday go to 82*, today is supposed to be 88*. That means time to get moving on the gardens.
    And move all of my houseplants back outside where they like to be. They are looking sad and sorry, and needing a trim to start spring out with fresh growth.
    The 7 new baby chicks are growing in leaps and bounds. And we might have a 2nd broody hen..YAY..more hatchlings !!! I have a bowl full of fertile eggs sitting and waiting patiently on the counter top. Waiting for a mama broody.
    Ok, back to work for me.
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good Morning, although it is dark as night and pouring rain here! :grumble:
    Today is the last day! Classes for uni end today, and whew, are we all ready to end this term! :drinker:
    The good news is that my boss reviewed my teaching feedback and I did very well! That is an NSV for me! :blushing:

    Today one part ends, and I start the end of my Masters this coming term! Had to put it on hold to deal with a parent/family
    crisis that lasted 8 months! :brokenheart: I am nervous about it, but, I am back to a better self, in part because of the support and
    encouragement of this group! There are still many other issues and people to deal with, but now I think I can...:bigsmile:

    It may be raining outside, but there is a spark of sunshine in my soul! Eat clean, drink lots, and remember that you are worth the effort! :smooched:

    BJ, drowning in what will be 3 solid days of rain, hoping not to float down the 401 in Southwestern Ontario!
  • nmhanna
    nmhanna Posts: 5
    Hi everyone-Guess this is where I need to be--never found myself in this position before with so much weight to lose and a lifetime of injuries and aches and pains to hurdle to get me moving. Seems like it all snuck up really fast while I was busy with other things NOT taking care or even being aware of myself. Looking forward to chatting, motivating...
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Congratulations on dealing with your stress/celebration with healthy food!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Bad storms last night.
    Have a great day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    hanna, dont you worry...~~ slow and steady wins the race... you can do it....
    believe me im not in the best of shape either, but ive been plugging away since January ,
    I started going to the gym mid January and started out like gang busters, but in the process got plantar facitis,so have scaled back a bit..
    I also an doing about 1200 calorie diet daily..
    I am vigilant about logging food, and trying to get some sort of exercise every day..
    you can do it, and you found a great group of ladies here,so wonderful and supportive..
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member

    If I could fly on the sheer size of my butterflies, I'd be air-borne right now! Don't know if I can keep in touch while we are away but I will be thinking about you with every bite!

    :flowerforyou: cheers, Kate
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Tari in Ohio: I started this journey because of knee problems, and I’m making progress. Taking off 40 pounds has improved things a lot, but the knees are still not perfect and probably never will be perfect. I have at least 25 pounds to go. I choose exercises that are relatively low impact so that I’m not pounding my knees. These are walking, yoga, and bike riding. Swimming would also be good, but I’m not willing to be cold and wet at the same time. If I were at a gym I would choose an elliptical trainer rather than a treadmill because it is easier on knees. No stair climbers for me other than the ones that lead to my bedroom. The doctor gave me some leg strengthening exercises to do that I would describe as isometric and they are helpful even though I’m not as diligent as I should be. I wish you luck and persistence. It took a long time for us to get here, and it will take time to get better. Pay attention and if the exercise hurts your knees, do something else.:flowerforyou:

    Marcia: Your commute is tough. I had one like it for several years before I retired. I’m sure it added to my weight problems by leaving me chronically tired and vulnerable to Starbucks zillion calorie coffees.:tongue: Walking your beautiful little Brittany would be a great way to start &/or end the day.:flowerforyou:

    yanniejannie: Baggy pants are a great NSV! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    BJ: What is your protein supplement? As to red meat, we’re upping the chicken and fish, and reducing some of the red meat so the balance is a bit less lopsided. We’re also reducing salt dramatically due to DH’s blood pressure issues. We feel better, too. :bigsmile: Carb alternatives: brown rice, sweet potatoes, quinoa (which is also a non-meat protein source).:flowerforyou:

    Shari: Sending prayers for serenity throughout your confrontational meeting.:flowerforyou:

    Kate: Sorry for your loss. Aunties have been very important people in my life, too. If we could fly on the size of our butterflies, would anxiety morph into pleasure? Enjoy your trip.:flowerforyou:

    Walking with a friend this morning. Yay. DH is having a bad day and I’m hoping to give him some needed attention along the way.:heart:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning and Happy Hump Day!

    I feel like I got a lot accomplished yesterday. I got my exercise done before work and after work I spent about 45 minutes doing more weeding. I still have a lot to do, but hope to get it done a little at a time. I'm still sore from the four hours I put in on Sunday.
    We gave our dog Milo a bath last night. We usually take him to the groomer's every six weeks, but bathe him in between, so it was time. He doesn't really like to get bathed, but he is always a good sport about it. Now he smells wonderful, and feels so soft! It was so warm last night that we ate our dinner on our deck for the first time since last year and it felt great! One more warm day today and then we're back to much cooler weather, so I'm enjoying it while I can!:glasses:

    :heart: Barbie - As always, thank you for continuing this thread. You are an inspiration to all!

    :wink: Deb - It's great to be able to take a week off to get things done at home. If I still have the time at the end of the year, I try and take a week off to get in my fall cleaning and to decorate for the holidays.

    :drinker: CityjaneLondo - WOW! Those are some NSV's! That must feel great!

    :glasses: Robin - I'm hoping that something good comes out of that interview. Your trips sound awesome!

    :happy: Sandy - A positive attitude goes a long way. It started with your biopsy and spilled over to making healthier choices!

    :smile: Joyce - Try to focus on the good news and not project about what COULD happen. Your DH may end up changing his mind after all.

    :heart: Michele - I know that I have made some decisions when I was angry that changed with time, so don't give up on Vince changing his. He probably just needs some time and space to think about what he really wants to do.

    :grumble: MA - You are lucky that your fur friends keep up with you. Mine takes so much time sniffing everything that he just holds me back! I've given up on taking him with me when I'm trying to actually get in some REAL exercise!

    :heart: Katla - We always board our dog when we go on vacation too. We would love to find someone who could come to the house, but he's not always receptive to strangers & he knows everyone where we board him, so it's just better this way. Yoga is good for so many things!!!

    :flowerforyou: Alison - With your heel problems, it's a wonder you get to the gym at all. Going every other day is a great success!

    :huh: Sue - The weather seems to be bizarre everywhere this year. Two weeks ago we had snow, and today we might break a record for high temperatures!

    :smile: Meg - So scary when your child has an accident - even a minor one! So glad she's OK.

    :wink: Carol - It just feels good when your project is complete. Enjoy your new foyer!

    :flowerforyou: Tari - Ever ounce lost is a victory. Weight loss is never as quick as weight gain seems, but it WILL happen with consistency!

    :mad: Marcia - MFP is very generous with their estimates on calorie burn. If you are within your calories for the day and eating back your exercise calories, you might be overestimating your calories burned. I found this out the hard way. I made some adjustments and the scale started to move again.

    :laugh: janniejannie - LOL!! Loved the goal to actually WEAR the pedometer!!!

    :angry: bj - I can't tell you how much money I spent over the years to get curls, but sadly, now that I have to color my hair to keep away the gray, I've had to give up the perms as the double chemical was too damaging to my hair.

    :smile: Shari - Good luck in your meeting.

    :drinker: Welcome to all the newcomers....we all share this journey together, so please join us!

    :heart: Blessings to all who are struggling and congrats to the many who have had success!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Weds!

    Just stopping by for a sec, lots on the agenda this morning. I've already made chili and low-fat cornbread muffins for tonight's dinner, heading up to do yoga, then kickboxing, and hopefully some gardening if it doesn't start pouring down rain. Looks like it might! Wind's blowing a gale out there, wooooosh! Have to work early this afternoon, doggies will need a good, long walk.

    I just know today's going to be good since I get to have lentil soup again for lunch. :bigsmile:

    F-E-A-R has two meanings:
    1. Forget Everything And Run
    2. Face Everything And Rise

    :smile: jb in windy Portland

    Edited to add this: :laugh:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Gonzamm – Great work keeping to your goals!!! You CAN do this. We all have the occasional slumps, good that you came here to get some Vitamin F to push through

    Grandmallie – Good for you for getting your treadmill time in despite feeling “yucky”. Hope you feel much better very soon

    Moxie1962 – Wow, super warm where you are, good for you and your plants! Baby chicks, awwww :smile:

    BJ – How nice for you the end of the term is near, and congratulations on your positive review from your boss! Great news that you are prepping for your masters class – YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :drinker:

    Nmhanna – Welcome, you’ve come to the right place. Time to make YOU a priority, we’ll all help

    Kate – Bon voyage!

    JB in Portland – What a lovely day you have planned. Hope you get to garden, and don’t get “whooshed” away! :wink:

    Katla – hoping your walk with your friend was great fun and that DH has an improved outlook after receiving your loving attention!

    Lucy – You’re really making great progress on your weeding, hope your soreness disappears along with the weeds! Yay for you for being able to enjoy an “al fresco” dinner to celebrate (a little bit of) Spring :flowerforyou:

    Brooke from Colorado

    “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”