

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    welcome Delores.
    happy thurs.
    No news on a place.The tension is unbearable at times.Oh,do I want a place of peace.
    Hope everyone has a great day!!
    jane m
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Made it to the gym this am to make up for skipping treadmill and yoga yesterday.........did the eliptical and bike to change it up a bit. Then a bunch of running around for one of my volunteer gigs, grocery store, and home by 1:30 for a late lunch. Caught up on phone calls and here I am......wheeeeeeeeeeee.......

    Carol: MFP put me at 1200 but this seems to be a MAJOR bone of contention on the other boards. So, basically I've eaten from roughly 900 (very, very rarely) to 1400 (also rarely); I'm at 90 days (today!!) and down 16 lbs.........so I'd say you're not doing badly at all from my viewpoint. You might try a kettlebell workout, I do one of my husband's occ.; that will really get you sweating and it's an at home workout. I don't count exercise cals. at all (just steps on the ped.) as I'm not doing anything major. The wheatberry rec. looks interesting; I have been buying wheatberry bread at Trader Joe's for the past year and love it.

    DeeDee: my daughter has a gorgeous dress from White House/Black Market, believe she got it for a college dance, happy shopping!

    jb:enjoyed your "running " blog......WTG and keep it up.....

    bye for now,
    yanniejannie, mid-Atlantic
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :sick: :sick: Just a quick one tonight, I feel dreadful l:sick: :sick: My throat is sore and I've coughed until my ribs ache. I've drank tons of water, didn't manage to get much exercise in though even with my good intentions this morning.

    :flowerforyou: Only had a quick skim through the posts, welcome to Delores :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Jane - hope things get better for you soon

    Sorry, think I need to get to bed - might feel better after a good night's sleep. See you in the morning.

    Viv UK
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    I went with the RECOMMENDED weight loss on the MFP @ 1 lb per week. It gave e the 1450 calories per day.

    Lea in SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm short on time today, but I thought I'd post a link to my blog where I wrote about my first 50-yard-dash experience yesterday. Feel free to read it if you'd like.


    Make it a good day, getting rid of those pounds and not just losing them. I love that!

    :smile: jb in cool, almost sunny Portland :glasses:

    I read your blog. I am so happy that you're pleased with your experience. :bigsmile: I'd ride my bike beside you, but I'd never do the run unless being chased by bad guys.:noway: :noway:

    Katla the slow...
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I has been a really good day for me today. Well it started with me choking on a pill which was so bitter and it took a long time to get that taste out but other than that it has been really, really good. We knew it was going to be busy and it was. We went walking at the mall. As I have said before my husband has been more mellow since his heart attack and the medicine he is on. Sometimes I can walk with him and sometimes I can't. He can have such a bitter attitude against life. I just tell him to walk ahead. But today we just had very pleasant conversation while we walked and II walked a full mile without stopping. It was so nice. Then we went shopping for MIL in nursing home. She can thnk up some weird shopping trips for us and it takes us forever to get it done. Then it was time for my annual appointment for my neurologist. I have really been looking forward to this one. She has told me to lose weight every single time she sees me and then says I know I have to tell you this but yet I know you aren't doing it. Well this time she could really tell and very pleased I had lost 38 pounds since Nov 1!!!!! Plus she was having a really bad day in the office and it perked her up. My MIL wants a hanging plant in her room, it has to be artificial. It has been impossible to find. So we finally went to Michaels and found some stuff to make one ourselves
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Well, our area is under a tornado warning....dear dog Missy is attached to me or, since I'm sitting at the PC, she is hiding under my desk space. Poor thing - I think I'll give her some of the doggie xanax.

    Need to go brown up some hamburger. I believe the taco shell box on the stove top and hamburger in the fridge was a hint from DH! He'll get off at 9p and probably home around 10p. Doesn't appeal much to me tonight, but I'll fix it for him.

    Went to Wendy's with some from work today and didn't do too badly. Had one of the flatbread chicken sandwiches. Went to the Y after work and did 20 minutes of weights (23,200 pounds) and 2 miles uphill on the treadmill in 31 minutes.

    Ooh, the storm tracker stuff on TV is mentioning the location of DH's workplace - that can't be good!

    Might be back later.

    Gail, metro ATL

    Just went to the calorie counter and it says I should be eating 1,758 calories for weight loss...wow.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Well we are still having strange weather here in southeastern SD. It is now snowing again but earlier this afternoon the ice was melting and falling off the trees. The city was warning people to stay in if possible to avoid getting hurt with falling ice. Some have had broken windshields from this. I had to get out this morning because I had a colonoscopy scheduled and after doing that prep I was not going to cancel and have to repeat it. So my DH and I shoveled snow and I got some exercise in before going. I also had to hold up our cable line while DH backed the car out of the garage. The line came down in the storm and was laying on the ground in front of the garage. I still cannot get my truck out so he will take me to work tomorrow. The colonoscopy went well but will not find out results of biopsies for a few days. The nurse said she was surprised that more people did not cancel their procedures but I am sure they felt the same way I did. " Not doing that prep again".

    To whoever recently had the colon exam your idea of using it for a jump start is really good. I have been on a plateau for quite a while and this seems like a good way to start making the weight move again. Thanks.

    Hope lots of you are having warm spring sunshine. Send some my way if you can. Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all those who are celebrating sucesses. Sue in SD
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Bumping again. Tomorrow is the last evening event of the year, so I won't be home til late. Thinking of you all MEg
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member

  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Phyllis in Egypt – love your new profile pic, must be from your recent visit to Abu Dhabi? Generations of smiles and laughter :happy:

    Delorescates – Welcome and good for you for starting the journey toward good health. This is a great group of women sharing successes and setbacks as we each walk our paths with the same goal in mind. Join us often!

    Jane M – prayers that you find the perfect, peaceful home soon. :flowerforyou:

    Viv in UK – Hoping when you read this it is a bright and sunny new day with you feeling much better!

    Lea in SC (love to know your name & place!) – :smile:

    Jmkmomm – How nice that you had such a pleasant walk with DH and then to top it off the great NSV with your neurologist! All together good day

    Gail – Hope you and DH are safe from the stormy weather, tornadoes terrify me! If I were there, I’d probably be joining your dear dog under the desk (begging for xanax) :bigsmile: :frown: :bigsmile:

    Sue in SD – Nice that you were able to cross the colonoscopy off your list, sorry to hear you had to dig yourself out to do it! Stay warm and dry and safe traveling to work tomorrow

    Brooke from Colorado

    “We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.” - - Anais Nin
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Just drop in to say hello very tired today. We took our participants bowling today. I work both groups our morning (day) and afterschool so I truly spent the day bowling. I know not a bad way to make a living and I am not complaining. Just truth is I am exhausted.

    Wishing everyone a good evening.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,390 Member
    Juanita - Jessica's mastery of the spanish language is very very minimal. I THINK Dianna speaks english, just not proficiently. That may be how they communicate. I remember when we were at Jessica's the girls went upstairs and I'm guessing talking. Tell me about how kids can be trying. I wish I could be more excited for this wedding, but right now I just can't bring myself to be.

    went out to lunch with a few friends. I had their black bean burger and steamed broccoli, just water to drink.

    did an hour of incline intervals on the treadmill today (2 min @ 3%, 6%, 9%. 12%,3% and so on). Tomorrow I'll take the deep water class but first go to the Humane Society to drop off our aluminum. then I'm going to have a lady take in a pair of pants for me. I really need the 6P and the smallest size the store had was 8P. I thought maybe I could get by with them, but I feel like they are falling off me. then I have the healthy cooking demo to go to. but if vince needs me, I'll just skip that.

    Yesterday I put my winter coat and Vince's into the closet. Oh, that felt so good to do!

    Viv - congrats on the loss! You squash Mr. bug! Hope your back is better fast. Feel better fast, too. We want you bak here real soon.

    deeDee - Just to let you know --- I'm available for adoption especially if you take me clothes shopping....lol

    robin - still keeping everything crossed for you.

    delores - welcome! Stop in often and let us get to know more about you. Welcome, also, to any new members that I may have missed

    yanniejannie - when you do a kettlebell workout, do you need a set of kettlebells or will free weights do?

    jmkmomm - How wonderful for you at the doctors! the ending to a wonderful day for you!

    Gail - we're under a tornado warning, too

    Sue in SD - If they removed a polyp during the colonoscopy you would know. So I'm sure everything is fine

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Carol (cooky) -For some reason I couldn't open the Wheatberry Salad recipe message or your reply to my message to you(and I haven't been able to open your comment on Women 50+ either, it just freezes and won't open the form). It's so weird, I can look at your profile and send you a message but I can't open your e-mail messages to me or open the forum page 4 at all, it just blanks out that whole page. Super strange (and I've logged out and back in). I'm going to delete you and then send a new request and see if that works :grumble: :frown: :grumble:

    Thank you for your kindness in trying to send it. Didn't want you to think me rude for not replying!


    trying to exorcise the computer gremlins :ohwell:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today was the first practice to prepare to dance at the County Fair in August. The leader has chosen 20 dances and will thin the list down over the next few weeks---I know about half the dances and will have to learn the rest. I probably know more of the dances than the other dancers so we have a lot of work to do. Tomorrow I teach the beginner class and am teaching several dances that I haven't taught before so my brain and feet are full of dances......I hope I won't be dancing in my dreams all night.

    :flowerforyou: To anyone who is keeping calories really low (1200-1400)....be sure that everything that you consume is nutrition dense...your body needs at least 1200 calories of nutrition
    not 750 calories of nutrition and the rest alcohol and sugar.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    I'm not sure if my posts are showing up so I will try to post this again and
    Brooke, hopefully you will find it either here or in another message I sent a few minutes ago.
    Sorry I don't have time to comment tonight, must get some sleep or I will be brain dead at work tomorrow! Yikes that won't be a good thing!
    Take Care Dear Friends
    Carol in WNY
    For Brooke, and whom ever wants it.

    Wheat Berry Salad‏
    1 cup hard wheat berries
    1-2 dried bay leaves
    10 cups water
    4 tablespoons olive oil
    1-2 cloves garlic, finely minced
    2 tablespoons white wine vinegar
    1 teaspoon brown sugar ( I use Turbinado )
    salt and pepper
    1/2 cup artichoke hearts (bottled or frozen), chopped ( I use the marinated jar type )
    1/2 cup chopped roasted red peppers
    1/2 cup chopped green peppers
    1/2 cup shredded purple cabbage
    1/2 cup chopped red onion
    1/4 cup chopped celery
    Place the wheat berries, bay leaf, and water in a large pot. Salt the water generously. Bring to a boil. Then reduce heat to medium. Place a lid on the pot and crack the lid open to let steam escape. Let the wheat berries boil for about 1 1/2 hours or till done. Keep checking and add more water as needed. After an hour of cooking, start checking the wheat berries for doneness. Remove from heat when wheat berries are done to your liking. Drain and set aside.
    In the same pot, heat olive oil. Add the minced garlic and let it sizzle for about 20 seconds. Turn off heat and let the oil cool a little. Then stir in white wine vinegar, brown sugar, salt and pepper. Add cooked wheat berries to pot and mix well. Then add all other ingredients and mix well. Refrigerate and serve cold.
    Makes 4 servings
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Love the wheat berry salad recipe, thanks so much, Carol. I'll save it and make it sometime!

    Love this thread! :heart:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for all the good wishes that I feel better. DD has been looking after me, making me cups of tea etc bless her. For some reason DH has never been good with the sympathy :ohwell: I thought it was because he's not well himself, but then remembered even before he was diagnosed with Narcolepsy, he never gave me sympathy if I said I felt unwell. Don't get me wrong, if I was really really ill he'd be okay, but with the colds and day to day niggles he's like aw shame, make me a cup of tea :bigsmile: MEN!!!

    :sick: Still feeling a bit grotty this morning, but at least I have the day off work to rest up. I swapped my day off so that I could go to Grandsons birthday party, he's having it at one of those laser quest places. I'll see how I feel around lunchtime to see if I go or not. Don't particularly want to infect all the 8 year olds with my germs, but I've been looking forward to going.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie had to smile at your comment "your body needs at least 1200 calories of nutrition
    not 750 calories of nutrition and the rest alcohol and sugar" :laugh: so this is where I'm going wrong! Seriously though I think I need to pay more attention to my nutrition.

    I was going to reply to more people, but I can't stop coughing, so will go an get some water. Just opened the blinds to find it is raining, the forecast for the weekend was sunny! Apparently spring is starting this weekend and it will be quite hot :noway: :
    We shall see, not sure I believe them.

    Today will be a challenge, when I am at home I tend to be a bit picky with food, I don't want to undo my good work, so I will have to be strong and keep out of the biscuit jar, and if I do go to the party, make sure I eat a healthy meal before I go.

    Where's the cough mixture!

    Have a good Friday everyone.

    Viv UK
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies from a very rainy London.

    I've only just got to work. My commute normally takes me about an hour, but the tube line that I generally take was suspended and that meant I had to come a different route.... where the tubes were delayed (I swear they do it on purpose). Anyway, it took me an extra forty five minutes. Grrr.

    So, I'll try t get back on later to check on you all!

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Viv:smile: Hope you continue to feel better:flowerforyou: , and keep your hands out of the biscuit jar:angry: !!!

    Amanda:smile: Communting problems...grrr:grumble: , hope the day improves!

    Carol:smile: The salad sounds wonderful! Thanks for the recipe!

    Jb:smile: Love the puppy pic! The little black one looks just like the dog my mom had...I miss them both!

    Barbie:smile: "dancing in my dreams", I actually think that sounds lovely!

    The shopping trip was so nice yesterday and everything my daughter put on looked fabulous on her:smokin: , of course she`s tall (lucky), and has long legs (lucky), and she`s a size 6 (even luckier). She got a very nice wardrobe, they had lots of things on sale! I actually bought a great long skirt and shirt for myself, hmmm...now I need a new cute pair of shoes:bigsmile: . I just may pop into my friends shoe store today:tongue: !

    Michele:smile: Let`s go shopping:bigsmile: !!!

    I have been up since 4:30 this morning:noway: , we had a little thunderstorm and it woke me up and my first thought was "I need coffee". So I`ve been on the computer getting some work done and now I`m done for the day:happy: ! I think I see new shoes in my near future...yay!

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC where spring has sprung!