
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Good morning dear ladies,

    I just finished reading posts, and as everyone else is saying.... Overwhelming!! Yes, difficult to comment on everyone's thoughts, but feel most of them to my bones! This group is great because we do all feel the same frustrations and the encouragement from one another is astounding.

    :flowerforyou: Meg... so sorry about your sweet Bennie... pray that whatever you decide to do with your vet will be the best for all.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie... praying that Jake's "wire" is repositioned properly and quickly and you get him home with you and the poochies.

    :flowerforyou: Ekafont ... Happy Birthday! I think it's easier being 51 than it is 50... :wink: (I'm really good at camouflaging myself in photos with other people, flowers, etc. Just never be the person on the end in a group of people!!! )

    :flowerforyou: Wessecg ... I always look for the photo of you on your horse. While I only have one left in college, (and one just graduated), I still feel like the mom of teenagers... but I'm NOT!! haha

    :flowerforyou: Amanda... Hope the doctors help stabilize everything for you.

    :flowerforyou: Moxie.. I totally understand about the plateau and not budging even with better diet and exercise. Frustrating, but I keep telling myself... I'm healthier. It takes longer to repair all the damage I've done inside my body.... and then poof! it will happen, right???

    Has anyone read the book Eat to Live? Or seen the movie, "Fat, Sick, Nearly Dead?" I'm already doing a lot of the recommendations, but it has really had an impact on my food intake... well, except for that teeny tiny piece of Tiramisu that was in the refrigerator for a week!!!! I finally went ahead and ate half of it and told DH that if he didn't eat the rest I was tossing it in the TRASHCAN!!! Hope that was a good chuckle for you all.

    Have a great day!
    Tammy in VA Beach (no snow, only some rain and LOTs of wind!)
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy wet Wednesday, drip drip drip, tinkling drops of water from the sky adorn this Portland morn.

    Michele, so sorry to hear about your cousin. So sad.

    Nancy, I'll be thinking of you on your adventure, have a great time! Vaya con Dios!

    Ekafont, happy belated! I'm glad the water info helps. It's just something we need to learn to love. It took me awhile, but I have no problem drinking 8-10 glasses a day anymore.

    Barbie, thinking of you, and Jake.

    Grandmallie, you can search the foods database for "cooked" pasta which should give amounts in cups rather than ounces. It's about 100 calories for 1/2 cup cooked. Easier for me to measure that way.

    Well those size 12 jeans managed to stretch out after wearing them a full day, so now I'm thinking I might just have to suck it in and cram myself into size 10 so that by the end of the day they're not looking like hobo jeans. Gads, I do have a time finding jeans to fit right. Tried NYD jeans, they bagged out in no time flat but they're perfect for dog walks. I'm wishing I could find jeans that aren't made of stretchy denim! I did try on some "skinny" jeans but they're too clingy. Isn't there a happy medium? If I'd force myself to go shopping more often than once every 6 months, maybe I'd have better luck.

    Time for me to get moving. I have an early appt this morning and need to get some exercises done beforehand!

    Wishing you all a very nice Weds.

    :smile: jb in drippy PNW
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Someone above mentioned a food scale--I second this! I wasn't really that far off on my calculations prior to the scale, but now I'm more confident that I'm more accurately logging and aware of my caloric intake.

    I envy those of you with the tickers approaching 20, 25, 50, 75, 100 pounds! I seem to have been staring at 12 and 13 for two months now, and today when I was weighed, I didn't lose a single ounce in one week :noway:

    BUT, the huge thing is my body fat dropped 2% in that week (or it could've been in 2 weeks), and 6% since I started with the trainer back in January. What that tells me is since a pound of muscle takes up less "space" than a pound of fat (I hate when folks say a pound of muscle weighs more than a pound of fat--a pound is always a pound), that I am shrinking even if my arch-nemesis reports I'm staying the same. All in all, though, I still need to see the scale go down. Not sure what else I should be doing, but for now I'm just going to stick with the plan. I noticed even my bracelets are looser!

    Some folks wanted a pic of the new dress--we hired a photographer for the event who will be taking portrait pictures on a winding French'ish staircase at the venue, so I will have a photo. Let's hope I like it. If not, my kid takes some pretty darned flattering pics of me.

    Happy Hump Day to all! I always start looking forward to the weekend today.

    Jackie in Cherry Hill outside of Philly
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good morning Sweetpeas!!

    Another sunny day in middle Alberta, yes I know, it won’t last long but I can revel in its temporary glory can I not?
    News flash: Today after my morning shower and some slow stretching exercises….. I touched my toes! I touched base with my base and returned to the upright position without having to call 911 (I had my phone handy just in case.) There have been no ill effects, no body lacerations from waistband strangulation or even vertigo, nothing other than a slightly giddy feeling of victory.
    Today my toes, tomorrow the world!

    Decided also to bite the bullet so to speak (better that than the chocolate chips) and do another weigh-in and I have lost three of the chocolate pounds I put on in February. Lovely! Must be the extra veggies!

    It was a gorgeous walk outside in the sunshine yesterday, so hopeful for spring. I chose a parking lot that was fairly free of snow and ice and walked up and down the rows of cars, any onlookers must have thought I had forgotten where I parked, haha!

    Last night’s supper of tandoori chicken, fire roasted sweet potato slices (with rosemary and garlic), asparagus and naan bread was delish!! (Must watch the naan bread, only allowed ¼ piece!) DH doesn’t know what he is missing by not trying these things! Unfortunately I didn’t get to eat it until 9:30 at night. I got called into work and ended up doing a lot of heavy lifting; the shipment came in late after staff had gone, the boss couldn’t do it with a broken arm and I lived the closest. I didn’t mind at all, it was a good workout!

    No luck with the invisible mending for DH suit trousers, I hit every drycleaner in town and all of the tailors! ♫ Where have all the menders gone, long time passing…♪ ♫ I guess I will have to get out my super-duper magnifying glass with the light and see if I can’t try my hand at it! First time for everything….. this man is going to owe me. Yesterday morning I had to Fed-Ex his business cards to him in NYC, (he forgot them) and it cost me $48!!

    I’m just enjoying my morning coffee, hazelnut cream, another pleasure when DH is away and contemplating brekkie. Think I will make oatmeal porridge and load it blackberries today! Hehehehe! While the cat’s away….

    Have a fabulous day, good luck and love to all of you,♥

    in Alberta

    I must learn how you girls get all those cute emoticons on your pages, any tips?
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    well depressing I regained about a lb and a half,but who knows ,im being bad and weighing myself every day. So not gonna beat myself up.I shouldnt be winey, but wish I could push the scale down quicker, like many of you,it is hard to be patient.. and good things come to those who weight( get it ):wink:
    I have to remember that I cant push myself especially with my heel.but have to see if I can find other things to try to get the weight down.
    Have a great day my little chickadee's:bigsmile:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jb: Regarding jeans, I like Lee and Levi’s. They’re supposed to be casual so as long as they don’t cut off my circulation or fall off of me, I’m not too picky about fit. I’m picky about shades of blue and the feel of the fabric. I hate the stretchy ones. I’m envious that you’re thinking of cramming yourself into a size 10. That seems a long way off for me. :tongue: I haven’t crammed myself into a 10 since I was “dressing for success” in my early 30’s. I'd like to think I'll do it again some day. :wink: :wink:

    Kate in Alberta: Congratulations on touching your toes without bending your knees! I think that counts as a NSV for sure. The emoticons “live” on the MFP site. They show up when I’m posting in a bar above the window where we write. Click on the words "Add Smiley" to see them and then click on the ones you want. They appear by magic.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallle: DH has some of your health issues and is also losing slowly. He is making progress and so are you. In this race the tortoise definitely wins. Keep up the good work.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m thinking good thoughts for you and Jake today. :flowerforyou: :heart:

    Amanda: I hope things are going well.:flowerforyou:

    At last, I’m back down to my previous low! :bigsmile: Sickness and injury is a real detriment to progress. I am thinking that part of the current win is that I’m paying more attention to water consumption again. I tend to forget the value of water in washing the pounds away.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Today DH and DD want to visit an antique shop in Scappoose because they saw a pedal car outside. I’ll bet it is expensive if they still have it. It will be fun to see, but then I have to worry about them actually BUYING it and where we'd put the thing. :grumble:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon where it is gray but not raining right this minute.
  • bump
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thankful it's Hump day Wednesday,

    jb- congrats on that NSV of getting in smaller jeans:drinker: It's only March and if I remember correctly sun in the Pacific Northwest is only hit and miss at best until about July:wink: Finding jeans of the right size is one of the hardest things for me, I've found that there are about 4 sizes that fit me right now depending on the style:grumble: very frustrating. That rain you have is supposed to be our snow Friday night into Saturday...just glad it's coming on the weekend and I don't have to drive in it:happy:

    Jodios- Yes I consider 30 min sleeping in:wink: and am always wishing I could on a work day.

    Judy- congrats on your race. Sounds like you do have the exercise down...yep eating in moderation is what will help. With your job being one of tasting foods You will definately need to keep a glass of water handy to wash away that extra sodium:drinker: it does sound like you are ready to make the change to get the exercise and eating working hand in hand.

    Nancy-have a great time on your trip:flowerforyou:

    Glenda- fires and then snow:noway: crazy weather we all have.

    Kate- sounds like you have BIG plans for while hubby is away at the conference, meals planned, cleaning up the dust in the basement project and of course your 5 hrs for work you will never get back:noway: Maybe you can just skim the new training and won't have to take a full 5 hrs. :ohwell: About those Chocolate Chips have you considered weighing them ahead of time and then logging them and allowing yourself just one or two at a time? I know that when I am struggling with my "want" of chocolate if it sits on the counter and it's already logged then I know I can have it sometime during the day but when it's gone, it's gone. Cute emotions come from the "add Smiley" in the upper right corner when you are posting a reply.

    Lucy:flowerforyou: great NSV, I know I was excited when I was able to get my boots over my jeans too. Yes I have heard of people losing shoe sizes. For me that would be a disaster as I already wear size 5's and they are so hard to find anything smaller and I'm looking at kids shoes:grumble: and last time I looked they don't have cute heels in size 4.5:laugh:

    Meg-sorry to hear about Benny Beagle, hoping his surgery goes well and that he's home again soon:flowerforyou: We do love our pets.

    Jeri- take it slow this is a lifestyle journey and you want to make the changes permenant. Hoping your leg feels better soon.:flowerforyou:

    grandmallie- sorry no need for another hubby....the one I have is plenty:wink: When I have extras of meals I just freeze it for a later date as my hubby doesn't like the same thing the next day either. But as far as his lunches, thank goodness he makes his own and since he's doing the low carb thing he knows what he wants I just help make our salads and then my own lunch.

    Viv- yep it's usually better to log the food in advance so that if you need to make adjustments before you eat you can:drinker:

    Lin-sorry to hear you are experiencing so much pain. Hoping that the streching works:flowerforyou:

    Roz-great job on the exercise and yes adding more veggies to your goal is a great idea:drinker: We can always use more veggies.

    Renny- a class for the golden ages...that's a great idea and what a class it was:drinker: 3/4 of a billion blooms I'm sure that spring will be looking wonderful there:love:

    Amanda- I must have missed your post about you not feeling well and needing tests...hoping they come out with help:flowerforyou:

    Barbie- your goals for a day are amazing:drinker: :drinker:

    Rori- hoping your back is better soon:flowerforyou:

    M- are you here in Colorado right now?:huh:

    Michele-sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin.:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl-three days of being sick:flowerforyou: hoping your are better sooner than later.

    Moxie- you are so right about the rules changed for us in the 50+ ages. Those younger ones have no idea what it takes for us to lose this weight but we have great examples in Barbie, Amanda and others that it can be done:flowerforyou:

    lenti- how supportive of you to do the liquid diet with hubby:flowerforyou:

    Tammi- eating half of the Tiramisu and then telling hubby to eat it or it goes to the trash:drinker: good for you.

    allison-hang in there, things are getting smaller and the scale is sure to move at some point. I know there are people that say as long as you are losing inches that the scale means nothing....I think for us the scale means a lot because that's the way it's always been in our generation.:wink:

    Brooke- YEAH for those #5:drinker: gone.

    My bookkeeper came in yesterday and after several hours of discussion it has been decided that we won't be moving our company into the accrual system but keep it on cash....so the last two months + have just gone down the drain. I probably won't be able to be back here for some time as I will be reentering everything in the accounting system since Jan 1st:sad:

    I will keep telling myself I'm in control of what I eat since obviously my work life is TOTALLY out of control:grumble: :explode:

    That's it for me for awhile.

    Have a great day all and let's keep up that logging of our food, drinking plenty of water and moving our bodies:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Good morning all!

    Yesterday I actually played the intro to one of my new DVD’s: 10 Pounds Down Cardio Abs (a killer workout similar to JM). Jessica Smith, the trainer, mentioned a free ab eating plan on her web site. Not only does she have that but also suggested work out plans by level: beginner, intermediate and advanced and offers a ton of free videos to support those plans. :flowerforyou: This morning I did her free dance party videos and a stretching video. You can access them via her website: www.jessicasmithtv.com or youtube. I know a lot of you do JM videos on youtube so thought you might be interested in checking out Jessica Smith as another option.

    Also, I did a quick search on chair yoga and found there are a number of videos on youtube and amazon.com has DVD’s if you just want to check it out:flowerforyou:

    The scale is still stuck for me (and of course DH is still melting off the pounds) so having a down moment. :sad: Hoping reading this thread will help snap me out of it and getting me going in a more positive direction:grumble:

    Meg – sorry to hear about your Beagle. :sad: Hope everything turns out okay

    Marge – hang in there you will take the weight back off. Where are you in Illinois? There are a couple of us in the far north suburbs of Chicago:smile:

    Lin – hope you are feeling better today – sending good thoughts your way:love:

    Renny – when I go to Zumba I stay away from the mirrors so I don’t see how silly I look and just let loose, sweat and have fun. I love this workout as long as I can’t see what I’m doing:laugh: :laugh:

    Kate – thanks for your quote – I’m really trying to choose happiness right now. :happy: Yeah on touching your toes and the weight loss. :flowerforyou: Your dinner sounded delish:wink:

    Barbie – hope Jake’s f/u surgery goes well. You are such an inspiration. :heart: Get some rest:yawn:

    To all the newbies – as soon as you posted on this thread you became part of this group. Click communinity, my topics and you’ll see the women over 50+ thread listed. Click on that and you are back. Please come back often – this is a great group! Also, Bump is what you can type in when you don’t have time to write anything but want to post on the thread so it will show up on my posts on your personal page

    Michelle – sorry for your loss:cry:

    Cheryl – give yourself time to get well – then you can kick in on the exercise again (although I thought I saw on my homepage that you did a nice long walk this morning). Hope that means you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Ekafont – happy b-day:drinker:

    Grandmallie – thanks for the inspiring post this morning!:smile:

    Jb – congrats on the even smaller jeans.:happy: I’m trying to drink more water and green tea, but Its tough. :grumble: I think I’ll just try and have a glass or mug of something next to me as I work all day and see if that helps. FYI – my Lee jeans also stretch out a lot. I found the jeans I got at the Loft didn’t stretch quite so much…I bought their straight leg style (not as clingy as skinny’s). I do like my Gap skinny’s though – not too tight and don’t stretch a ton.

    Brooke – good for you – 5 lbs whoohooooooo. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I think you can log the happy dance under dance-general:wink:

    Okay - feeling a bit better now and have to get back to work. Have a great day everyone. :heart: :heart: :heart: Jodios
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi EVERYONE!:smile:

    There is no way I can write back to all you lovely people that make me want to keep trying to achieve my goals. Just know that I appreciate all your words to each other and for the group!!!

    Meg-:laugh: the photo was taken at my daughters wedding a couple years ago. ( over here in Egypt ) Now she has the cutest little baby girl and I love being a grandma. But I don't get to see her too often as she lives in Abu Dhabi. I am going there for Spring Break though at the end of the month.

    Michelle-:cry: Sorry about your cousin. She must be about my age! It sure is hard when people have to get cancer and suffer. And by the way... I LOVE to play Mexican Train. It is my favorite gave of all times. I taught my 3rd graders how to play yesterday!

    I went to a Zumba class after school today. and I have walked 15,602 steps today. I love my little fit bit!

    Swimming in the morning before school so I have that to look forward to.

    My nephew just called and is here in Egypt doing some work for a few days and will come and stay with us tomorrow night. Now I am thinking what I should cook for dinner!

    Well Take care everyone. Phyllis in Cairo
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Just poppin' in to say "hi!". Read this yesterday. Thought you all might enjoy it.

    Have a great day! i'll check in later.

    Jane in SLC
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Day 2 of recommitment :smile: Love reading all the posts! Got in 40 minutes on the elliptical last night plus a good 40 - 50 minutes of snow shoveling last night - yes there is a positive side to the storm :laugh:
    tammy in VA - My DH and I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead - good stuff even if you don't go all out juicing! My husband was very inspired and ran out and got a juicer the next day, and now we have upgraded to an even BETTER juicer - lol. He has done a few periods of just jicing, but more often used it to supplement a low carb program -it really has helped his arthritis to get in those large doses of fruit and veggies. Have not seen Eat to Live - perhaps I'll look for it this weekend ~
    jb - Congrats on those 12's!!!I started this journey in size 24, was down to 14's but am now in 16's and a few 18's :grumble: I would be elated to be able to squeeze into 10's! Way to go! :drinker:
    Jackie in Cherry Hill - congrats on dropping body fat! That body recomposition really makes a difference in appearance - the pounds will follow!
    June - Congrats on the toe touches!!
    Barbie - while I'm just 'meeting' you, I know how tough the hospital time is - good for you keep it active instead of visiting those vending machines! Sending positive thoughts to you and Jake :heart:
    Katia - That pedal car sounds intriguing! My husband is determined to buy a recumbent road bike - easier on his back and neck but fairly pricey :(
    Brooke - Yahoo for the great lose!
    Happy Wednesday everyone!
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    Its cold and windy in TN:ohwell: . The morning has slipped away from me with work piling up on my desk. I had to take a break so I could check in with everyone. I haven’t made it back to the gym yet, but I have been taking the dogs for an extra walk everyday and I am taking the stairs at work for all of my 15,000 runs to the restroom. I hope that will account for something. I hope to get back to the gym this weekend. I just can’t seem to muster up the energy. All I want to do for the last couple of weeks is sleep:yawn:
    At least when I come on this site, I get a pick me up when I see all your smiling profile pictures. That really does help:smooched:
    Hi Lin, hope you feel better soon. Maybe when all this cold weather clears out everyone will feel better. I know it really does a number on my arthritis:grumble:
    Grandmallie- don’t blame you for not making 2 separate meals. Thankfully my husband doesn’t complain about food as long as you don’t serve him tuna salad or hamburger helper.:laugh:

    Mkasieta, Keepitnewmarc, and Nel- welcome to the group. The bump is just so this group will show up under your “my topics” so you can find it easily.:wink:

    Ekafont- Happy Birthday:flowerforyou:

    Brooke- YAY!! Congrat!!:drinker:

    Have a great day.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    I'm just popping in for a quick hello! I see that it's been six days since I was last here -- I apologize. This is my busiest time of year, and I just haven't had a spare moment to read the posts or anything else. I hope that you are all happy and well!

    I can't seem to quite get my act together, and I'm not too pleased with myself about now. I'm not eating too badly, but I'm not getting my logging done, either, which has to be the start of a bad trend. I appreciate the support that I get here, and will try to do better! I have to head to the VA with my dad again now, so am wishing you all a good day.

    Jane in Colorado
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I weighed this morning and I have lost 22.8 pounds!!!!!!! Plus the icing on the cake is that my fasting blood sugar is 96!!!!!!!!! I would have to have a blood sugar consistently that before asking my doctor to take me off my Metformin. So I am off to my diabetic class in my size 16 jeans and 1X sweater!!!!!! I want to be an inspiration for my daughters best friend who is 200 pounds overweight and seriously contemplating bariatric surgery.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Healing prayers for a speedy recovery for Benny Beagle and to calm Meg during the surgery

    Jodios – thanks so much for sharing the links to the Jessica Smith videos, really appreciate it (and the scale WILL move, I understand it was stuck for me last week)

    Barbie – virtual hugs and healing prayers going out to you and Jake

    Lin – hope you’re feeling much better

    Kate – Oh my, I want to come have dinner at your place while you’re flying solo – YUM!!

    Renny – Zumba is a blast, and a Great burn - - just do it, you’ll have fun I know it (says I who does it in the privacy of her own living room)

    Happy happy birthday Ekafont

    Michelle – condolences on the loss of your cousin

    Laura80111 – Oh, wow so sorry to hear about the accounting pain in the *kitten* - - been there, I feel your pain! Keep your chin up and keep logging, this too shall pass

    jmkmomm - Wow, congratulations on your weight loss AND your blood sugar reading!!!! Go rock those 16's!!!!!!!

    Jane in Colorado - this is just a temporary situation, you've been on track before and you will be there again - hang in there

    Jolencec1 - good for you (and the dogs) for the extra walks, every step adds up

    Monet13 - Great to look at the bright side of a snow storm, I burned the "shovel calories" last week myself!

    I know I’ve missed people but that’s it for now. Thanks to all who have celebrated my good news with me, it’s more appreciated than you know!!

    Take care all,
    Brooke from Colorado
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Jane, I'm the opposite, don't eat well, but log great :noway:
    MTGWW Posts: 34
    Hi everyone. I'm back with my foot elevated after getting all my staples out:sad: ouch! Over 40 and each one really hurt to have it removed. So swelling again and pain and no activity for me, for a few days . Imagine my surprise when the scale went down another pound....that makes me at my first 10 pound mark. Excited, but who can figure. When I was getting lots of exercise, nothing! There as been only a few times when I stuck with a diet long enough to make it to 10lb mark, so this is good for me. Onward to the next 10 and perhaps a size smaller.
    :flowerforyou: spring is coming ladies and I think everyone always feels the hope of that. Keep on the good path,pour health and vitality into yourselves through lots of hydration, vitamin rich foods and fresh air and movement and well all be just a touch more beautiful on the outside come spring to match all our beautiful insides.

    Love to you all...

    Karen from Mi.
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies. It felt so good to be back at the pool for aquacise class this morning - and to feel like I had enough energy to do it, though at a somewhat modified pace:ohwell: Good bye to the flu bug, hopefully!

    Jeri - yes we have lovely sun today .....and another dump of snow in the forecast! Welcome to spring in southern Alberta - unpredictable at best:smile: But we do tend to get it a little warmer here than Calgary most days. And I really can not complain after our mild, snowless winter

    Lin -Fibromyalgia!:noway:My sympathies to you! I understand a little of your pain. :frown: My daughter, a young mom to 4 kids, has it and I can see it in her eyes and movements on 'pain' days. Not fun, so unpredictable (will it be a good day?) and so little that is a sure 'fix'. Keep on with your healthy habits of good food, exercise and rest - especially on those 'off' days.

    Renny - YES! i am jealous of the flowers!!:flowerforyou: They must be lovely! I do love my flower beds, perhaps partly because the season here is so short and fleeting. Enjoy a little for me!:smile:

    Cheryl - I hope you are feeling better soon. Give your body time to recover before you push it too hard with exercise. You will get there!

    Kate -I was laughing out loud at your description of touching your toes:laugh: Did you reintroduce your fingers to your toes? "Toes, I would like you to meet fingers":tongue: Enjoy the flavour festival happening at your dinner table while DH is away. It sounds wonderful - wish I could join you:love: And did you find the emoticons? Top right of the 'reply' box.

    Brooke - congrats on the loss - that IS significant! Good work:smile:

    Jodios - thanks for the reccomendations on the online videos. I think I just may check them out.

    Jb and jmkmomm - Yay for the smaller pant sizes. Rock the new sizes ladies with some swagger and attitude:happy:

    Michelle - So sorry to hear of the death of your cousin. Sometimes these things do seem to hit hard - perhaps strike at our own mortality a bit when it is family and someone close to your own age. My sympathies go out to you.

    Just heard a snowfall warning for this area:grumble: That might change my plans for the evening - but a chance to stay at home might not be so bad either :smile:

    Stay well my friends; go well.

    glenda in the everchangeable south of Alberta