

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Interesting day for me as I had a dermatologist appt this morning. He froze off two places on my face and one on my wrist. DH had more than I did but we look like we've been stung by bees! It's probably mean to say this but it was 82 here today. However, tomorrow high in the 50"s. Your body doesn't know what to do with the changes so drastic.
    Barbie - glad Jake's surgery was successful and he's coming home tomorrow.
    Linda aka Sundance - I had you name down but forgot what I wanted to say to you. It may have been about chair yoga. It's a really good workout if you can't get up and down a lot..
    Jodios - thanks for the recommendations. Next time I'm in town I'll look for a beginner dvd. Doing 30 day now and getting some weights in that.
    Robin - you're in my prayers. Keep your chin up and take it one day at a time.
    Lin - IA - I added kale to my potato soup and it was really good. Guess you could add it to anything really.
    Just got done with my bridge group here so need to grid my loins (so to speak) for 30 day shred. Not sure it's right for me but I'll try a few more days. I have bad veins in one leg and it seems worse since I've been "trying" to do jumping jacks.
    Everyone keep going and be nice to yourself.

    Sue in TX
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    there must be a method on how you guys remember everyone's name and reply to everyone's current status????? quite impressive but I have a feeling that part of my brain is losing cells daily :wink:

    Had a good start this weekend and a LIttle set-back. Good stuff was my time at the gym (1 hour on the treadmill Fri/Sat/Sun each day) Friday and Sunday time on the weight machines (one of my March goals). Ate healthy and then it happened... :blushing: the evil glass of wine. One would have been fine but 2 sets me into a food tailspin. Didn't overdo it too much so back on track today and shooting for another lb loss for the week.

    For those of us who are in the eye of the storm for a new snow event, be safe

    Marcie from Maryland
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good evening, everyone! I hope you all had a good day. I have been very chipper all day – spent the whole day on Saturday with DD#1 (and got a good deal on a new car for her) plus I will see DD#@ this Saturday and spend a week with her. It’s amazing how big an effect just spending time with my girls has on my mood!:happy:

    Grandmallie – still sending you lots of positive vibes and hoping that your heel pain diminishes.

    DeeDee – I do admire your dedication! I would have been very tempted to skip the outdoor training as I hate being cold.

    Barbie – also thinking of you and your DH; glad to hear that his surgery went well!

    Gail – it sounds like your Y has a pretty sophisticated system, that must be very helpful.

    Uwharriegold – yes, do download the app. It’s a huge help to me any time I am trying to figure out what to order.

    JB – thanks for the great info on the importance of water. I am really trying to up my intake and all of those facts represent great motivation.

    Kathy – I have a 23 year old myself so I know the feeling. Hang in there, I believe that you will get smarter as she gets older.:laugh:

    Jolene – you are not the only one…..we are our own worst critics, at least some of the time. Just keep reminding yourself of the progress you’ve made and ignore that voice in your head.

    Welcome, Julie! I know what you mean about WW; I lost 25 pounds with them and then gained it all back because I learned more about their system than I did about nutrition. I’ve found this site to be super helpful and hope you will as well.

    Sue – sorry to hear that your DH has such challenges; hoping that he recovers quickly and can have donuts and potato chips again soon!:laugh:

    Robin – I’m sure you are already doing this but it’s very important that you document everything that occurs between you and the “evil one” plus discussions like the one you had with HR. Hang in there; I feel for you!:flowerforyou:

    Lucy – thanks for the reminder about trying new foods! I had set an unofficial goal to try something new every couple of weeks and I lost sight of that one. How exactly does one make kale chips?

    Tammy – lol at “chronologically gifted”. Love that!

    Wessecg – sorry to hear that you are still not feeling well but glad to hear that your new fitbit arrived!

    Jodios – “chair yoga”? Does that really exist? If so, I might have to check it out!

    Have a good evening, everyone!

    Sandy, central Ohio where it is going to snow AGAIN tomorrow:grumble:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi all. It's me...no I haven't died. I had a fun weekend with lots of friends, food, and wine so now it's back on track for me! I didn't have time to read all the posts from 2 days, but I did notice Gail's spanx link so I went there and nearly died from laughing! Actually I have gotten stuck in clothing in dressing rooms more than once and had to call for help. Although I must say, I called the saleslady and not 911!

    Welcome to the newbies, I hope everyone who is ill or close to someone with health problems is improving, those who are struggling right now find peace, and those with victories celebrate!

    I have missed getting my vitamin F here! You all are the best. Meg from cold but who-knows-if-it's-gonna-snow Omaha.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    Nearing my landmark of 100 lbs loss.

    I am 58 yrs old and glad to have found this site.
    Goals: Eat at least 1200 calories per day and leave 500 of exercise calories.

    Reduce exercise to 3 times per week.

    Reduce works to 1.5 hours 3 times per week (down from 2 hours).

    Prepare to walk to the YMCA starting in April.

    Plant bulbs in raised bed.

    Plant herbs for indoor garden.

    Co-lead Gastric By-pass support group.

    Meet volunteer obligation on 3-11 for Union Gospel Mission.

    Cook Easter dinner for friends.
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Sandy - chair yoga does exist and it is very helpful for anyone who has issues with leg strength or balance. You literally use a chair for the entire practice, either sitting in it or using it to help with balance for the standing poses. You may have to do a little searching but I guarantee they are out there. I think you may even be able to find a DVD with chair yoga

    DH jumping around like a little kid because he just got a call school is cancelled tomorrow due to the coming snow storm - he is a math teacher.:laugh: Have a great evening.
  • nonnicee
    nonnicee Posts: 38
    Good evening ladies,

    I thought I would celebrate an entire day (again) in the JJ Virgin Diet, elimination of sugar, gluten, dairy, eggs, corn, peanuts and soy. Just 3 more days and the cravings should be behind me. Wish me luck, I'm going to need all I can get!!! Before I jumped off the wagon on Valentine's day I made good progress with the eliminations. I was supposed to reintroduce one food group at a time in a controlled manner, but I dove right in to all seven in one meal. Totally messed up my sinsus!!! I am beginning to unclog my head again.

    The "PAIN FREE" book does explain some of the reasons we develop bunions and hammertoes. I highly recommend the book for all types of pain. I am NOT a physician or even anything close. I keep a copy of this book and consult it anytime I have body pain.

    It sounds like everyone is making progress. Try to keep well...

    All the best from
    Mary in TN
  • patsueglenn
    I am a newbie. Been here 4 days..have lost 2 lbs. Learning more about good foods. Began exercising again. My goal for now is to get healthier. Thank you all for your encouragment on your posts.

    E. Texas
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Sundance: I have 2 knee replacements, 2004 and 2007. I ride my horse and yes I do yoga. Chair yoga is offered in many places. I also do laughter yoga and I have a CD by Jon Kabat-Zinn that has a guided meditation on one side and yoga on the other. I like it because all of the poses are ones done on the floor so I only have to get down and up once. I also like QiGong as I get to stay on my feet and it works a lot on balance. I have a DVD workout for that. I work with PTs in Aquatic therapy and they tell me you can do whatever you wish after knee replacement, just to gradually work up to it. Sue in SD
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Good evening to all. Very lovely day in all.
    @awake welcome and @welcome to all newbies.

    @Kathy that is great victory how you handle your step daughter.
    @Dee that is really inspiring how you are going after your training.
    @Jodios -- I never heard of a yoga chair but that is interesting. I have been afraid to try yoga because of some issues.
    @Barbie my doctor told me about vitamin D too. I haven't tried it yet looking more into it before trying it.
    @Cheryl. Hope you feel better soon.
    @Linda I had my daughter at 33. She is my one and only but I love being older when.I.became a parent.
    @Meg sounds like a fun weekend.

    Wishing everyone a wonderful Tuesday.

    Liz Caldwell Idaho
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    glendalight - oh my goodness, loved the funny link about the spanx!! Do ya'll remember Erma Bombeck and her view of things? She was very funny and always made me laugh.

    awake4777 - wow, almost a 100 pounds! Good for you..

    Ended up late at the office again getting the boss out for a 2-day trip and client presentation, so didn't go to the Y. I did, however, walk 3.4 miles with my neighbor. Had too many layers on -- wanted to be sure I wasn't cold and went the other way.

    Hope everyone has a great night -
    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    jmkmomm - I know what you mean about those message cookies. They are very hard to resist. Sometimes I ask them to put chocolate icing all over the top of it. Vince likes his chocolate, I'm not so much for it so that sort-of deters me. I, also, buy only the smaller one. The problem I'm finding is that most stores only sell the larger one. To me, the slices of the larger one break too easily.

    barbie - good thoughts being sent your way for you and Jake

    Gail - your Y sounds like it has really really neat equipment. I've never seen equipment that tracks your weight. Very interesting.....

    Julie - welcome! That was one thing I could never understand about WW counting points. I have a recipe for a chocolate bran muffin. It is 0 points in WW because it's high in fiber. But it still has calories. I never could understand how you can eat lots of veggies and fruits, which may be low on the points scale, but they still had calories. But then again, WW did encourage fruits and veges, so that's a definite positive for them. To me, I would rate them as one of the best "diets". Glad to have you aboard

    Sue in SD - I can't believe your hubby has to go for those operations so frequently!

    Linda Sundance - many times when someone gives me candy or cake, I just accept it graciously, maybe have a small bite in front of them, then donate the rest to the local soup kitchen. To me, better on their hips than mine. I know that isn't nice, but oh well.... The elliptical doesn't automatically increase speed, I need to do that. I think there is a setting where it will automatically increase the resistance, tho.

    Did about 20 minutes of yoga today then took the extremepump class for 50 minutes. Came home and then went to the store for a bit. Will go to play mahjongg tonight. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a DVD working on the bosu ball.

    Lin - so glad those glasses are working for you. I've found that I really like my kale in a soup

    barbie - you know, sometimes I can't help but wonder if it's normal to constantly be jotting down everything I eat/drink. I just don't know. I'm so relieved that Jake is doing so well.

    Cheryl - get better fast. Sending good vibes to you.

    grandmalle - it really doesn't sound all that bad, bet those eggs were delish! Maybe try not to keep them in the house. Even Vince mentioned to me that this year, for some reason, there aren't that many GS. Usually every weekend they're at the store, but I haven't seen them once this year (not that I'm complaining) Enjoy those cookies, they only come once/year

    Marcie - I have a page open on the computer. As I get to a post and want to reply, I just type it then, then go on to the next one. Then I just copy and paste the whole thing.

    awake - you go girl!

    Sue in E Texas - welcome!

    Well, time for bed. Hope everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Hi again, Thanks for the welcome to the group wishes! I really feel a bond between the ladies here in this group. It sure does help to have people with the same goals working and supporting each other to reach those goals.

    Barbie NO the weights I have are just dumb bells Not ankle weights. I used to use ankle weights but they were borrowed from a friend and I had to give them back. I'll keep working up like you suggested.
  • Cullinanmarti
    Cullinanmarti Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this group but to be honest I don't know how? Do you just post reply or is there something I have to do? My goals for March are pretty simple: cardio for 45-60 minutes for 5 days per week, finish my rehab for spinal surgery, broken right foot and l knee ligament tear. Return to work as a home care nurse 3 day per week. Monitor my daily food intake including measuring all main course items. I'll see how I do. Please wish me luck! Marti from Westerville, Ohio. Myfitnesspal site is Cullinanmarti. Please feel free to add me as friend. I do try to respond to my friends at least 3-4 times per week.
  • Cullinanmarti
    Cullinanmarti Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I would love to join this group but to be honest I don't know how? Do you just post reply or is there something I have to do? My goals for March are pretty simple: cardio for 45-60 minutes for 5 days per week, finish my rehab for spinal surgery, broken right foot and l knee ligament tear. Return to work as a home care nurse 3 day per week. Monitor my daily food intake including measuring all main course items. I'll see how I do. Please wish me luck! Marti from Westerville, Ohio. Myfitnesspal site is Cullinanmarti. Please feel free to add me as friend. I do try to respond to my friends at least 3-4 times per week.
  • Aquarius2
    Aquarius2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi again,

    Thanks for the welcome :smile:
    There really are way too many posts on here for me to read them all!!
    But I'm glad everyone is going well

    I thought I should have posted a starting weight for March
    73 kilos I really don't know what that is in pounds, roughly double I think

    Anyway I dug out my Pilates DVD today and did 10 minutes, very pleased with that
    I don't want to do too much to start with or I will regret it tomorrow

    Now I just have to repeat it tomorrow

    Keep up the good work everyone

    Roz from NSW, Australia
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jb in Portalnd: Thanks for our lovely quote about the importance of water. I know I need to drink more of it and this helps to inspire me to be more proactive.:drinker: :drinker:

    kathy’szoo: You have my sympathies. My kids were awful in their early 20’s too, but now they’re in their 30’s and are much easier to be around. Endurance is a mom’s greatest weapon. Just keep hanging in there.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Jolene: I know what you mean about pictures, but I’ve taken the time to look at quite a lot of before and after pictures here on MFP. They’ve really helped me see the importance of savoring all the floors on the elevator ride down. :wink: :wink: I’ve been looking at DS and DDIL’s wedding pictures, taken last December, and thinking that I am now two sizes smaller. :bigsmile: When they were taken I was already down enough pounds that it was noticeable. The pictures of me at my daughter’s wedding were taken at my heaviest. :blushing: It can be a challenge to accept ourselves as works in progress. Hang in there.:flowerforyou:

    Lin in Central Iowa: I hope your Vitamin D levels are okay. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I hope Jake will be home soon.:heart:

    Marcie: I open a word document leave it on the side of my screen while I’m reading MFP and make my replies on it as I read messages. I click back and forth. Then I copy and paste my comments into MFP when I’m done, add smilies, and post.:smile:

    Awake: Congratulations!!!!! This is an amazing accomplishment. I hope you have a suitable celebration planned. New clothes, mani and pedi…:flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:

    DD and DGD are visiting and we all went to the beach today. The weather was GLORIUS, :bigsmile: which comes really close to a miracle in Oregon in early March. :laugh: We played on the beach, and DD jumped waves with GDG in the sunshine. Did I mention this was In Oregon? In March? Nobody was cold--or wet other than feet in the water. Like I said, miraculous.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone - gosh so many new faces I feel like a newbie :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: :heart: to Barbie for the little reminder that I've been missing :heart: :heart:

    :flowerforyou: I think that I am getting over my "slug" phase, it's the only way I can describe it! Everything was such an effort, I was on the treadmill of getting up, going to work, back home, bed getting up, going to work, back home, bed. I've had no energy for anything. BUT I see a little light at the end of the tunnel, the days are getting longer, I'm not leaving work in daylight and although the weather has been nothing like spring, we have had a few sunny days which has helped.

    :tongue: Hormones still playing up, and work is very stressful at the moment, (stretching objectives no less - I don't want to be stretched I like my comfort zone!) but I feel better able to cope.

    :ohwell: :grumble: Need to lose even more weight now though as I've put on a few pounds and boy are they being stubborn, so back to all my friends for help and guidance on how to get back with the programme :bigsmile:

    I'll catch up with all your posts but just wanted to check back in with you all.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie just spotted that your lovely Jake has had an operation and is in hospital, hope all is well and he has a speedy recovery.

    Best wishes to all my old friends - and hello to the ones that don't know me.

    Viv xx
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Jodios - thank you so much for the info on the yoga chair! This is wonderful news! I am going to ask my YMCA if they
    Have these chairs for us with mobility issues. Am I correct to assume that yoga helps on to become more flexible?
    Well maybe in one or more ways! Lol

    Sue in SD - thanks for that ray of hope about the knee replacements!
    I guess that I don't have full flexibility? There is no way to kneel on knee replacements, at least for me!

    If words or your names are spelled wrong, it's because I am on my phone and the darn spell
    Check has a mind of its own.

    Cheryl, ah yes the great knowledge of being an older mom! Mine are getting a little sassy
    During that time of the month. They tell DH and I that we are "too old " to go out and have fun!
    This August, I will have 2 high school students! Boy , the years have flown by!

    Liz, you were much younger than I when I had my girls! I only met my DH at 35 and then had my first at 39!!! My second 41!
    Had no problems getting pregnant. I remind them that they are a gift from God, and we are very blessed to have them!

    Here's to a great Tuesday and day light savings starting on Sunday!
    Big hugs to all my vit F friends!
    LindaS aka Sundanceb
  • lauriebelle2
    Hi. I joined a while ago, but didn't follow through on anything. I'm back and ready to try again. I joined a gym and my goals at the gym were: 1) Eat more fruit, 2) Drink more water, and 3) Work out at least 3 times this week. I have quite a bit of weight to lose, over 100 lbs., so will need lots of encouragement here.
    Laurie from Michigan