McMomsie Member


  • It seems like very little working out. I am doing 30 Day Shred level 3 right now. But only as a filler workout. Like if i cant make it to the gym for my 5 km run, or spin class or Muscle Pump/Group Power. To achieve dropping 10 lbs, i personally have to really watch my calories, and do a definate amount of exercise. I just…
  • I laughed like crazy when i read this one! I did this once to a bff, about her husband... message meant for my husband. whoops!!!
  • I have this problem too. (!!) i attribute it to the fact that im ingesting less fatty foods. Im eating strickly clean, and maybe my body doesnt have the "fats/oil" it relied on before. fiber supplements had no effect on me. i drink a bottle of magnesium citrate once a week when im having trouble. works like a CHARM. I also…
  • MY SUGESTION: IUD I have a bad time with emotional mood swings and weight gain on any hormone replica birthcontrol out there. I recently had an IUD inserted. Inter Uterine Device. Fexi-t, non hormonal. ( this is different form Mirena as there are NO hormones at all. jus tthe plastic flexi t, and a copper coil. Once its in,…