Girls - Contraception Help?



  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,170 Member
    as long as you keep your diet the same, it isnt going to make you put on weight
    the pill or any form of contraception cant make you put on weight on its own
    what it does is changes your hormones which makes you crave things
    you just have to be smart about it
  • ShannanRenae
    ShannanRenae Posts: 130
  • Copper T IUDs come in small enough sizes for women who have not had children and its completely hormone free! The obgyn just puts it in and you are good for 5 years. and there's no waiting time (like estrogen methods) to start trying to get pregnant if/when you want. The only side effect of the copper t is the possibility of longer/heavier periods.
    So pretty much your options for birth control w/o hormones are: copper t, condoms, cervical cap, and diaphram
    Hormone options are: pill, pill w/o estrogen, patch, ring, impant, Mirena, Depo

    If you and your hubby don't want children now, but wouldn't be opposed to a 'surprise' perhaps withdrawal or rhythm method might be best for you!
  • i-pull-out-jpg.gif&sa=X&ei=TaCiT8yvKqSy6QG8w_DuCA&ved=0CAwQ8wc&usg=AFQjCNG6eIoMENyQCdleF2ufEHstLywGag

    really though

    that is a link for shows all the non hormonal ways to protect yourself....hormonal birth controls are what causes you to gain the weight....I have the says it can increase your monthly gift from the devil...but I haven't had one in months...and no I am not knocked up. :wink:
  • leesee88
    leesee88 Posts: 54 Member
    I just switched from the pill to Nuvaring 3 weeks ago. I wanted to see if my birth control was the cause of my plateau.
    I gained 3 pounds, mostly because i suddenly feel like a bottomless pit and i keep shoving food in my mouth. I never feel satisfied even if i eat until my stomach hurts. I googled it, and some other women experienced these symptoms.

    As for the pill, ive been on it for 11 years. Most recently i was on generic Yaz. Sure I was gaining weight the whole time, but i was not caring about healthy eating or exercise. The last 16 months of a healthy lifestlye have allowed me to drop 45 lbs, but i have plateaud. I do not know if this is because of the hormones in the pill, or any of the other millions of factors that that cause a plateau!

    Bottom line is, you have to experiment with yourself. Talk to your doctor. There is no correct answer :-/
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    I am currently on tri-lo sprintec. I've been on pills since I can remember. I too get terrible migraines with hi-dosed pills, but the tri-lo sprintec works great. When I was on Seasonale, I had a lot of complications (weight gain, non-stop periods, etc). Now I'm fine. I think every body is different with it's response, so your doctor would have the best advice. :)
  • TeraJo
    TeraJo Posts: 58 Member
    I got the mirena placed about 3 weeks ago, and I have not had any children previously. I will admit, placement hurt. But I was still able to drive to work afterwards. Granted, I didn't stay at work all day because the pain was just too much. But after that initial first day the pain greatly subsided. There was spotting for the first couple weeks but it is all clear now. I just love that this is something I can rely on for 5 years.

    Talk to your doctor. You have options. Good luck!!
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    This is something that you really need to discuss with your doctor. Only h/she can tell you what would be best for you contraception wise.
  • mrs_madame
    mrs_madame Posts: 48 Member
    Bumping to read later!

    The only pill I've ever not had a problem with was ortho lo. I tried the shot once (never. again.) and Nuvaring. I liked Nuvaring the first time around, very little side effects and perfect for someone as forgetful as me. I was off of it for a while and the next time I tried I had some awful headaches and killer cramps, so I've stopped using it. I've heard many many women love it though. Considering going back to ortho lo when I have a reason to start taking something again.
  • merie08
    merie08 Posts: 114 Member
    I have tried the pill, the depo, nuvaring, and am currently using the mirena. I would have to say my favorite is the mirena because all three of the previous ones made me moody, bloated, and I gained weight with all of them except with mirena(Ive actually lost 15 lbs since having it put in 2 months ago). plus, all three of the previous ones have scary side effects and are constantly on commercials having charges pressed against them for blood clots,stroke,heart attack, and other stuff.But not the mirena, the only slightly scary side effect is that it could get stuck in your uterus, but the chances of that are highly unlikely, especially if you have a exprienced doctor place it. and you dont have to remember to take a pill or anything for 5 years:)
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    I've been on pretty much every pill under the sun from 16 to 26, and didn't have much luck with the side effects - especially with the low dosage pills. I got a Mirena about 2 years ago and loved it until about 9 months ago when my acne started flaring up and got progressively worse from there. I got back on a mini-pill in combination with the IUD (because who wants to give up idiot proof birth control??) and the acne got better for about a month and then got bad again as soon as I got to the placebo pills.

    Then I cut dairy out and the acne went away. I miss dairy, but I love having clear skin and my Mirena at the same time. It was a $20 copay on my insurance and I don't have to worry about birth control for another 3 years. Win.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    I'm on Depo Provera and have had no issues regarding weight with it. Was also on Triceclyn - low (sp?) gained weight with that, though I also ate like crap.
  • GinaKurtz
    GinaKurtz Posts: 228 Member
    I have tried multiple methods of contraception and will share what I've experienced & know with you. Remember, as others have stated, that every body is different and reacts differently. That being said, here's what I experienced....and we've been married for 8 years this past March & are hoping to start a family later this year or next year. We have no kids yet so it seems to have worked for us....

    I was on the pill prior to the wedding. I noticed that I put on a few pounds (10-15) when I started it.
    I tried the patch (can't remember the name) & noticed that I put on another 10 or so.
    I switched to Jolessa (generic for Seasonale) & my weight stayed the same & I couldn't lose any no matter how hard I tried.
    We decided (for my health) to quit pills...after years of putting hormones into my body...that was about a year & a half ago.
    Now, we use VCF (vaginal contraceptive film) that you can buy at any drug store. We have also used other female contraceptives as well as condoms. For us and for my was worth the change. I dropped the weight (except for what I'd still like to lose) pretty quickly after I went off of the pill.

    Again, this is just my personal experience. You might want to ask your doctor for their opinion as well. Hope that helps! Good luck and congratulations on your upcoming wedding! :flowerforyou:
  • skendrick0601
    skendrick0601 Posts: 58 Member
    I was on the pill forever, so didn't know if I had gained weight when I went on as I was like 17. I got the Mirena IUD a few yrs ago, and I did drop 10 lb in the month after I got it put in, so apparently I was carrying some weight from the Pill?

    I got the IUD because I was hoping for no periods--90% of women stop periods altogether, though I seem to be in the unlucky 10%. My periods are really light, no cramps, like when I was on the pill. Overall I like the Mirena, statistically it's more effective even than getting your tubes tied, and I sure like those odds! One note, some providers won't put them into women who haven't already had kids--the cervix is tighter and can make placement hard, which is probably why I thought it hurt like a bizatch.

    Another thought, if you're planning on having kids soon you might not want the Mirena--to me it's not worth the pain of insertion (it was pretty awful) if you're not going to leave it in for 5 yrs. Some of the pain might be because I don't have kids--my sister is on her 2nd Mirena, she said the insertion wasn't painful at all, but she has 4 kiddoes, so my cervix is probably a lot wussier than hers.

    Totally agree! I couldn't take the pill due to migraine,/blood pressure/weight gain issues. The Mirena works for me. I had the 1st one for 5 years and loved it so much that I just got the 2nd one done (The one I have lasts 5 years). Insertion sucked. Removal wasn't so bad. I would definintely talk to your doctor since you are young and family planning will be an important factor.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    My personal experiences:

    I went on the depo shot in college. Gained 20 lbs. NEVER, EVER again would i go on it or recommend it to anyone.

    I was on the pill for 10 yrs on and off. It did make me gain weight. About 10 lbs. It just made me very hungry.

    I went on paragard (non hormonal IUD) last year and i LOVE it. No weight gain, no hormones. But for this option i think it depends on if you ever want to have kids. If you want to have them in the near future (2 yrs or less maybe?), i wouldnt think its a good option. My dr. said that they at least like a 2 yr commitment to it. I have had 2 kids within 16 months so it was a good option for me.

    Good luck.
  • jules1202
    jules1202 Posts: 65
    I have used a number of different methods of BC over the years including the pill and Mirena. After Mirena I was done with hormones so on the advice of some wise women I know who had BTDT I read the book Taking Charge of Your Fertiliy which covers everything from how stuff works (so much I wish I had known years ago), how to get pregnant, and how NOT to get pregnant. I would encourage any women to read it because its eye opening in a good way.:bigsmile: I used the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) for years, along with condoms and/or spermicide during fertile times and loved it and didn't have a problem. Lot s of people who don't know any better think FAM isn't effective but if they researched they would find thats not true. I am part of an online forum with a lot of women who use FAM with no issue (a few who plan to never have kids ever and it works for them). Some use FAM for religious reasons but many of us just hate hormones!! :sick:

    Check out the book if you are interested (there is also a website and a forum with more info you check out - )
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    It had to be a guy who said "pull out" ha ha - They are overly confident but it does not work. It made me a mother 13 yrs ago.

    After my girl was born I got the IUD - It hurts like hell but well worth it. The replacement after the 4-5 yrs - The take out & put in -in one visit takes you half way to hell and back -but worth it! - had it for about 9 yrs

    Downside for me: you never know when your period will come; first, mid or end of the month. But your body will most likely retain water/feel different 2-3 days prior.

    My doctor does not give it to women who have not had kids, he says women may not have kids after. I don't think I would try the pill for fear of weight gain.
  • McMomsie
    McMomsie Posts: 4 Member
    I have a bad time with emotional mood swings and weight gain on any hormone replica birthcontrol out there.
    I recently had an IUD inserted. Inter Uterine Device. Fexi-t, non hormonal. ( this is different form Mirena as there are NO hormones at all. jus tthe plastic flexi t, and a copper coil. Once its in, you cant see it, or feel it.
    Sounds scary, and I WAS scared, but i TOO needed to get off the hormones. Not only for my emotional sake, but long term studies show scary stuff about synthetic hormones. thats a whole other post though.
    So, It was mildly painful getting it insterted. minimal to no cramping afterward. NO monthly cramping, no spotting, (however this was the norm for me prior to the IUD also) but a definate INCREASE in menstral flow. my period was light and about 4 days prior, now it is HEAVY and 7 days for sure. TMI alert.. durring the 2 heavy days i need a super tampon and a pad. But its only 2 days, and the trade off seems worth it to me.

    Good for 5 YEARS, can be removed by DR. at any time before the 5 yrs if you want to conceive, and its imediate... no waiting for the pill to "wear off" .
    I like it because, it doesnt mess with my own hormones, I dont have to remember to take anything on the daily/weekly/monthly, and its as effective as getting my husband a vasectomy without the permanancy. 2 thumbs up from me!
  • gemini0689
    gemini0689 Posts: 28
    I got the depo shot and gained 30lbs in 2 months. I would not recommend it if u are already trying to lose or maintain your weight. Although it was convienent, I had to get off of that and get on the pill.

    I havent had any freakish weight gain since ive been on the pill.
  • katieoliveb
    katieoliveb Posts: 1 Member
    I was on tri-cyclen lo for a year and gained about 15 pounds, but I realized this and managed to lose 20 while still taking it. I recently switched to alesse and have noticed an increased appetite, but nothing I haven't been able to control. My weight spiked up again over the winter but I've had no trouble losing weight on either pill. I think it's all in how well you are able to control your appetite and avoid gaining water weight.