Girls - Contraception Help?

Hi everyone,

So i need to start some form of contraception ready for when i get married in September, and i've worked SO hard to lose all this weight, I couldn't bear to put it all back on due to the pill.

Does anyone have any good advice of options? FYI i can't go on anything high oestrogen (sp?) due to migrane problems.

Thank you!


  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    Every woman is differant. Some are effected by hormones badly, and others notice no change.
    Here are my experiences

    Depo- Got this in high school, first form of birth control. gained 30 pounds in 3 months, continued to gain for another 2-3 months after my last dose.
    Pill- Not too bad of weight gain on this. I did get more frequent headaches.
    Mirena- got this after my son was born. Gained 45 pounds in about 4 months. Started getting painful ovarian cysts. My life kinda seemed fuzzy. The day I got it removed I said something along the lines of feeling like a fog had lifted.

    natural family planning works best for us. We track my cycle, don't have sex around the times I'm most fertile, or use a condom. Unfortunatly my fiance sucks, and doesn't want to do that way anymore, he doesn't trust himself to suck it up and use a condom.

    I'm currently on the pill Jolessa. i believe its the generic for Seasonelle So far so good, not noticing any changes. I've steadily lost weight the past couple weeks, but I've only been on the pill 3 weeks so far. Too soon to tell.
  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So i need to start some form of contraception ready for when i get married in September, and i've worked SO hard to lose all this weight, I couldn't bear to put it all back on due to the pill.

    Does anyone have any good advice of options? FYI i can't go on anything high oestrogen (sp?) due to migrane problems.

    Thank you!

    I had a copper IUD for 7 years and I swear by it....The only symptom was a heavier period. I highly recommend it, and it's easy to remove :)
  • SnookiBaby92

    Im currently using the rod, unsure if I had a weight gain or nt but had it in for last 6 months and I am still contuing to lose weight - only bad side affect I know off myself is the awkward periods - sometimes I have a period for 3 weeks but in that 3 weeks will bleed 1-2 days, but everyone is different xx
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I use LoEstrin 24 FE and as far as I know, I haven't gained any weight while on it... and the only real side affect is water weight gain.

    I also lost weight with it pretty easily too.
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    I'm on the pill right now (Microgestin 1/20).
    I haven't gained any weight at all and it's not affecting my weightloss either.
    Only side effects I've had is I was naseous for the first few weeks I was on it and my boobs grew a cup size.... >_>
    Oh yeah, and no babies!
  • Mezzle13
    Mezzle13 Posts: 32 Member
    When on my previous pills I always put on weight, particularly on my boobs which would explode in size... might be great for some people but I hated it! I am now on an progestogen-only Pill called Cerazette after having discussed my fears at the family planning clinic, for me its great as I have not gained any weight. The only thing you have to be aware of is that you have to take it at the same time every day and if you forget you HAVE to use another form of contraception.

    Anyway here is a link if you want to know more...
  • Mezzle13
    Mezzle13 Posts: 32 Member
    Forgot to add... speak to your doctor or family planning clinic, they will be able to provide you with options to suit you. With the pill they will usually put you on a 3 month trial and you have to go back to get more. If you aren't happy with it then you can talk to them again.
  • mrs_kurz
    mrs_kurz Posts: 185 Member
    Forgot to add... speak to your doctor or family planning clinic, they will be able to provide you with options to suit you. With the pill they will usually put you on a 3 month trial and you have to go back to get more. If you aren't happy with it then you can talk to them again.

    Thanks for this, yeah I just want to go prepared with options!
  • jburls23
    jburls23 Posts: 22
    Hi there! I'm on a generic version of Femcom Fe and absolutely love it... Periods are less, cleared up my skin, helped with my anemia, and NO weight gain. Seriously I rave to my friends about it, best one I've tried. :smile:
  • cobes24
    cobes24 Posts: 132 Member
    I was on the pill forever, so didn't know if I had gained weight when I went on as I was like 17. I got the Mirena IUD a few yrs ago, and I did drop 10 lb in the month after I got it put in, so apparently I was carrying some weight from the Pill?

    I got the IUD because I was hoping for no periods--90% of women stop periods altogether, though I seem to be in the unlucky 10%. My periods are really light, no cramps, like when I was on the pill. Overall I like the Mirena, statistically it's more effective even than getting your tubes tied, and I sure like those odds! One note, some providers won't put them into women who haven't already had kids--the cervix is tighter and can make placement hard, which is probably why I thought it hurt like a bizatch.

    Another thought, if you're planning on having kids soon you might not want the Mirena--to me it's not worth the pain of insertion (it was pretty awful) if you're not going to leave it in for 5 yrs. Some of the pain might be because I don't have kids--my sister is on her 2nd Mirena, she said the insertion wasn't painful at all, but she has 4 kiddoes, so my cervix is probably a lot wussier than hers.
  • oliviaboston
    oliviaboston Posts: 27 Member
    im personally on the implant, i didnt think it made me gain weight, but in a way it has increased my appetite, so if you can control your hunger it is quite good and you dont have to worry except for having to change it every couple of years. luckily i dont get periods when im on it, but my friend had cnostant periods for 2 months so had to go on the pill aswell:/ all to do with luck
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    I use the patch (Evra) and it's absolutely brilliant. You only change it once a week so not as much to remember as with the pill, it's low-level hormones (not sure about the makeup so you'd have to look that up) and hasn't given me any side effects whatsoever. Doctors here in the UK tend not to suggest it as it's more expensive for the NHS to give out, but when I've asked for it I've always had it.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    I have the implant. No side effects thus far, but I've only had it for a couple of weeks. I've been bleeding ever since and if it continues, the feminine product buying may get expensive, but otherwise, appetite is normal (if not less than before it), no acne, no mood swings.
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Nuvaring. about 5 lbs weight gainover the last several months. I still get worse headaches than I used to, and my cramps are still hanging around though not nearly as bad as they are when I am not on any birth control. Boobs got bigger adn was nauseated for the first month or so.
    I used to take the pill and that little generic guy was awesome. Not much weight gain, my cramps disappeared, no headaches, and my periods were nice and light. HOWEVER, my schedule is never the same from day to day so when I tried the pill again this time, I would miss just about every other day, which is terrible. I'll take the headaches that come with Nuvaring and only have to remember once a month to take it out and get a new one.

    There are so many different options that it's best to speak with your OBGYN. and if you have negative effects with a certain contraception there are always many more options and surely one would work for you if you are diligent in finding the right one
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I am currently on lo loestrin fe. I've been on it for a little bit over a year, and it didn't affected my weight.

    Two of my friends got pregnant on loestrin 24 fe, which is scary.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member

    No period, but you still get the bloating and hunger. Can't feel it, don't have to think about it. I didn't feel it when they put it in, but some people say that they almost pass out from pain.

    I would def recommend Mirena. Its my bestfriend.

    Oh, its low on the hormones and what not. I am breast feeding so I coudn't be on anything high estrogen. (High estrogen decreases milk production)
  • Bubbles_09
    Bubbles_09 Posts: 65 Member
    all birth controls pretty much have the same side effects but some people get them and some dont.. you can pretty much gain wieght on all types because it increases ur appetite but it depends on what you do with the hunger to say wether you wil gain or not..
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
    all birth controls pretty much have the same side effects but some people get them and some dont.. you can pretty much gain wieght on all types because it increases ur appetite but it depends on what you do with the hunger to say wether you wil gain or not..

    I'm with you...I have tried every kind of birth control there is and I could go on an on with random side effects that I have but all of them either stop my weight loss or help me gain more! I stay clear of them and am extremely careful I haven't been on the pill in almost 6 years now and I got pregnant twice becuase I wanted to and that's it.

    Also remember that weight gain isn't the only side effect really do your research as my experiences tell me that GP's don't really give a damn they just have an 8min slot to fit you in and want you out to meet their targets!
  • kaylz0106
    kaylz0106 Posts: 117 Member
