Having bathroom issues...



  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    Are you having at least 5-7 servings of fresh fruit and veggies everyday, as well as drinking at least 6-8 8oz glasses of water a day? But, avoid bananas...They actually make constipation worse.

    What I've noticed is that while many of us stay within our calorie range, few of us are eating enough fruits and veggies, myself included, some days!

    Also, walking, or most other cardio exercise (although I think walking works best!) is good too...It helps to get things moving in the intestines.

    I've tried Metmusil in the capsule form, and it worked for me! Maybe you could try this until your body catches up (or any other form of a fibre supplement).

    If you're doing all the above and still have the problem, then I would go to the doc.

    Hope this helps!
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    And on a strange note, walking into any shopping center makes me have to go bad!!!!!! So I highly recommend walking into a target or Walmart, don't buy anything, just look around get the urge and get out! Hahaha!
    It may be strictly phycosymatic for me, but works every time!

    OMG this always happens to me! As soon as I'm in a department store...I thought I was the only one with this problem!
  • McMomsie
    McMomsie Posts: 4 Member
    I have this problem too. (!!)
    i attribute it to the fact that im ingesting less fatty foods.
    Im eating strickly clean, and maybe my body doesnt have the "fats/oil" it relied on before.
    fiber supplements had no effect on me.
    i drink a bottle of magnesium citrate once a week when im having trouble. works like a CHARM.
    I also highly reccomend a vast increase in your water intake ( but it sounds like you are drinking more then enough)
    good luck.
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Are you having at least 5-7 servings of fresh fruit and veggies everyday, as well as drinking at least 6-8 8oz glasses of water a day? But, avoid bananas...They actually make constipation worse.

    Actually, Bananas are one of the few foods that help me go when I'm constipated. It really depends on the person. What triggers one person to constipation may trigger diarrhea in another. Even different forms of the same macronutrient can trigger a different response in the same person. While protein in the form of meat will constipate me, protein powders will help me go. If I'm really suffering, I can get one of those ready to drink NitroTech protein shakes that is like 50 grams of protein and you won't get me out of the bathroom for the rest of the day.

    16 years Certified Personal Trainer and Group Exercise Instructor
    9 years Certified Sports Nutritionist
    Bachelors in Exercise Physiology with a Minor in Nutritional Science
    ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Specialist
    NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    Do you feel constipated or just not having to go as often? If you are eating healthier and exercising more, perhaps your body is using more of the food your are consuming and having to expel less? Also, be careful with the laxatives. A gentle stool softener is much safer, taken every 12 hrs as needed.

    I agree.. too many laxatives and your body will become dependant on them.. Im not a huge fan of fiberous veggies.. I usually have one or 2 90 calorie fiber brownies or bars daily. ... or a cup of all bran cereal with almond milk... Sometimes if you are eating too much dairy , it will bind you as well. gl.
  • lulu386
    lulu386 Posts: 20
    I used to have that problem and I find that eating a serving of kale and apples a day helps A LOT
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    And on a strange note, walking into any shopping center makes me have to go bad!!!!!! So I highly recommend walking into a target or Walmart, don't buy anything, just look around get the urge and get out! Hahaha!
    It may be strictly phycosymatic for me, but works every time!

    OMG this always happens to me! As soon as I'm in a department store...I thought I was the only one with this problem!

    This happens to me too! I work at Walmart, but it doesn't happen when I'm working, only when shopping. It has to be psychological, but nice to know I'm not alone! Ha ha!
  • DrewMaxwell
    DrewMaxwell Posts: 269 Member
    The US RDA for fiber is between 28-34 (g)/day.

    Soluble fiber may improve cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Oats, dried beans, apples and oranges, are good sources of soluble fiber.

    Insoluble fiber can help prevent constipation. Vegetables, wheat bran, other whole grains, unsalted-nuts,seeds are good sources of insoluble fiber.
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    I would say be careful about the amount of animal protein in your diet. Meat ,especially red meat, is incredibly constipating. It takes quite a long time to go through everything. This is why so many Americans have chronic constipation. Too much meat.

    Not that this need be the reason in your case. Some people are just prone to constipation regardless of what they eat. It could also be something else. Good luck with it. :)
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Have you cut out caffeine? some peoples system gets used to the extra help it gets from there morning coffee so if they suddenly quit drinking it they have problems for a week or two.

    Try eating yogurt with probiotics (activia?) or taking a probiotic supplement if you're still having problems after your body has time to adjust to the new diet.