Sorry to be abrupt but if your pee is clear then you're drinking adequate amounts, you're drinking too much when you're pissing like a race horse!
Great story, thanks for sharing.
Some inspiring transformations here!
Have you been monitoring you calories? Has anything changed in your lifestyle?
You can't beat Oats or Muesli. If i'm in a rush some fruit! I put some strawberry whey in with my oats !
Lean Poultry - Chicken, Turkey Red Meat- Lean beef now and again to keep iron high Fish - Salmon, Mackeral, Tuna (less oil option) Dairy like Cottage Cheese - Non-Fat Milk Veggies - Kale, Broccoli and Spinach = super foods but variety is key! Fruits - An apple day .. . .. . Carbs - High GI - From fruits mostly also…
Hey dude, i've been their before, the amount of info out there is daunting at best >_<. no need to fret though. Trust me when i say you'll eventually work yourself into a program you enjoy just by getting a feel of what works for you. The main thing i can say is stick to your main compound movements for now like Squat,…
For now i'm hoping to get to 158 but this will mostly likely go up slowly!
Trying body weight exercises? It should start you off relatively cheap, all you need is chin-up bar. E.g Bod weight Squats Body weight press-ups Various crunches? If you're a beginner you want to focus on full-body weight training. If you can to invest in equipment you can get decent dumbbells second and the possibilities…
Sugar (or processed sugar) is OK within moderation? I don't see the problem, once it doesn't affect satiety and therefore weightless progression?