JDRGirl Member


  • Wow some awesome feedback guys thanks!! I do lift weights already, I do yoga, Pilates, hike, cardio videos..my problem is I don't get out to gyms much so essentially I'm doing my workout with 8lb and 10lb weights. I incorporate a lot of calisthenics as well, but sometimes I do feel all over the place
  • I had two unscheduled c-sections, also have a table over the scar, looking to lose 35 lbs right now. It seems so daunting. I just started walking/joggiing..more jogging than walking at this point. I have been doing a calorie blast yoga dvd at home, and I have already noticed that my strength and flexibility have increased.…
  • That pretty much describes my issues right now lol I do ten to stress easily over what i eat and how much..I find with MFP its more helping with my portion control, which is HUGE for me as I tend to over-indulge..especially if im sitting around not really doing anything..now Im trying to just go for water if i get a…
    in TDEE Comment by JDRGirl May 2014
  • Awesome, thanks guys :)..what if activity levels vary from day to day...I'm a stay at home mom, and I try to work in my home workouts, walks, jogs etc. on top of house work and cooking and whatnot, but some days are more hectic than others..am I better off sicking with the MFP, or TDEE...or should I do both…
    in TDEE Comment by JDRGirl May 2014
  • Thats my issue..being honest lol..its silly cause thats the whole point!! For example I made grilled chicken for dinner tonight and some peppers..and some left over crinkle cut fries..and then the ketchup issue ensued..now im way over my calorie goal!! Its like one step forward two steps back. But i still did much better…
  • I am DEFINITELY in need of accountability lol!!! A support group sounds like a great idea!
  • Thanks everyone, Great advise! Its nice to know Im not the only weak one out there :P Food is definitely a comfort thing for me, I just need to find other things to occupy my time..maybe Ill take up knitting :P
  • I was laying in bed feeling so guilty about the 3 mini (mini!) chocolate bars I had..then read this and felt better, so thanks :-)
  • Im not exactly sure of all the benefits, however, I have started squeezing one full lemon into a bottle of water every morning, and I love it. I have just generally started drinking more water period, and I dont know if its the lemons, or the water or the combination, but I just generally feel bettter, crave less, and when…