dixon04 Member


  • Side planks on the stairs!! Great idea!! I finished with day 4 today and my abs are feeling good!! Tighter and good, but those side planks have been kicking my butt!! Tomorrow I will try them on the stairs!! Everyone keep up the good work over the weekend, see ya on Monday!
  • Taking a picture is a good idea, I'll have to do that tonight!! After day two I am a little sore:cry: Welcome to everyone new!
  • I just finished day 2!! I wasn't able to hold the side planks and I am a little sore, but I got through them 2 days in a row!! Can't wait to see the results is a week!!
  • I did part of them over my lunch (along with 30min on the elip) I got through the planks and 50 ea of crunch and obliques and my abs are tired!!! I guess my abs are more out of shape than I thought :ohwell: I will do the rest tonight after work, hope I'm not too sore! I guess I will just have to work through it if I am!!
  • Hey does anyone have a tip for doing the side planks, my feet always want to slip! I am usually wearing tennis shoes and on carpet, with my feet stacked and my bottom foot always wants to slip out from under me, any ideas? Also which is better for doing the crunches-flat on the floor or on an exercise ball?
  • I am up for the challenge! I am also not sure that my abs will respond quickly and will probably never look like yours, but I need to get rid of my baby belly!! Are we doing these once a day? Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • make sure you are eating your exvercise calories or your body will go into "Starvation" mode and you won't loose the weight! Also beware of excersice burn out, you don't want to over due it and strain your body! Then you won't beable to exercise at all! Also just remember that weight loss is a marathon not a sprint! You…
  • If I flavor my water it seems like I drink a lot more!! I love the Crystal Light to go packets! They have several flavors and if I drink 4 water bottles of it a day thats only 40 calories and I think the benifits of the water out weighs the calories!
  • I am glad to hear that I am not the only one with this problem! I am always-every day-over on my protein! I eat healthy proteins like almonds, chicken and fish-the protein seems to keep me full longer. I try to eat the high protein diet to keep me from snacking. I was worried that this was counter productive! Created by…
  • Thats a good idea! I always go to the store with the best intentions, but maybe don't always follow throgh with them! Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • Better Late than never?!?!!? I would like to be in on the challenge! I need the motivation to make my next goal, which is 10 lbs by the 4th!! :flowerforyou: Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting