

  • Moving Comfort has a few bras that have extended cup size and they work great! Also, lulullemon's tata tamer bra is fantastic. Both are a bit pricey, but well worth it!
  • Yes, of course. Those foods have calories, so they count toward your calorie total (and for me, if I didn't count fruits/veg I'd be waaaaaaaay under my calorie target, since that is mostly what I eat in a day). Weight watchers doesn't count (most) raw veg and fruit, but they take that into account (one assumes) with the…
  • I don't think so. The exercise i found listed for it on MFP Kickboxing (incl. Turbo Kick) says I would burn (at 162, important since so much of this is weight dependent) 554 for 45 minutes. The suggestion to get/check a HRM is a good one, too!
  • I think you can only get Bob's Workout though his website (if you buy the full package), but you might be able to find it somewhere used. I think you only need the strength, cardio, and yoga to do the full routine. Good luck with the Shred!
  • Which one does she have? I used to do P90, its a good workout! The Inside Out Yoga one is a lot like the power yoga in P90 (just obviously longer). Bob's Workout is probably the hardest of the 4, followed by The Cardio and then the Strength Training. I'm sure you'll be able to do it, I was just saying it's a great (and…
  • It is a seriously intense workout. I workout 6-7 days a week: running, spinning, bootcamp and weight lifting and these DVDs kick my butt!