bitter_sentiment Member


  • go big or go home. my tattoo artist suggested for my first tattoo to go bigger than i originally visioned and i'm so glad i did, became a half backpiece. so i'd say go bigger and get more detail. and make sure you go to a good artist. and never ever pick something off the wall!
  • there are so many of the grunters dropping weights at my gym!! they drive me insane! just for the record boys, us girls work just as hard while we're at the gym but you don't see us grunting and making a big deal out of it. toughen and shut up and stop drawing attention to yourselves!
  • bachelor of visual arts at acarts tafe....i'm so swamped with study though, 7subjects in one semester is just ridiculous. anyone else struggling to balance work, study, eating right and a social life?
  • adelaide =]
  • i've always wondered the same as well! everyone says that assuming you don't have more than 5000calories you shouldn't put on weight...but i always put on at least 0.5-1kg after a binge when i weigh myself the next day.
  • thanks everyone, yeh i normally only weigh myself once a day every couple of days but today the only reason i weighed numerous times was because i couldn't believe the numbers haha
  • i am aware of this, but i was confused because i deffinitley didn't drink 1.5kg worth of water after my workout (i hadn't eaten before either weigh ins). i guess i'll see what i weigh in at tomorrow morning. it's just crazy your weight can fluctuate by 2+kg
  • this is me all the time! it's so annoying because you think to yourself, if you stuck to your goals and didn't binge imagine how skinny you would be by now! but it's so hard to stop...i did well, only binged once in a week but now i'm back to almost every 3rd day i go downhill. i'm also at a loss as how to stick to…
  • great job! i hope i'll be able to do the same...currently i keep sabotaging myself. i can't get past 4 days without overeating =[ what have you been doing differently?
  • thankyou everyone so much for your support and advice! i really appreciate it!
  • thankyou, and i agree. and i've been looking into overeating anonymous but they're all held in churches and i'm not sure how i'd feel about that. i think i'd feel even more uncomfortable and out of place because i'm not religious, on top of already being nervous about attending and talking about my overeating to a group of…
  • that is me down to a tee, not wanting people to see you eating. trying to sneak eat food etc. and eating to the point of feeling sick. thanks for the advice, hopefully i'll be able to find someone helpful =]
  • well according to mfp it's technically still 1400 but i actually eat that plus another 500, so pretty much 2,000 to compensate for the exercise...if that makes sense. and i'm not hungry when i binge usually, today i wasn't. i just crave the sweetness and the taste i think. sometimes i try and have an orange to get the…
  • yeh i know it'll be tough but i'm so sick of this, i've struggled with it for so long i just want to get over it. who exactly do you search for? like do you look for psychologists or food nutrionists or general doctor?
  • height: 172cm age: 22 weight: 72kg today from logging what i've had MFP approximates about 3,000calories in total, i did do body combat this morning which burnt around 550calories. but my recommended daily goal is only 1,400. and i workout almost every day and i struggle to loose weight so i know it's my eating that is the…
  • it starts with nutella and i'm not sure how much i eat, half a spoon turns into 2 spoons etc. even once it stops tasting good i find it hard to stop. then i'll have raisn toast with too much margarine after and it usually ends up being 2-4 pieces. so probably about 1000calories in one sitting. but then it throws off my…
  • my first one, gun backpiece my second one, phoenix rib/side piece
  • thanks everyone! it's good to get some feedback, everyone says something different. i guess the only way is to try resting and see what my body responds best to =]
  • it's so hard to tell myself i purposly won't go to the gym tomorrow...especially because i struggle to much with my diet i feel like if i don't go to the gym i'll put on weight... but a sleep in will be nice...i'll give it a try haha =]
  • sooo inpsirational!! great job!
  • This is pretty much me the past week. I was doing great, feeling good, then one day I came home and was really hungry and ended up binging. Then the next day I ended up doing the same and then also felt horrible and like ****. It is the worst feeling which is why I can't understand why I struggle so much to stop doing it.…
  • i would deffinitley do that if i lived by myself but my parents do the shopping and because others in my family still eat that stuff there's constantly temptation in the house. makes it so difficult! especially because there's no way they'd give up that food...not my sister anyways
  • i also finding constantly having a cup of green tea to sip on is great as it fills you up and gives you something to do instead of binging on food =]
  • this is incredible!! so inspirational!! i hope i can make such an amazing transformation as well!
  • 22 and 172cm currently 72.8kg (160lbs) i'm hoping to loose about 13kg (29lbs) and get down to 60kg (132lbs)
  • this sounds just like me! sugar cravings are what i find the hardest to cope with and not give in to! i'm recently turned 22, but i'm 172cm and 72kg (160lbs) wanting to get to 60kg (132lbs). keen to help each other out!
  • Thanks everyone for all the supportive feedback! I'll deffinitley see if I can find that book 'The Beck diet solution'. I've been trying to work out why I've been binging. I know I'm not hungry when I do. I think it's almost my way of procrastinating. I'm currently studying and have such a high workload it just gets…