did i actually loose weight or did the scales stuff up?

so this morning i weighed myself and i was 74.5kg. then i went to the gym and ran and did body attack for 2hours and when i came home i weighed 71.9kg which is 2.6kg lost!

i was really excited, later in the morning i went for an hour walk with my friend, weighed myself again when i got home just to check but this time i was 73.4kg which is +1.5kg.

so did i actually loose 2.6kg to start off with or was it the scales stuffing up? after a workout is it possible to temporarily loose that much weight?

i'm not sure what i lost to explain such a high number.

any comments would be appreciated!


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Our body weight fluctuates often throughout the day. Weigh yourself once a week.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    The scale if probably accurate, your weight is always going to fluctuate through the day as you add in food and liquid, excrete liquid and solids, sweat out liquid etc.
    Add in your regular daily activities, the influence of hormones etc and weighing multiple times a day is just a recipe for confusion!

    I think the only way to see if you are actually "losing weight" is to weight in daily or weekly, chart those numbers and look for trends after a month or two.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It's called water, you sweat when you work out.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    This happens to me when I work out. I like to see the difference and estimate what I could weigh actually the next day. It keeps me in check with my body or at least I think so. Weight does seem to fluctuate throughout the day. I usually weigh myself in the morning before eating or drinking to get a more accurate reading but I only count it on here once a week.
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    You can weigh yourself daily or weekly, but if you do daily it should be at the same time and under the same conditions - ie, first thing in the morning, after you've peed, naked, on the same scale. You went to the gym and burned a tiny, tiny amount of fat, probably not even enough to register on your scale. What you DID do was sweat. Maybe you even went to the bathroom. Changes in hydration and the amount of food in your gut cause dramatic weight fluctuation.
  • bitter_sentiment
    bitter_sentiment Posts: 34 Member
    It's called water, you sweat when you work out.

    i am aware of this, but i was confused because i deffinitley didn't drink 1.5kg worth of water after my workout (i hadn't eaten before either weigh ins).

    i guess i'll see what i weigh in at tomorrow morning. it's just crazy your weight can fluctuate by 2+kg
  • melodiclyrics
    melodiclyrics Posts: 82 Member
    If you're going to weigh yourself more than once a week, it's important to do it at the same time every day for consistency's sake. Usually right after you get up in the morning is a good time, but I wouldn't weigh more than once a day, because as other people have pointed out, our weight fluctuates throughout the day.
  • dvisser1
    dvisser1 Posts: 788 Member
    Weighing yourself multiple times a day is going to drive you crazy with how much it varies.

    As for 2.6kg loss after a workout...it's possible to lose a good amount of weight due to sweating off a lot of water. 2.6 kg purely in water would be 2.7 L of water. That sounds like a lot, but not completely out of the question given possibly other factors (possible BM you didn't mention, reporting tolerances on your scale, etc.). If you really doubt the your scale is working properly, does your gym have a scale? Doubt they would match, but you could compare for a week or two to get an idea if your scale is broken or not.

    I would recommend weighing yourself no more than once a day (a couple times a week is really plenty) and do so at the same time / condition each time. I chose first thing in the morning after my daily shower for myself.
  • jaydin85
    jaydin85 Posts: 25
    The best time to weigh yourself is first thing in the morning... your weight fluctuates through the day and this is when it is the most correct. Try to stick to mornings every weigh in! Once a week is recommended or every 3-4 days .... either way give it a week reweigh and results should be true...
  • bitter_sentiment
    bitter_sentiment Posts: 34 Member
    thanks everyone,

    yeh i normally only weigh myself once a day every couple of days but today the only reason i weighed numerous times was because i couldn't believe the numbers haha